I got cucked

A nigger neigbor twice as large as me threatened me, and I backed down, without him even having to hit me. This the moment of great shame. I did not want to die though.
How to build up courage for fight, user? I am a typical whitey onionboy physically. Used to go to gym but stopped. Should I do it again? But physical strength alone doesnt mean courage

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also I know somebody will bring this picture about crying guy writing on Jow Forums. That is true in this situation.

fuck his son

now that you showed fear your situation is going to deteriorate

Pack and move to a better neighborhood.

Fuck that. An ass whipping is temporary. Being a coward is forerever.

It's doesn't matter if you aren't the Great White at least show that you swim OP.

You start by leaving here and getting Jow Forums. You knew you would lose so you backed down.

It isn't courage you need, it is to change that basic dynamic. You need to be more capable. You need to start with getting in shape and getting some fighting training.

You should have already.

take trenbolone go to gym and blow up in muscle size.

Should have told him to do it.
Break his parole and go back to jail that is.

acquire gun

crack or pcp

>just wait until he isn't looking down the road

Wrench back of head works everytime

Kill him.

Op you should have called him a nigger and told him if he touches you the police will be on their way.
>pic related

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You did good user. Taking fights you cant win isn't smart. However you should get buff so people can't threaten you so easily

if this aint the most cracker shit ever. A real man, no matter their race wouldve fought. Get their ass whooped, but still have their dignity. user you are a gigantic pussy for backing down then asking Jow Forums to help you. kys cracker.

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Having returned home I did think that if I let him hit me i would be able to go to police and blah blah. But that also needs courage. Fuck.
I am a shame to my whole fucking family line. I'm planning to hit gym then after having built up some str and end to go to some self-defence classes\obtain a firearm (legally)
But i wouldnt have ended in this disgusting globform if I had any willpower dammit

The law. Fighting back does not always mean a physical fight. If you know your are being threatened and expect escalation there are steps equal honorable and intelligent you can take, call the police, contact a lawyer and ask if 5here is anything you can do to initiate a process some legal perimeter restrictions...

Physical fights can escalate very quickly because usually both parties involved can't think past that they need to continue , some give in and also get injured ether way it is a great risk and should only be done in absolute defense emergencies! Do not let the foolish ego prevail, support your intelligent ego! Not only for your sake but your opponents sake aswell!

Just fucking shoot him stupid fuck.

I did not ask Jow Forums to help me. Moreover, you are right. I am shame personified. Fuck it.

i got a two step plan to help you
>get a gun
>shoot the nigger.

physical strength doesn't mean shit if you don't know how to use it

Nigger and if you touch me the police will be on there way.

You should have let him punch you and then done nothing beyond defensive postures. Then you could call the cops, get him arrested for assault, and laugh all the way to the bank as his life is ruined AND he has to pay you money for medical and emotional damages

the problem is I dont want medical damages and to end up in fucking hospital

>thinking you need strength to take a nigger down
If you think for even a second that niggers are as capable of being savage vicious monsters as whites, then you haven’t been paying attention to your own history
Do you think the hundreds of thousands of men who fought and fucked their way all over the world and created you, wants to watch their offspring cuck out to a subhuman? Don’t do it for yourself, do it for all the men who died to give you the world currently being taken from you

good, you should do those things regardless

>"Hey, can I borrow your lawnmower?"
>"Hehe, yeah..."

Muscle doesnt mean shit if you dont know how to fight. I had a skinny crazy friend who was harassed by a 6'2 120 KG metalhead. They fought and after the fight my friend had his blood all over him. The guys face was just a bloody mess and half his ear was missing.

>niggers paying billa

Yeah, nice dream. Right there with the idea that the black dude would have said you called him a nigger and it'll all be forgot when the next news cycle comes through

>a fucking leaf

I guess it's normal because you're white, it's your genes that are getting more and more comfortable and queer. What would your ancestors say? They would be ashamed of a brand like you

Buy a gun

wtf OP, learn to stand up for yourself I thought you burgers had this „dont fuck with me“ attitude

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Nigs are all bark and no bite.

Bear spray my dude. Its a little late, but if u felt fear he was going to attack, u blast with the spray. He will get the message. You do what you must.

Go to an MMA gym and if possible do that and Boxing. It will help you build confidence to fight while providing you with the skills to do so.

Now, if you feel your life is in danger don't be an idiot. Avoid fighting at all costs, but if it is truly unavoidable, you make sure you strike him first with total and utter brutality, make sure he is incapacitated(without killing or seriously injuring him).

Try to apologize to the man. Even if you feel like a pussy for it, it behooves you to have a cordial relationship with neighbors especially if they're the type that like to cause trouble.

Just emmitt till his ass, I'll give you my cotton gin fan.

this op, you know what to do

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Fighting is hard work. Bear spray is 50$. You can use it several times.

Call the cops, say you "saw a shady looking person of color skulking around the neighborhood."

He may have had a weapon...

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Uh dude.
You can win even standing your ground, calling the cops on him for touching you and you just wait until they get there. Then he goes to jail (because he is black he will have prior convictions) and you win. No more black neighbour. Just get hit next time candy ass.

you can take the fighter's path, and I'd recommend it as best, but its not without drawbacks. After a year or 2 of getting fit and able to fight by experiencing fighting, you don't have to back down in a confrontation. you are now more likely to get into real fights which have consequences : you can get hurt. You can hurt them and someone gets it on camera. If you are filmed punching a nigger then the kikes will send u to prison. Wars : subhumans love fighting wars. If u humiliate someone in a confrontation, they may try to get even, i.e. attack u behind one day.
Its a slippery slope, the more you fight, the more you fight, and each fight is a risk. Still you will have more alpha feels and less coward feels, so overall its better.

Being a coward all your life is safer and more sensible, in a big world there's always somewhere to run, there's always some other hot woman to fuck. You won't get physically hurt as much, and u won't risk going to prison. But the humiliation feels suck hard, and in a way can do more damage than fights or prison. Most kikes are physical cowards and they have ended up ruling the world.

what the fuck is wrong with you faggot? you stand up to him even if it means you die that day. haven't you ever heard "better to die on your feet than to live on your knees" you dumb faggot? you're supposed to live life with no regrets.

now, even if you somehow beat his ass later, that moment of you getting cucked by him will NEVER leave you. a piece of your soul was taken today.

I live in a bad neigbourhood. There were shootings before, but I didn't think this primal violence will touch me in any way.

This is a sound advice.

And this is the sound advice too.
I need to get Jow Forums
Maybe this is the point, as in through shame build willpower to go to fucking gym every day

Who gives a fuck. My fists are weapons. I'm from the old thought where disrespectful shits were fair game.

I heard bear spray is more effective than pepper spray.

I can feel your weight behind the monitor.

No you did the correct thing. If you took his bait and replied with violence, things would be a lot worse for you than a bruised ego.Think hate crime etc.
Remember,with the Negro you are dealing with a protected species. Choose your battles and when to fight. That is the real power.
This is not a hill worth dying on. Just get creative with your revenge plan.

spoken like a true gangu subhuman streetshitter

Lol I love Regards like you.
I have a criminal record for assault.
If I touch anyone anymore I get locked up for a few years.

You live in la la land user.

No, when he calls the police he mentions the skulking man may have had a weapon. They prioritize response based on this and will come in hot. He probably did anyway...

OP give us the greentext on how it went down
don't spare any details

Some bitter guys will not "let it go" if you stand up and beat them. They will fight dirty later with a weapon while your back is turned. They might target your house, cars and family. They could even come back with a gun. "Fair fights" is not a valid concept to bullies, that's why they go after soft targets.

this is cope. a 5'9 built mma fighter will still get his ass kicked by a 6'3 out of shape guy 9 out of 10 times

Shoot him

Fuck off to Jow Forums... make sure you stop by Jow Forums before you have your next nigger encounter.

This.Most black men are down low niggas.Pimp his wife's son out to the neighborhood and use the money made to start a heroin trade,then get your neighbor hooked on the stuff resulting in him begging to sick your cock for a fix.This is the tire way of the white man.

>How to build up courage for fight, user?
Learn how to

>solving problems by fighting
If he gets violent call the cops and they will aerate a violent out of control pavement ape unable to control himself and follow directions like they do literally nightly.

I have felony convictions aggravated battery and second degrew battery from someone putting Xanax in my drink then provoking me with a few of their friends.

I also got charged with battery on the police officers cuz two of them got in the middle of it until the third tazed me.

Wok3 up after 4 days or so and you know what the people around me said? He swims.

point is to be able to beat their ass if they initiate conflict, they will fuck off, out of heat of the moment confrontation there is no initiative for retaliation, a lost fight is lost until another situation that brings a fight.

don't know what you're smoking, 240 pounds of muscle 50 pounds of fat would annihalate some 200 pound lanklet

force output would not be close.

assuming this isn't degeneralization/agitprop
this is what you can do
>open carry everywhere
>go lift and become a confident SOB again
you didn't give us further information
for all we know, backing down may have been the best option
Can't help you more than that if you don't give us more

tl;dr buy a gun faggot

You say you live in a bad neighborhood so I would advise trying to be cordial to everyone you have to interact with, but try your best to avoid fighting. I train in MMA and Boxing, wrestled in high school, I am buff, good shape, etc and even I still get afraid of fighting. It doesn't make you a pussy to be nervous to fight especially if you have no experience.

My biggest thing is that you should be doing martial arts training, strength training, and cardio. Still, street fighting is not only illegal and highly dangerous; you may get "punched" only to find half your face is slashed open, because the fucker had a concealed knife. Even though I know how to fight and I am confident I can kick many people's asses, none of that matters if someone has a gun, a knife, friends, etc. Avoid it at all costs especially in a shitty neighborhood.

>i live in a shitty area, mostly harmless familymen latinas around
>buildings are of those kind where first floor is with windows almost on ground level, like half-basement
>I walk my cat around the house
>mostly I just let him hang around and chew grass while I scroll phone
>apparently I've been hanging too close to window of this guy
>as it goes, large african american
>even has pitbull
>he comes out and says that I should stop hanging around with my cat near his window
>he clearly knew I just mind my shit and just look in phone
>He said its last warning
>I said "Or what?"
>He raises his hand as if to hit me
>I cuck out like a fucking coward
>Say okay grab my cat and go home

That is all.

This is the truth to your situation. Watch closely: youtube.com/watch?v=0XDxs8NMVyE

>I have a criminal record for assault.
Same. I recommend every white train to fight, but never, ever get in an actual fight unless it is clear-cut self-defense.

i'm ripped because i don't sit on my ass all day, faggot. grow a fucking pair you pathetic disgrace.

I mean, honestly, if they aren't strong enough to stay away from that addictive shit, then fuck 'em. They're weak
Doesn't matter how big and bad they look
addiction can fuck up anyone

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Fighting is for niggers. The white man invented guns to keep the animals at bay.

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Trained beats untrained 9/10. You're just talking out of your ass. Now, of course anyone can win a fight; MMA fighters are not invincible, but seeing as most fights last only 30 seconds and MMA fighters not only have the muscle memory instilled in them to react, the average joe simply does not have the cardio to last. You don't know what you're talking about, nigger.

Yeah exactly if you have been there like me you shouldn’t be recommending this shit.

I can not participate in normal society anymore and have had to make my income basically like niggers so by releasing creative work with my boys on the internet.

White men are fucking doomed.

This is why nigger still live in shit huts and speak in clicks. Absolutely no higher brain function, no trace of preservation or tact. What good does as an ass-kicking give you? What do you gain? The respect of a sub-human? Who the fuck cares what they think, they aren’t people. Who instills this belief that getting fucked up is a desirable outcome? Were you raised on lead milk as a child?

Touch me or my things, and you’ll be in jail. Nigger.

>I said "Or what?"
Be honest, were you raised by a single mother?

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Kind of. The split when I was in young teens, but I got to see my dad weekly


Also, why?

There's nothing more pathetic than a basement dweller who claims to be trained in fighting. You know that right?

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Thank you for sound advice.