If God is not real, where did this come from?

If God is not real, where did this come from?

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God is real, but space is fake and gay.

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We're living in a simulation to test our mettle

>flat nigger firmament
Come on nobody believes that

based and redpilled

Yeah its called Jews control the world by shaping our perceptions through the media

God is real.


Fuck the space hoax. I was looking at the moon last night full moon and it hit me big time. Nobody has been on that shit

It came from nowhere, because nothing exploded at no-time for no reason.

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You should know you're a fucking alien.

The fuck it did
Why dont we see galaxies popping out of nowhere now then

I was being sarcastic, sorry user.

If God is real, where did he come from?

you know there might be a god, but that doesn't mean it's specifically the Christian god

I don't understand how you make the leap between "there was a creator" and "muh talking snakes"

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Who knows bro. We won't find out cause people are still worried about skin color and where to stick their dick or what to shove in their pussy and ass.

What came first, the chicken or the egg
Both have to exist, you cant have one without the other

Jow Forums is 18+

we do

>this blob of pixels proves god isnt real
Thats how retarded you are

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so you are claiming that god didnt create the universe but the universe created god?

Actually the egg came first.


God is an egg

apparently dust!

What other god would it be?

God is real in the minds of men, because he was created by man, to give us an explanation for that which we do not understand.

>If God is not real, where did this come from?

If god is real, where did god come from?
Just because science hasnt answered the question yet doesnt mean the answer is found in myth.

>I don't know
>therefore, God

i never made that claim you asked "Why dont we see galaxies popping out of nowhere now then" and i showed you that are still being formed, rendering you previous comment moot

>i dont know, therefore no god

God is male. Not an egg. God is sperm.
Thats why you say “oh god” when you cum.

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Who says it has to come from anything? What's to say existence simply hasn't always "been"?

Causality is a lie we tell ourselves to simplify what is otherwise an endless continuity. There are no beginnings or ends, simply transitions. What came before is simply what was, and what comes after is what will be.

God created the heavens and the earth so you can spend all your time sucking on nigger toes.

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The thing you posted was 13 billion years old

That made me laugh

Nice try, fag.

literally anything, you don't know
it could be the Hindu god, or the Christian god, or the Bhuddist god, or some other god nobody's ever thought of before.

We simply don't know. Even if you can suppose that there might be a "god" there is no reasonable way to you can say it is specifically THIS PARTICULAR god. I don't understand how people make the connection between "there was probably some creator" all the way to "better circumcize my child"

God is nature. God doesn't work for us. We are the ones that have to worship him/her/it. Science is running parallel to religion, as they are trying to explain nature and the way nature works. One side has laid the foundation for the latter to base its progress on.

Attached: Scientific observations in the bible before their scientific discovery.jpg (609x769, 86K)

That kike is not god, nor does he represent me

This is everything I have,once they are gone they are gone.

Entire KJ Bible on audio:


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>Every effect has a cause
>The cause of the universe was itself

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Literally not what I said.

burden of proof falls on who makes the claim dumbass

looks like we got a spherecuck over here

>Every effect has a cause
>The cause of God was himself

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As you know sucking nigger toes is a virtuous and selfless act in Christcuckery. You will suck on nigger toes or you are not a true Christian.

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quantum crit fields. hi to any phyzfags here that know what that means

The proof of god is your existance, your consciousness and the universe itsself

Big bang appears started at smallest scale and when it started, whole universe just flashed then evolving. Not expanding.

Existence is proof of existence.
Nothing more.

Congratulations, you are proof of gay

It's what you implied

This doesn't refute the point. Where did the universe come from?

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How to be space cowboy are you mossad or cia?

>The tiny organic bundle of cells on a relatively minuscule rock floating in an infinitely larger cosmos thinks a magic man in the sky built everything for him

Everything formed naturally, you are a product of this formation, not some special snowflake god's chosen being for a special purpose.

you are just falling back to your previous argument
>The universe exist therefore God must exist
you keep making the claim without showing any correlation between the two to give your argument any weight behind it, which makes it completely baseless.
Now unless you are ready to show how the "universe/people = god exist", the burden of proof stills fall on you.

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Where did God come from?

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Big Bang is god. It still exists today but we cannot see it. The dot.



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Wrong. I implied that it's foolish to attribute to God something simply because you don't know how to explain it with science.

I'm not a Catholic but I loathe and despise this man so much. You have no idea.

I know a few ways to get unknown flag
1. Get lucky on your flag so that its not indexed (random)
2. Get a vpn and get a lucky server
3. Use tor and select a permanent exit node from the ocean. I know of only one tor browser that allows you to do this on Jow Forums, most browsers force you on different exit nodes

What would be the benefit of tricking everyone into thinking the Earth is round if it's really flat?

God's origin is beyond our human ability to understand. But it still attributes a cause to something other than the effect of the cause.

Apparantly the ayys locked us on earth and put a giant dome over us so we cant escape and the ayys are in control
I dont buy it


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It’s fake


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Black science man bad.

How would the Earth being flat somehow provide free energy?

By harnessing the same invisible source of energy powering the luminaries that circle above us.

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You're not special we're just on a meaningless ball among billions of other meaningless balls a pure accident

heh. you made a yolk.

I've also heard of an icewall theory so beyond that is immeasurable land getting rid of the whole limited energy thing

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A quantum foam. Quantum foam is more believable than big metaphorical brain

dumbest thing i heard all day.

I didn't say i believed it just giving a possible explanation

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Humans are the conscious of the universe and the universe attempting to understand it's self.

We know existance (physical existance, at least) hasn't always been because we can trace it back to its begining! We call that beginning the Big Bang.

That said, I do like the angle you are approaching this from. Something that always existed doesn't need a cause to start existing, a point which so many people in this thread miss while asking what created the Eternal God.

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Our universe is probably a infinitively small part of gods creatiin

You can't easily determine what God is responsible from the mere fact that the world was created, true. Once the reality of a creator is established, however, you had best look into who this creator is. He may expect something of you after all.

I would recommend you start by researching the historistity of Christ, though I am obviously rather biased in this reguard.

God is an entity that is a perfection of virtues 51% and sins 49%

God exists as an all permeating force/truth and it can also exist as one of the cells (human) that form part of it

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>God is an entity that is a perfection of virtues 51% and sins 49%

So God is +2 on virtues. Henceforth God is good.

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Hey raj, how do you imagine gods poop to smell like?

Everything that began to exist was caused by something that already did. Now, something (or somethings) has to have been the first thing to exist, else no other thing can begin existing. But what of the first thing? It cannot begin existing without the aid of another thing, so it cannot have began to exist. Instead, this first thing must have always existed.

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depends on whether God expresses itself as a particle or a wave.

particle poop smells same as human
wave poop does not smell, possibly rainbow

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Size != value. If a perfect and precious gem is secured in the middle of a vast security complex, is the gem worth less than the security due to the vast difference in scale? Obviously not, as the security means nothing without the gem it secures.

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He doesn't. He always existed, and so has no beginning


Possibly! He does seem to like creating things. What's your point?

Where did god come from? Whatever bullshit answer you come up with, apply it to the universe

I did it.