Well, I fucking fell for it. Random girl messages me for some time and wants to do a video sex. After few minutes she says that she recorded everything and threatens to put it on porn websites and send it to my social media friends.
I just tell her that I don't give a fuck. I sorta don't really care but also hoping that porn websites and social media are used to this kind of stuff and have ways of dealing with it.
Anyone have experience going through this? What actions should I take? Should I report her social media so that she won't be able to do this anymore? Her page had posts going back to early 2010s and that's the main reason why I fell for this. It would cripple her scam business if I did get it deleted and I told her that.
Bro, fuck it who cares. Almost no one will find the video on pornhub etc.. anyway.
Block, delete contact, live life.
Joseph Ramirez
Also it's a double edge sword OP, if you pay etc.. the cunt could still upload it. Best bet, private all social media accounts, and block.
Adrian Flores
And go to the Police.
Connor Gray
These, usually 3rd worlders do this. Best bet is to ignore and block because they will keep blackmailing you. If """she""" threatens to post in on Facebook or whatever make a post saying you're being blackmailed and what not.
Xavier Parker
It's probably not worth responding to this person unless we can figure out a really good way to troll them
Elijah Jenkins
>3rd worlders I think she's from the Philippines. And after showing that I don't give a fuck about the video I kept asking her about how her business works and how much she earns from it. She eventually told me that she's been doing it for 15 years and sent me a video of some other poor dude's video on pornhub.
And yeah, I just blocked her accounts. Unfortunately I can't change Facebook setting to not allow randoms to message me so she could definitely bug me again in the future, guess I'll just have to ignore it till it stops when that happens.
Isaiah Campbell
Ah fuck she uploaded it. I requested to have it be deleted but maybe I shouldn't have done anything at all and ignored it.
I guess they're going for it so I made a post on Facebook about how I'm getting blackmailed. God damnit I fucking hate my dick for always getting me caught up in stupid shit.
Who the fuck even cares, just put your friend list on private or better yet don't do anything at all. What is your family/friends going to do about it if they even find out? Joke about it?
Asher Turner
Post the link user
Parker Ortiz
Ah shit I am so sorry that someone from my country did this to you. Almost everyone here is a full blown idiot with the average Iq of 86 and below, she's probably one of those people who also sells child pornography and torture videos of dogs and babies to foreigners for easy money.
Chase Reyes
if it makes you feel better just know that alot of famous people did amateur porn before they got famous. My advice is if it already got out to everyone then try to make light out of the situation and even try make a joke about it. Make an impression that even the most embarassing stuff doesn't faze you at all and that you're invinsible, whats the worse thing that could happen your family will kill you?
I hope you reported her accounts so this doesn't happen to others, otherwise you're a piece of shit.
James Lee
Did you even read the OP image?
Jason Peterson
I'm sorry this has happened to you user but don't worry about it. There's literal millions of videos from dude jerking off online. Also if you contact the sites they will take your videos down, a friend of mine had the same problem. Same with Facebook. I wish you good luck but your best bet is to just ignore the person.
Austin Torres
they would just keep blackmailing you if you paid once retard
Ayden Wright
I'm saying that I reported it to pornhub to get it deleted. But it was probably better to just ignore it entirely.
How did the deal with your friend go? I've heard this kind of thing on Jow Forums before so I know it happens to other people. I'd like to know how other people dealt with it if possible.
Any good ideas to turn this around as a joke?
It's fine, I have some Filipino friends from uni and work and they're all good people. I've heard plenty about how some people in their countries are pretty scummy so this doesn't come to me as a surprise.
Luis Cox
You can't really make it into a joke, cause it's already funny. It makes for a good story to tell, that's for sure. In terms of people confronting you about it, be honest and laugh about it, cause they will too.
James Reyes
Colton Baker
Ah man, but it's pretty damn pathetic. I had a messy breakup with an ex recently so I was desperate to find something to replace her and ended up ignoring all the red flags like a dumbass. I was thinking about making excuses like how my webcam got hacked and whatnot, but you're right.
I was just a dumbass thirsty motherfucker and fucked up