I'm half black and i don't feel good about myself

I'm half black and i don't feel good about myself

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just do your best with what you have and don't fall into nigger culture

good. you shouldn't.

blame your mom for spreading her legs open to a different colored person.

Is this you OP?

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+ I'm too thin and tall and people make fun of me sometimes and that makes me feel like a failure

nah i'm too skinny not muscles

Jews did it!

Having a skin deformity sounds like the worst possible thing that could happen to a person. Like no one wants anything to do with some freaky burn victim or some guy with melaninitus.

i tell myself sometimes: at least I'm not a full nigger

just dont fuck the gene pool even more, marry a half-nog female, at least you're not a full nigger op

Nobody should feel bad about themselves user. Christ loves you. Don't listen to the shitheads around here. If your heart is pure, you can and should feel blessed. You can call on Christ when you need him. He will not forsake you. Just show respect to whites and other races and in fact you will have a big advantage because The modern world is geared towards giving you a helping hand. It's better than being a fucking white male in the USA these days, trust me. You will get promotions if you are half decent at any job. Good luck to you. Just respect the differences in people, that's all.

As you should. Your non nigger admixture increases you IQ.

You're egyptian, aren't most of you half nigger anyway?


But i talk like swag niggers sometimes


Also OP pls srsly consider killing yourself

moslty, but if you have a brighter skin than me that makes you superior to me

lol nigger

also i can tell you're a larper since arabs hate niggers and enslave them

and if your're ugly ass nigga with no money, it's better for you to kill yourself



That is all.

I don't know how can black girls in Egypt keep on living


Jews did that...

Jews are prolonging their torture... you se...

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>I'm half black

>thread collapsed

i got you, i just don't believe in christ or god since he is not taking an action solving this fuckery and i think i would be a failure in any job because of how i look like and that has been already proven

Well at least youre not an arab!

Don;'t feel bad. According to geneticists,

>thread collapsed

somehow the Jews are to be blamed because of my situation

Egypt got fucked by tons of races over history, and i just hate to be mixed with these races. this is a obvious fuck-up it's like i have no identity

psycho-somatic criminals are hijacking your brain.
love yourself before all others.

except being a nigger

Make your own. You're whatever you decide to be. Sounds to me like you're the product of intense intermarriages and have a lot to proud of in terms of genetic variance.

You're on here user. You should feel good about yourself for that, you care about free dialogue

and some people compare my look to fucking indians

How does he shit

yea but people around are not helping me to do this at all, they cant't mind their own shit, Egypt is literally a shit hole loaded of racism and hate and bullying

Really, being in Africa, you should feel more upset about being half white on a black continent.

Unfortunately we got deeply affected by the shitty beauty standards of Europe

they almost have the same skin deformity

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>De Niro

Hey at least you have something in common OP! De Niros kid is also half black! You're practically a celebrity if you think about it

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>I'm half black
No, you're a nigger.

uh I also hate the fact that i feel attracted to female fully white girl like i can't even be loyal to my own gay race



The greatest disappointment
Age withered him and changed him
Into junior dad

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Get your shit together and stop complaining. You'll not earn any sympathy with that attitude. You MUST find something bigger than yourself to believe in, and that is why you feel bad, stop putting it on your skin color or how society treats you. STOP THAT NOW. Find a church that you can connect with, though that is hard because Egypt is mostly Muslim and Muslim is truly a shit tier religion. I will pray that Christ works in your heart to give you the light of hope for your life. Be blessed user. And he does love you. Read mere christianity by cs Lewis. Or listen to it.
