George Lincoln Rockwell

Can someone redpill me on G L Rockwell? Just learned about him today.

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Other urls found in this thread:

American red pilled national socialist who even the Negros agreed with because he was a national socialist and not a (((NAZI))).
So, the jews killed him.

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Rockwell murdered.

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How did he die?

here is a condensed GLR-pill. probably the most based interview in televised history:

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A true hero.
He inspires me. During his time the queers were already digging their pozzed claws into DC.
He warned us and now history is repeating itself on a larger scale.
We need another Rockwell, another man to rally the white race and lead us back into the fight against the kikes.

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Breaks my heart but we have to see it.
To know he died for his people and the generations to come.
Someone has to avenge him.

I hear a lot of men saying “we need another ........” but nobody is willing to step up and be that guy. Myself included.

I want to so badly.
Been planning and working on things for so long.
Listening to his speeches, his books, and truly understanding what he wanted.
It's all so tiresome when the action needs to be taken but we're so disorganized

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Mods are probably trying to shut this thread down.
I'll post all I have

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Thanks to technology and gov agencies organization is impossible. Decentralized revolution looks to be the only realistic option. However, it will probably only happen when society is in chaos.

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The enemy has become exceptionally good at strangling any fledgling group in the cradle. Any 'hope' was in the past, we only have a slow decline to look forward to. Anyone who tries to step into Rockwell's shoes will experience something along the following:

>Form nazi group
>Before you've reached even twenty members, alphabet agencies start infiltrating your group.
>Against all odds, and the saboteurs inside of your organization, you start to reach a larger audience.
>You are suddenly arrested for some crime, probably sex related, or drugs.
>Evidence and eye witnesses damn you to prison, you're mega fucked.
>ALTERNATIVE PATH: They just straight up kill you, if they can't frame you.
>With you now out of the way, a 'successor' takes over, and becomes a caricature of what you were.
>Successor is actually a plant, and your organization becomes just another honeypot to snare others whose programming didn't stick.

Short of total societal collapse, we're on this ride till the end. There's no brakes, and there isn't any getting off.

He knew the risk of getting killed and anyone that wants to be a NatSoc has to accept that risk. The National Socialists in Germany had the same issue as well. How do you think the song Horst Wessel Lied came about?

Can you imagine if he had the weight of the internet on his side? He was resorting to mailing his sources directly to the common man just to get the word out. A war veteran who suffered the disillusionment and accepted his suffering, even leading other men to take the burden with him. They’ve been slandered and sullied for more than half a century now, watching as their predictions have sickeningly come true. To find this clown world with fresh eyes stings for me, but to have been in his and his comrades boots back then is nothing short of the honor that would be seen in a dutiful vanguard of protectors.

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Absolutely based and redpilled, one of the great American heroes, he inspires me every day.
This debate was the first I heard of him, really opened my eyes because it is still relevant to this day.
Some great videos about his life.
One of his best speeches, I have listened to this countless times.
This is also fucking brilliant.

Just read from his book White Power and you'll see how based GLR was. This Time the World is also a great book.
I shed a tear when I found out how he died, he could have done so much more. But we will always have his legacy.

SIEG HEIL my friends
Righteous victory will be ours

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Shot by some autist

He looks like a retard to me. And everyone should know by now that all American Nazi and Klan groups are full of fedsn. This is almost certainly a honeypot thread

Yeah theres never been a thread on Jow Forums talking about nazis before.

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Literally a living, breathing embodiment of Jow Forums, walking the streets and proclaiming our memes in real life, and in broad daylight.