Owen Benjamin


Is he right, Jow Forums?
Should we focus more on how we're also victims and have a proud history instead of not talking about it?
It seems so if we're in a game of biggest victim / pride of race.

We should be openly proud of being white but more so over our more exact heritage. So people can stop saying whites have no culture, and stop saying we never endured hardship. And to remind ourselves we have a lot to be legitimately proud of even just by association of being born like everyone else loves to do.

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Unless you’re a truly racist storm fag, you understand there really isn’t a positive to “white” pride. I’m a huge mutt but i try to have pride in my italian/lithuanian heritage, I don’t take credit for shit irish people did. I still love white people as a whole though

I'm not one of those, no. I'm saying that we should be more aware of our heritage and what our people accomplished and went through to shut up SJWs and make it clear that we do have a heritage like every other race is allowed to talk about. I'm not a supremacist. I thought Owen brought up good points that we should talk to people about our own heritage to enlighten them and ourselves that we're all part of something, not just them.

He's entertaining because he kinda comes off like he's losing his mind but he's funny about it

I found out I'm mostly English/Irish and some German and Italian, by the way. So my own people enslaved another part of me, and hated another, and they all share great accomplishments and have a rich culture and history.

Gamma detected!

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He does seem to think a lot, for sure. But I haven't seen anything yet that I disagree with.

Owen is a retard and so are you for sharing this

I used to love owen benjamin when he wad naming the Jew. But since the Jew kicked him off Facebook, YouTube, pay pal, out of Hollywood, and out of every comedy venue in the country, he had been backing off, now he says whites should be more like Jews ? I don't think so. Sorry to see him brought low, but valuable to see how Jews really are, and they will fuck you up if you name them.

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>no reasons given
The video title and the message is tongue in cheek, fren. Try watching it. He makes good points. He also says near the end "don't go as far as them though, even they know it's fucking annoying" or something along those lines. He's basically just saying to start being openly proud and knowledgeable about your heritage.

Lol send Owen some money

He has enough money. Said it himself. Why don't you contribute to the conversation, user?

He isn’t kinda losing his mind, he’s lost it. His wife is gonna walk out on him any day now.

I mean just throwing a blanket of white pride over everything is counter productive. Finding accomplishments from each country your ancestors hail from is healthy, and it shows how diverse white people actually are.

the problem with that is it's what everyone else does. god what a fag. who in their right mind wants to be a victim? that's something to be resisted, overcome. we have to go beyond that.

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I didn't say he didn't have enough money I implied you're pathetic enough to send money to him.

That's the point of the video, I thought.

Or the guy I replied to I mean, excuse me.

He already sent everything he had.

>Should we focus more on how we're also victims

I never miss a podcast by Owen. At least not in the last three months. He is a genuine thinker, like a philosopher. I just don't think he goes far enough against the Jews. They are our enemy, pure and simple. To back off of that position is wrong, imo. I sense him backing off, that's all. Its a shame.

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Does he believe in flat Earth ? Logos logos


guys someone tell me if its OK for Owen to tell me how to think

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It's not that we're trying to be victims, leaf. The idea is that we are proud and strong and point out our accomplishments as a race and our tribulations to educate the other side to counter them. Owen said not to wallow or only be a victim. He said to be proud of your race as much as non-whites love to be in our society. And that doesn't mean being hateful. We have to fight that narrative and empower our fellows.

you believe this retard, making you a retard by the law of transitivity

>I repeat what my eceleb says!

Sodomite stfu

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Leaf, I was simply starting a conversation. And you don't get the joke.

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>no reasons

He hasn't told me yet to tell you!

Damn Owen looks like shit.

Notice how these faggot bears project their insecurities kinda like how Owen projects his daddy issues.

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Please, sir. Give a summary or at least a point so I am interested to read this shit.

" Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD: And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse." Malachi 4:5-6

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Tell me about his daddy issues

Calling out Joe then cucking out about it after a week was enough for me to disregard him as anything serious. He's pretty funny though, but he comes off like a bitter bitch because he got btfo by all the people who used to have him around.
Can't really listen to flipfloppers like that.

He seems to be getting a little big but I somehow doubt you're one to talk, let alone this being a worthy comment

They dont care about logic, they dont care about optics, only one thing left to do if you wanna change things.

Ignorant black people just scream “MUH BLACK” its stupid and pointless when we are all so genetically diverse.

Not sure what you mean, user. This video and the last were both jabs at Jews in that he is subtle about pointing out their wrongs and what we should do instead.


The terrorist mastermind has herpes.

Believe it or not many Americans are more proud of their genetic heritage leading back to their homeland's heritage. We're Americans but we still share history with where we came from.

I liked his stuff when he was first outcast from Hollywood viper nest.
I really liked his stuff when he worked for Crowder.
Was really hoping for good shit when he went solo.
But now it just looks like he's two steps away from shooting someplace up.

How so, user? To me he seems to be a deep thinker. Not sure where the crazy vibe is coming from.

I'm talking about some older videos. Owen is essentially a big baby with a huge ego, he freaked out about Joe Rogan a while back talked a bunch of shit then I guess Joe called him and he made some video backpedaling like a bitch but now because he got btfo for real he just talks shit even though some manlet like Joe would kill him in real life. He just seems like a shit talker pretentious bitch, but he's funny.

It may seem like a lot for some post here but could you link me or point me in the right direction somehow? I'd like to see what he called out Joe for and how he backpeddaled.

I'm not looking through his history, feel free to not take my word for it.

Fair enough. I'll remember to look through his older videos. I am relatively new to his post-Comedy Central shit. I'm surprised he is this honest and likeminded.

Why can't you just see yourself as an ethnic American instead? It's really the only way forward for our people, heritage larping isn't going to save our race it just seems misguided and self-destructive in a way. Plus it's cringy as fuck.

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I may be speaking for all Americans, but we do have a shared patriotism despite different ethic beginnings. One of my favorite films is They Live. Not just because it points out that our modern society is literally based on legal manipulation of the masses, but because the two heroes are a white and black guy who fight it out and then risk their lives together for the greater good. It's probably the most American proud movie I can think of. Quite epic and pleasing.

He's smart, I'll give him that, but he's not a deep thinker at all.
His philosophy is very basic and stale to say the least.
His problem is that he's overwhelmingly arrogant and his judgements about people are outright bullshit.
His obssesion with conspiracies is just to be a contrarian asshole and that's how he lost a lot of his former life, trying to push a counter narrative just because. But when someone competent tries to argue how wrong he is, 'hey, you're gone now asshole'. That's not what an adult looking for productive conversation does.
Now all his bear cave bullshit is just some mancave safe haven for his own macho ego. I really really really hope his wife and whatever friends and family he still has break his balls and bring him down a notch, but seeing how much the guy is full of himself, this will not be easy.

Owen is allowed to make videos because he makes people who oppose Zionism look like unhinged morons. Notice how he speaks almost exactly like famous water filter salesman.
>deep thinker
If he's so intelligent, why does he get duped and tricked so often? Why doesn't he understand how crypto works? He's just rehashing other people's ideas and concepts and passing them off as his own.
>big baby huge ego

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Or actually here I just searched and they came up, here's the video where it started I believe m.youtube.com/watch?v=JknXSYm7u2M&t=527s

And here's where he cucked out even though it didn't fix anything, just made him seem like a bitch. m.youtube.com/watch?v=2jX2sdJaw9U

And now he just talks shit even though hes ultimately a hypocrite

I get it now. He’s right about everything.

*ahem ahem*

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holy shit i've never seen somebody reply lurk this much

Every white person must watch this video, it's critical to understanding our current situation.
Bookmark it for later or whatever but don't skip it.

He has a history of idolizing strong male role models then burning bridges once they fail to meet his ideal. Jordan Peterson > Joe Rogan > > Vox Day > E Michael Jones...

I still have to ask you to justify all these opinions or point me in the right direction where I can witness it. These are opinions without evidence so until I see reasons it means next to nothing. But I appreciate the discussion, fren.

Pierce was a hack.
Stop peddling your looser.

You don't need to personally do it. I am of German and English ancestry and don't even really take any pride in their achievements except my direct ancestors. The problem is that that's the game everyone else is playing. You're white to them. The power grabs going are a bunch of major identities (black, latino, white, Muslim, etc...) with every group except whites being loyal to their group against other groups even if they don't have any to the groups under that umbrella. Whites have lost this identity but the others are still attacking as if we have not. If we don't wake up to this we are fucked.

Have you watched his recent podcasts?
You really think the guy is straight in his head?

Don't we all ask others about things we don't understand? How is it different if you have to Google search something instead of asking somebody? You trust randoms but not people asking randoms?

Thanks fren, I'll save the links since my phone is shit and this website is optimized for near zero internet.

I'm literally just on my phone refreshing and replying. What's the big deal, faggot?

No, I haven't.

Fuck off

Owen is not doing well.

But the logos though!!!

dude got so triggered by degeneracy he moved to seattle metro

There's a huge difference between the pursuit of knowledge for personal development and the maintenance of the façade of knowledge so that people will Paypal you shekels. Owen falls into the latter category. He probably spends 10 minutes a day working on his farm and 5 hours watching other people's YouTube channels to find topics he can rehash on his stream. He may or may not be a bad/manipulative person, but he's definitely a moron.

until you realize he's a faggot who bans everyone remotely critical of him, and then flags anyone who makes a negative video of him...I seriously hope he sucks a bullet out a gun, and then hopefully his faggot "Bears" follow suit.

neck yourself immediately


what exactly is going on here?

What happened with Vox Day and E michael jones? He speaks positively about him all the time

Maybe he does exaggerate how hard he works but he is telling the truth about the benefits. But how is it likely he exaggerated how hard he works on his farm? Besides already having enough money. Honestly I give myself one hour to look up anything. Too busy otherwise. It doesn't require much time. I posted here to pass time while I do other things. Anyway, I need some evidence for the claim. More likely that I'll need reasons for assumptions.

What did he do that made you aware of this as a trend?

>You're banned you insolent child!

That was something I noticed also, he talks so much shit but he's an asshole too so.

I'm suprised Owen isn't more popular here, he is litterly Jow Forums irl.

Very brave person, he has litterly insulted every billionaire jew there is, and he drops the n-bomb often. He is at risk at being killed I think.

Still need to see what was said at least. That's how judgment works.

I agree, fren.

Like others in here have said he makes pol types seem crazy and very unstable. He would probably come off like a literal child in any sort of debate.


Nothing yet. I was showing how he adopts father figures. My fault for not making it clear.

He only really went full redpill in the last year, it takes a little while for the popularity in his meme to really kick off, but I've definitely been watching a ton of his livestreams lately.

He'll end up 2020's Sam Hyde if he keeps it up.

If farming were his passion, imbuing all those benefits, he wouldn't have time for hours of livestreaming every day. So that's disingenuous. He passes off others' ideas and concepts as his own, which is also disingenuous. He pretends like money doesn't matter to him when it clearly does, also disingenuous. He's just a disingenuous person all around, from what little I've watched of him. And you aren't going to get any personal benefit from following or listening to a disingenuous person. Also, I can't take anybody seriously that entertains flat earth and "We didn't go to the moon" bullshit.

I mean same could be said about Hyde, that he was a fat ugly neckbeard manchild, still a funny redpilled dude though.


Lithuanian Jew, figures...,

And Hyde is a full of shit faker, who calls the people who give him money pay pigs. I think they're funny too just don't get too invested.

He's a jew who pretends to be against other jews for shekels because idiots fall for his act. He's friends with Avi for christsake how can you be so dumb.
>Drops the n-bomb
Ooooh so edgy, better superchat him $100

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Owen gets btfo every day

I remember seeing his.special on Comedy Central. I'm really surprised he is on my current terms.

Sam isn't so insecure about himself that he talks about how much of an Alpha he is almost constantly. Real Alphas don't talk about being Alpha.


>Gamma Rosanne logos!

I prefer ethnically/cultural diversity than mere muh gene diversity.

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Yeah Sam just takes steroids and fucks trannys lol.

Jared Taylor makes these people look like slobbering retards.