How do you deal with the fact that our society is fucked beyond repair and the collapse is inevitable?

How do you deal with the fact that our society is fucked beyond repair and the collapse is inevitable?

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learn history
cause people in the past face the same thing and of course they found the solution
implement the solution

I smoke weed and live day by day

By not accepting the premise

>and of course they found the solution
Yeah when it was too late

I'm escaping society. I've got about 3 years left in my plan and after that, it's two big middle fingers and I walk away for good.

Their 'solution' was to just suffer through it. Maybe that's what we'll do whether we like it or not.

I don't know man. I can't see the point of working towards anything, when I already have everything I would need to survive a happening or collapse. I don't believe my efforts in this system will be rewarded by the system. The boredom is starting to drive me nuts.

This society favours the weak and scared, I am strong and pretty fearless. I don't fear being homeless enough to work hard. In a happening I would be at a massive advantage.

So I work enough to pay rent and food, and sit waiting for something interesting to happen.

you don't really know whats going to happen, you've just accepted that for whatever reason. nothing is set in stone.

That's what I try to do, I just accept it and moved on

But it's not a fact and you're wrong.

I deal with it by letting the anticipation fuel me. I can't wait for it. I am as prepared as I'm going to be, and really want the ride to start

>men are turning themselves into women
>women are turning themselves into men
>brainwashed kids, god bless ‘em, don’t know what to turn themselves into
>meanwhile, small-souled bugmen are protesting outside McDonald’s for Szechuan sauce because of a cartoon
>deranged SJWs can’t pull their eyes away from Donald Trump’s Twitter account
>faceless corporations are pretending to be social justice revolutionaries while at the same time warping the capitalist system out of all functional recognition for their own gains
>governments and the media are no longer even trying to hide their support for cultural Marxist policies
>as community spirit across the West continues to disintegrate, more pea-brains take to social media to shout at each other and drive culture deeper into the gutter
>once-great Western cities have been reduced to barren corporate wastelands populated by millions of atomized, cultureless, and basically useless consumers
>uncontrolled migration is at all time high and the welfare state is about to go bankrupt
>the internet has people living in something akin to a permanent state of road rage as they desperately try to fill the emptiness in their lives by becoming hysterical over events that have little to no impact on them
>the morbidly obese are plotting to normalize their immoral and disgraceful lifestyles in favor of sorting themselves out
>Tinder has turned the sexual marketplace into a loveless hellscape

>I am strong and pretty fearless.
kek being this delusional

Late Stage Capitalism will crush us. There's really very few responses that the "normal" person can make, chiefly of which is to live as small as possible, especially first-worlders. We should be looking to the third-world for our living standards. A simple example is the car. Cut down to one car per household, it's possible, I've done it. Stop eating out. Track your costs. Stay away from debt. Live as low as you can and save like your life and the life of your family depends on it, because one day it surely will.

you forgot climate change m8
>increase in natural disasters
>places uninhabitable due to heat causing a refugee crisis
>resources becoming more scarce, less crop yield, etc
>economy potentially going tits up

ride the tiger. dont stand in the way of it, enjoy the decline

>chapo faghouse meme

>nobody strong posts on Jow Forums

Stop being such a crab.

>chapo faghouse
I'm not sure what that means even.

It's like the mouse Utopia experiment. We trapped ourselves between the walls of the city and then started to reproduce like motherfuckers, effectively damaging ourselves beyond repair both in the physical and the psychological.

>There aren't enough resources to feed all mouths
>Economy isn't strong enough to give jobs and support all families
>The more people there are, the more division exists between ideologies as they become more and more extreme
>Overcrowding and noise pollution create anxiety and depression
>Not to mention the ungodly working and studying hours a normal human being must go through to get the bread

Rural folk don't even have these problems. It's an urban thing. We will destroy ourselves very soon and the survivors of humanity will be indigenous tribes and other fellas that decided to not participate in this farce that is "civilization".

>le society is collapsing meme
Every generation for the last thousands of years has had idiots like OP who think society is crumbling.

No society lasts forever, it's a repeating cycle

Birth rates in the west are at all time low

ignorance is bliss my friend

>Rome didn't collapse
>Greece didn't collapse
>Britain didn't collapse

Civilisation peaks and troughs, British empire peaked culturally in 1900, America peaked culturally in 1950. Since then we've been sliding into the darkness.

The same way you deal with the fact that in 900 million years the sun's increasing luminosity will cause the oceans to evaporate, and all life on Earth will go extinct.

Embrace the inevitable.

What is "cultural marxism"?

laugh, who gives a fuck, you'll be dead by the time it crumbles

>I can't get a gf
>Clearly this is society's fault

>How do you deal with the fact that our society is fucked beyond repair and the collapse is inevitable
Realizing that it's not

I have a gf and we both agree with his post.

>Birth rates in the west are at all time low
>10% of the world's population isn't breeding at replacement levels
Wow, meanwhile the other 90% is growing exponentially

>dont think about it

Prove it.

>the dedication and accuracy of that post actually comes from him (supposedly) not being able to get a gf

Is everything a meme now?

user's gf here. I agree with that guys post

>hurr durr incel
Why do leftists argue like this?

Those 10% are responsible for 90% of humanity advancement, once they die out we will become primitive

Dude, like, grow up. Ok? "Society" isn't going to collapse. Maybe your little backwater groups of LARPing neo-nazis will, but the world at large is getting better and stronger. Maybe you aren't included in the future and that's why you say stuff like this? Who knows. Open your heart and maybe we'll let you in

I believe the rising discontentment among first worlders is because there's no fun challenge in life anymore. Even poor people have access to cool stuff like phones and food on call, but have no possibility to make advances in life, leading to a state of forced stagnation. Rich people have everything but there's no challenge/fun when being rich, like when you have cheats on in a video game. Either the individual needs to learn how to shift their economic status consistently throughout their life or they need to reject money as the main focus of their life in order to feel content.


Keep telling that to yourself
All countries are in massive trillion dollar debts and no one can pay them
Earth is running out of resources and we don't have enough
People are getting more polarized than ever

>"Society" isn't going to collapse.

Mine won't, but the American one? It most definitely will, and i will be thanking every God, past and present, when it does.

based and bluepilled

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I'm an engineer that has traveled to europe, and i can say there is a huge difference in society when it comes to America vs the rest of the world. America is the most degenerate, brainwashed, and opulent. So the question is, why? Doing research, there has been a war waged on our culture. We are meant to fail. We are meant to fall. And once we do, thats when another country comes i to save us. I truly believe American society will fall.

>>men are turning themselves into women
>>women are turning themselves into men
Nothing to do with resources. Irrelevant and a personal problem not everyone shares.
>meanwhile, small-souled bugmen are protesting outside McDonald’s for Szechuan sauce because of a cartoon
Isolated incident of cringy teenagers, hardly and epidemic.
>deranged SJWs can’t pull their eyes away from Donald Trump’s Twitter account
I'd say Trump being elected in the first place is a bigger issue.
>faceless corporations are pretending to be social justice revolutionaries while at the same time warping the capitalist system out of all functional recognition for their own gains
True, but it's been like that for the past century or so
>governments and the media are no longer even trying to hide their support for cultural Marxist policies
Cultural marxism is a right-wing boogyman for any new social theory that doesn't align with their values
>as community spirit across the West continues to disintegrate, more pea-brains take to social media to shout at each other and drive culture deeper into the gutter
"Community spirit" is an imagined concept fueled by rhetoric of nostalgia or the good ol days". it never existed like you think it did.
>once-great Western cities have been reduced to barren corporate wastelands populated by millions of atomized, cultureless, and basically useless consumers
What cities are you referring to? There are generally at least some trees and not everyone you pass on the street is a mindless automaton.
>uncontrolled migration is at all time high and the welfare state is about to go bankrupt
False on both accounts
>the internet has people living in something akin to a permanent state of road rage as they desperately try to fill the emptiness in their lives by becoming hysterical over events that have little to no impact on them

I thought this level of delusion was only found in the trolls on Jow Forums. Looks like I was wrong. Enjoy your "collapse," incels

Incela think society is collapsing because girls are having sex with everyone but them.

Thanks for proving my point NPC

Don't know what to say. Society isn't collapsing from my perspective. You've got to think in realistic terms. How long have we had this population? How long have we had this technology? How long have we had this interpretation capitalism with such a focus on globalisation? How long have we had this liberalism?

50 years? 30? Less than 30? People whining and complaining about something that has only been normal for the last 30 years or so like it is the fall of a 1,000 year empire. My expectation is that the next 50 years is going to be just as 'dynamic' as the last. The next 100 just as transformative for our society and culture.

Really it is about rationally understanding the challenges we are likely to face and taking reasonable and realistic steps to protect yourself and those you love against those which you consider the most likely and most damaging. Anything else? Why would you do anything else? Everybody else has always been doing that throughout history my dude.

You don't like it? That isn't going to stop it.

yuri was just selling his book

I can't deal with it desu. My mind is weak and I'm already crazy

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Cucked basedboys think everything is alright because Tyrone is fucking their girl in the ass. You're just happy shes with you (because you have no other interest beside primitive instinct) so you can't see clearly.

Keep thinking pol is just a "containment board". Once you go Jow Forumsack you never go back (unfortunetely).

I fap

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The 60s were a million times worse and here we are

How were they worse?

Not true, being an incel is a temporary thing and people grow out of it.

Kek why are leftards so obsessed with them

"Incels" (as loosely defined as they are, with no "central idea", other then getting laid) have nothing to do with Jow Forums. Or let's put at like this; they have as much to do with Jow Forums as MGTOW does (so not a whole lot). Look to r9k if want "incels" (God i fucking hate todays American English).


Incel is just the left's new favorite insult, it has become as meaningless as the word cuck

>I thought this level of delusion was only found in the trolls on Jow Forums. Looks like I was wrong. Enjoy your "collapse," incels

Doomers want the world to collapse because they can't function in it - many reasons - same outcome: sabotage own life in ways that allow you to isolate yourself, get progressively more insane, watch as nothing happens, have a mental breakdown, then start over from scratch. It can take a few years or a lifetime and everyone is doing it: anarchists, white nationalists, communists, libertarians... Many such cases

It is becoming the new cuck but there is no collapse coming, please consider it as a manifestation of your anxiety disorders. Please, I've been into it since the 90s --- everyone is wrong. Civilizational decline takes centuries or more, there is no collapse coming in your lifetime nor your great great grandchildren's --- move on with your life --- take whatever social critique you are living on and use it to your advantage. Build a life you can stand


climate change brainlet

No, in the case of Jow Forums it really is incels. There are lots of them on Jow Forums whining about how women are whores and they deserve a pure virgin.

why are incels so obsessed with leftards?

Can't believe that people argue about the term incel. It just means someone who can't get laid.

Why is this a political thing all of a sudden, or brought up in society-type threads? This is just a dating topic, for christ-sakes.

Why are you lying? There is no arguing about what an incel is, it's someone who identifies as an incel. Anyone can get laid but incels choose to instead join a cult of angry losers that tell them they can't have sex.

>climate change brainlet

Cuckzynski had gender dysphoria
What's your malfunction?

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I don't follow it at all, so I'm not an expert, it seems like it just boils down to dating advice.

Where am I wrong? Why is it political? Seems weird

>Women continue to have unrealistic standards for boyfriend material that exclude 85% of men
>Somehow this is men's fault

What you said is not true at all.

What are you trying to say? That climate change isn't something I'm factoring in here? For me climate change is real, the repercussions of what is already happening will continue and the management of this will be hardcore. The continuing impact of climate change irrespective of the reasons behind it if it gets worse will make this even more hardcore.

So we look at food insecurity. A change in economic activity. Migration. A reduction in land. A change in land usage. This will happen anyway. Mass extinction.

I'm pretty much at the point where I've accepted that on our current trajectory by 2050 we'll be at the point where working outside for more than 6 hours will cause death in certain climates. I believe we need to almost completely restructure our economic systems and societal expectations to even maintain this trajectory and that this trajectory while horrific in comparison to what we've been doing will still allow a significant remanent of humanity to survive.

If we can get on top of things relatively quickly it won't be as bad. If we deny and double down on our bullshit then it'll be much worse.

How long now has it been since we've had tertiary service economies? Does anybody enjoy being born, raised and then indoctrinated into a office cell where their entire existence is based around consuming resources while allowing a boss to earn a small margin on their existence?

Those people might lose jobs. They might suffer a change in circumstances. They might if unable to adapt die out. Oh well. Society didn't collapse though.

I've an excellent summer at the minute and grow enough food at this time of year to cover 3/5 meals. I produce some of my own firewood, the rest is traded for or collected as waste material. I bike whenever possible and while I have two cars, they are ancient and can be maintained almost forever for almost no money. I work, but I could quit work and I'd be able to continue existing for at least 10 years without any change/

>Most of the population is ugly from obesity alone
>The majority of these people also lack personality, humor, or hobbies of any kind
>Expect women to like them

Aloof but passive prepping.

Okay. Hmu when you manage to reproduce and raise functional kids in your autism fort away from the big scary world of strip malls and Netflix

I'm planning to start a family this year and one of my biggest fears is that I'm going to have to send them to school and they are going to be taught everything but what I think they need to be taught. Basically permaculture, a diy ethic, practical skills, the ability to feed and maintain yourself basically. Which is fine, people can make their own choices, but school does indoctrinate them into the current culture which is pretty ... meh at producing anything other than office drones.

Because at the end of the day that's really the source of his misanthropy.

Vietnam war which had a draft, rioting in urban areas, segregation and it's legacy, air and water quality was far worse, no internet or Vidya.

There was a Wikipedia article on it until moderators deleted it for politically motivated reasons. Now it's a "conspiracy theory" kek

Check yourself before you kek yourself

By being selfish... I don't give a single shit that everything will be ruined when I die, I only care about my life being awesome.

By accepting I'll be dead before it happens

haha I thought you were gonna make a point about like plastic in the oceans and global warming, but no it's "SJWs bad and kids dance too much fortnite"

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it has 100% nothing to do with marxism, it's basically what kekistanis and alt-rights get mad at on the internet. Feminists, anyone who isn't White, trannies, pop music, etc.

They think it's a centuries-old conspiracy by Jews or whatever to make the world more Jewy or something.


I don't.

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DAOs and BTC

Don't. Just accept it, sit back and watch the world burn.

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I'm looking at getting a gun license and learning to shoot. Working on my outdoors skills. I have extended family that lives a 3 hour drive away in the woods where there's a freshwater lake and fish, small game, etc. I'll likely buy some silver and or gold and wait it out but a lot of people are going to die that much is for sure.

I looked around, me did some research, and came to the conclusion things aren't looking great, but I see no signs of terminal decline

The powerful have more tools and better tools than ever to hold that power. Theres going to be a time, within our lifetime where they have no reliance on people anymore. Itll be interesting to say the least, the system currently favours some amount of wellbeing for citizens but that hasnt always been the case, and in those cases awful things happened. That will happen again and worse

yea exactly. mcjobs still need cucks to work them. toilets to be scrubbed. but soon all that wont matter anymore as lesser educated people become useless. A revolution is brewing but I think its probably still 40 years off.

Can this post please be the fucking sticky for this board and r9k?


>the most successful ethnic group in world history is also the most innocent

And what is your plan?

I was expecting stuff like climate change, totalitarian surveillance, increasing economic inequality or depletion of natural resources.
You're a disappointing excuse of a human being.

>A large majority of men are overweight or outright obese
>Somehow it's women's fault that they're not attracted to tubs of lard