My dad just got back from an overseas trip and I’ve had some fears that he might be turning left but this sort of reconfirmed to me that he’s still based to me. We weren’t super close growing up but due to a recent crisis within the family, we’ve really bonded and idk I just felt like sharing this with y’all since I figure y’all might get a kick out of it.
Lets see the convo.
>using emojis ever
Hey faggot, don't forget to have tonight's soi milk
>Who the fuck uses emojis when they text their father?
>Who the fuck uses emojis?
Faggos and women, that's who. Don't be a faggot.
I use emojis when I'm picking up bitches.
Bitches love emojis.
OP is a fag though
>Bitches love emojis.
This, unfortunately.
If you faggots stopped getting so butthurt about something as minuscule as emojis, maybe you might actually achieve the change in society that you want.
Fuck the turks!
>t. a virgin
No bitch likes emoji using men. Gold diggers and degenerates, maybe. But they will accept your faggotry anyways as long as you are being a good cuck for them
If you think using emojis is trivial, you don't need to use them in the first place, faggot
I've had sex with four girls tho
Emojis aren’t all gay. But that one sure was.
Sure you did, and I bet those four girls are traditional and redpilled
Why would I lie on an anonymous imageboard? Quit being autistic.
>I bet those four girls are traditional and redpilled
Fuck no, that's not my type of girl.
I hardly put any thought into my use of it but ok nigger go ahead and just continue to overthink things in whatever faggy shithole you live in lol
So what you meant was not disproving my fist point, faggot. If you don't have anything to argue, just shut the fuck up and keep fucking degenerate roasties, and no one would care
Only fags and niggers use emojis so calling me a nigger is very ironic
I find that hard to believe, nigger.
keep telling yourself that incel, clever emojii use makes a girl wet
based dad