Tarrant supporters, who are they?

13 year old edge lords?
JIDF shills?
Israeli kikes?
Glow niggers?
Low IQ retards?
All of the above?

Attached: I Love Jews.jpg (469x546, 95K)

they're jews.

He names the Jews in a coded way

Read the manifesto

also kikes

he looks like a jew

How? He says he’s okay with a Jewish ethnostate. That’s it

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That's Counter-Semite to you.

Yeah better to talk about Jews in code, you don't want normies to think you're a monster when you're killing defenseless women and children!

>70 pages babbling about immigration


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>okay with a jewish ethnostate
>okay with a base for criminal kikes to subvert western society
The only solution to the jewish problem is to confine them to an isolated region like Madagascar. Kikes can never be allowed to rule themselves in a geopolitically relevant country.

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She just likes it greek

Athens Georgia

nice copypaste faggot

Nothing less than the last solution will suffice now. Putting down radid animals is never easy but it has to be done.

That's not the same guy from the video

Tarrant is a hero

>So long as they do not subvert us
Think, niggers. He's offering them an entirely reasonable deal, knowing that they'll never be willing to go through with it, and giving the rest of the world a good and defensible reason to plant them into the fucking dirt. He is jewing the jew.

The jews don't matter any more than you allow them to. You won't kill all the jews tomorrow for the same reason you won't expel all the immigrants - the public is too domesticated, too peaceful, happy and fed. The jews only spread the ideas, the cattle are the ones who ate it up, voted for it, and implemented it. It's the new "white man's burden."

Don't blame Tarrant for doing something. Politics hasn't accomplished jack shit in decades. We continue to compromise, sliding ever left-ward, and each generation of suckers celebrates it. Trump is pulling a Reagan right now and his supporters are too young or stupid to care.
On the other hand, if more people were like Tarrant, this problem would've been solved before it even started. And a century or two ago, people were like him. They were happy to use violence to get their way, knowing that being proactive meant there'd be less bloodshed down the line. Meanwhile, while we repeat the same tired statistics at leftists in the hope they'll convert, whites continue to slide into minority status. By the time we have every last native on our side we'll already be a minority.

>inb4 shill

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I didn't come here to take a quiz. kys faggot

Go back to your own country Ahmed

It's 4D chess!

Says the faggot teaching English and chasing yellow pussy coz he couldn't make it back home.

If he said something like kill all the jews, or the jew are doing everything, the media would just call him a crazy nazi and no one would pay attention to his message. By doing the way he did he showed himself as what he wanted people to think about, a European fighting against the Europe invasion by hostile forces that hate and attack the natives constantly.

The fact that you don't even bounce on other IPs makes me wonder how low-IQ you are.

i hope he inspires 10000 more attacks

More or less. Just because you're unable to understand that holding a bit back is a smart tactic doesn't make it any less smart and effective. For Christ's sake even the Nazis knew to avoid confronting the Jew directly until their power had been cemented.

This level of cope. He had plently of "racist" insignia on his person but strangely didn't name the Jew. He said "Subscribe to Pewdipie" which just makes him look unhinged and retarded to the 99% of people who don't follow meme culture. He was a non-European attacking a tiny Muslim community in a non-European country. A country surrounded by an impassable barrier of water which means that every Muslim there was invited in by the New Zealand government.

Your entire statement is retarded.



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>He had plently of "racist" insignia on his person
Racist its not the same as crazy conspiracy nazi, just for being rascist people wouldnt just ignore his message. Also he was not rascist, he said he had no problem with the people in their countries just with the invasors.
>but strangely didn't name the Jew.
He did said he wants all semites out of Europe, in Europe semit always meant jews, just in the last 5 years people start talking about how arabs are also semites.
> He said "Subscribe to Pewdipie" which just makes him look unhinged and retarded to the 99% of people who don't follow meme culture.
Yeah he was a shitposter, thats called dog wistle.
>He was a non-European attacking a tiny Muslim community in a non-European country.
Nz is a counrry of European people, so is Australia the place where Tarrant comes froms.
>A country surrounded by an impassable barrier of water which means that every Muslim there was invited in by the New Zealand government.
All muslims have being invited by traitors in the goverments, Germany, Sweden, France, it happened everywhere like this not just in NZ.

This is Trump supporter levels of cope. Just face the facts: He was a PR disaster for the cause of white well-being and to add insult to injury he didn't even attack any of the traitors responsible for mass immigration.

I guess you fall into the "retard" category of Tarrant supporter.

Not sue why you even care since you're a mongrel people anyway.

He was an accelerationist, wich is a person that believes that people are frogs being slow cooked and the only way to make the frogs jump is to accelerate the fire, otherwise the frogs will just die without realising that they are being cooked, wich was what he did. And i care because Islam will not stop at Europe, like they didnt stoped in Africa before that, like they didnt stoped in the ME before Africa, they are also expanding in Asia and India, they want the whole world not just Europe. Everyone should care.

Ah so you're a degenerate who is scared of authoritarianism. You think one day Islam will kick down your door and confiscate your dildo collection. I understand now.

Iam not a degenerate, Iam also not a slave, i would never submit to Islam, wich means death in a muslim majority territory. So yeah, the Islam take overb of the world need to be stoped.

Also, considering everything we see muslims doing i would say they are the degenerate ones.

But at this point you are unironicaly just defending that i should just submit to Islam otherwise iam gay. This debate is obviusly over, good night.