What is the perfect social system you think

What is the perfect social system you think.

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objective truth

there is no such thing

Muh Russia.....

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Multigenerational households with one vote per family, done by the head of household. Worker collectives, but not state collectives, each company is worker owned but completes with each other. That doesn’t mean everyone makes the same, just excess profits are fed back into the empylees.
In a ethnostate of course.

Plato's Republic

There isn't one.

People who are not interested in studying history/politics and how politics run in their countries shouldn't be allowed to vote.

benevolent dictature is the best.

BUT you need to find the perfect dictator, one willing to give himself for his people and willing to sleep 3 hours per night

All social systems are inherently perfect representations of themselves.

If you ask this in Japan, many people say that basic income introduction(welfare state).

It's good to reduce wasted vote

If women have wildly unrealistic expectations and men can't find the jobs to meet them, and the last generation that spent all it's time working to produce a large number of neets, old people purposefully commit crimes to get sent to prison and the suicide forest is an embarrasing topic nobody wants to talk about because of face, it's not difficult to say why so many say welfare state is the way.


Whites only you think

Some form of authoritarian state, autarky economic policy, no jewed banking system like fractional reserve banking and a policy of inflation mitigation. A market economy is necessary until someone can invent something better, any form of planned/traditional economy is garbage. A policy where the state generally won't own corporations, but in the event that they do because it's necessary to provide a service where the free market is unwilling to, they are to never release it into private hands. Zero subsidies, state owned is preferred if that is required. Generally low amounts of economic interference as things like preferential tax rates contribute to the formation of monopolies. But things like tariffs are still on the table to protect domestic business, as well as the power to break apart businesses that partake in dishonest practices. So basically national socialism. It won't be a democracy so there shouldn't be much lobbying, but lobbying is to be illegal.

Socially, a set of ideas need to be highly encouraged, if not enforced. Traditional gender roles. Miscegenation illegal, divorce difficult, abortion generally not practiced, contraceptives illegal. Promiscuity needs to be considered highly negative. This was easier when things like religion encouraged that.

No welfare as it's dysgenic in nature. It's the subsidization of the poor off the backs of the well off. Intelligence is correlated with ability to produce wealth, thus generally speaking, the poor are less intelligent. Money is one of the largest considerations when having children, especially if you were to solve all other social issues pertaining to fertility rates. So taking money from the intelligent and giving it to the least intelligent groups is effectively encouraging the stupid to reproduce.

Christian Anarchism (Moral Anarchy)
Everyone acts morally correct so there's no need for a government to police things or coerce money from people for services.

It's a fantasy utopic system, but it's something worth striving for.

peasant republic

whites surrendering there women to us

National socialism.

