How do I reconcile women not having easier lives than men with things like this...

How do I reconcile women not having easier lives than men with things like this? Some girl can bottle up water from a bath and sell it for $30 a pop.

I'm trying to have a healthier view of women but stuff like this just seems way unfair.

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Why aren’t you mad at the men who buys this shit and creates the market.


I wouldn't want the life of a girl like that even if it was easier. Seems pretty shallow and I think that girls like that tend to be vapid.

This is a very good point. I don't understand why someone would buy this.

Here we are. Summer 2019. Everything was supposed to change in a better way. yuck.
There's people out there that is capable of buying bottled bath water. Everything is kinda explained.

Its like video games, its more satisfying to play on normal or hard. Woman have it easier, but at the end of the day they have to be some guys bitch.

A market is composed of both sellers and buyers. Part of the blame lies with pathetic men who are willing to buy the shit in your OP pic.

Girl is probably doing it out of desperation, and so you know if anyone is even buying it?

Stop comparing your economic, sexual, and social health to women's. You're in a different category and you have a different matrix of risks and rewards.

She earns more than 100k$ a month.

She is a literal millionaire by selling pictures of herself in swimsuits.

A man having 30 bucks to spend on this shit clearly has any easier life than someone who has to waste their time on such bullshit to earn some extra money.

It makes no sense to envy the seller in any scenario. The buyer is always in a stronger position.

Seems pretty unlikely.

Sure, she has other income sources but a business of an e celeb usually lasts under five years before they disappear into irrelevancy and it takes stupid amounts of self-promotion to become one of the few who make big bucks. Also the type of content she makes, will make employment in branches beyond entertainment a pain.

Some random footballer in the EPL earns far more in a week.

everyone said the same shit about pewdiepie

And how many other people can earn anywhere near as much for doing the same brainless shit?
Besides, he was in millions of subscribers back then and some sort of zoomer hero for being so big. He's basically the Kardashians of reality shows.

There will always be thirsty losers who are more than willing to throw their money at shit like this.

I can only see it getting worse from here.

Sure, but the women that do it are definitely worse.

Also, not really addressing the OP.

Are you actually mad that you can't do this?

you remember when people were selling justin beibers hair?

That's still a ridiculous amount of money, and also much closer to 50k than 4k.

>There will always be thirsty losers who are more than willing to throw their money at shit like this.
Obviously but for an individual like her that's not enough to pay the bills. She has to compete with tons of other women who do the same shit and find ways to make the losers spend their money on her.

What makes them worse? It's not like their sell fake medicine or the likes. It's a pretty straightforward service.

>british woman selling dirty bath water and dressing like a cat
>swedish man screaming about being raped by a zombie
They're both bad.

doesn't he just make edgy jokes and reads memes off of reddit these days

We are talking about the people that buy her shit and give her money, not her male equivalent.

Also no way in Hell is being an absolute cum guzzling degenerate not worse than playing games and being silly, even if they both are acting,

I don't fucking know.
You don't remember his fans who would write hundreds of gay fanfictions and 3d animations back in the day. It was fuckin' cringe.

It really isn't long term, which would very hard to establish. And cuts her off from a lot future jobs.

50k is nothing special in Burgerland; she'd get far more with some meme CS degree and would have to work less.

It's not like she just makes random pictures and has motherfuckers throwing money at her. She has to stay fit, buy all the outfits, do her make up, shoot the optimal picture … and then do silly amounts of shilling, communicate with fans all the fucking time while playing a certain persona, keep her site up to date and research for more ways to milk idiots. AND she has to do it regularly, otherwise people will get bored and pick someone else to stan. Bet she works at least 12h a day on this cancer every day. It's basically owning your business but the business is you, which make the shit even harder with higher risk.

>What makes them worse? It's not like their sell fake medicine or the likes. It's a pretty straightforward service.

There will always be dupes in this world, not just in the scenario of thirsty guys but in all sorts of ones like you gave an example.

Rationalizing it as "well people are buying, so I might as well sell, I'm only as bad as they are" is sociopath level of evil and retarded.

I mean, by the same token, shouldn't we be getting mad at women who fall in love with and marry men who exhibit traits of toxic masculinity?

>toxic masculinity
Fuck off

The crucial bit is they don't sell anything harmful nor pretend to sell something they aren't.

If a guy wants to jerk off to used panties, why the hell not to provide them with these? If some whale pays 2000 bucks for your attention, he's getting exactly what he paid for. E-celebs provide for needs people have which no one else does.

Given how society pushes them to do it, getting mad at them for following what we tell them seems irrational.

I mean, I'm just saying. Men who exhibit traits that drive women up the wall, like not being able to listen, being angry, stoic, having a "man up" attitude all the time, etc., still find more sexual success than incels, thus creating a market for that sort of mentality and ensuring its success.

>Given how society pushes them to do it, getting mad at them for following what we tell them seems irrational.
I don't know man, women seem to prop up toxic masculinity just as much as men do.

I'm not arguing whether you should or shouldn't provide, only that the provider is an infinitely bigger scumfuck than the buyer.

>How do I reconcile women not having easier lives than men with things like this?
By remembering that not all women are the same and for 1 Belle Delphine there's millions of Honey BooBoos whose existence you never even notice.

Attached: woman.jpg (474x592, 39K)

I mean, we as society generally. And sure, a lot of women prop it up and push for it too, but they are still the victims of the system which shits on them, just too deep in to realise it.

Calling out on women who defend and vocally support it seems reasonable but going for the ones who are stuck in a shitty relationship or date a shithead just seems off and similar to blaming people who got shoot while walking through a shitty neighbourhood. Even if they did it knowingly and should've known better, they are still the victim.

Sounds like blaming McDonalds for serving fast food. Although at least fast food is inherently bad for you unlike "gamer girl bath water"

How is being duped and taken advantage of not being bad for you?

Again, you sound like a sociopath.

For all their bitching about muh Chad males sure never notice normal women.

Attached: 636616361365084365-BUR20180511NURSES1.jpg (3200x1680, 689K)

Comment was meant for

To be duped or taken advantage of, the seller has promise something else than what they are selling.

"Gamer girl bathwater which makes your dick grow by two inches" would be duping someone.

>the seller has promise something else than what they are selling.
Only in the case of duping, not being taken advantage off.

Bet even if you disagree with these two specific terms, we can use a feminist favorite - its exploitation.

So how is providing something THE OTHER PARTY wants taking advantage of them or exploitation? Is Marvel exploiting people by giving capeshit to people who beg for it?

Just because someone doesn't have your problems, doesn't mean they don't have different problems of their own.

Life is not easy for anyone. Okay scratch that, some fucking blessed asshole has a perfect life with no worries. But for 99.99999% of the world's population, life is hard, even if it's not hard in the same way.

Men are blind to women who aren't Stacy. The nurse that's treating his diabetes that received no support from her parents and took on debt to earn her degree and has been trudging through life since? She's not hot lol she's completely invisible to him.

>nurse that's treating his diabetes that received no support from her parents and took on debt to earn her degree and has been trudging through life since?
Sounded awesome before the "not hot" part. And yeah as a guy I gotta admit that people who aren't attractive are pretty much invisible as potential partners to me.

They're invisible as people to you. By your communal bitching men seem to think all women are Belle Delphine and completely ignore the masses of women like .

>They're invisible as people to you.
Naw, I'm pretty curious and interested in people generally. There is a huge line between "don't exist as people" and "don't exist as potential partners because they aren't hot".

>By your communal bitching men seem to think all women are Belle Delphine and completely ignore the masses of women
Well, incels will incel.

>There is a huge line between "don't exist as people" and "don't exist as potential partners because they aren't hot".

No for men, at least the ones that whine about gamer girl bathwater.

I mean sure, it takes a very special person to give any fucks about it in the first place; making a fucking thread and thinking it's somewhat representative ... it's sad that it's probably not bait.

Get rich or die trying.

Any other answer is lies.

So when I'm buying an iPhone, I'm actually better off than Tim Cook? Feels good man.

>50k is nothing special in burgerland
Are you telling me 600k yearly is a normal salary for a CS degree in America? Are you delusional?

For all their bitching about average men being douchebags females sure lack the self awareness to see they're only dating Chad douchebags.

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Fucking this. They can do shit like this because limp dicked betas enable it. Thots like that are just playing the game

Why are you posting a bunch of MARRIED women as example of normal women getting no attention?

Is it because of summer we have had a flood of underaged incels lately?

It's a bit sad though isn't it, it's basically her using sex to sell things. This will go on til the end of time. It's in the nature of women to make use of the one asset they must make great use of before it depreciates permanently. You really ought to be more mad at the men in society who allowed other men to be this pathetic.

On that note, I'd rather be angry at men who devise far more manipulative and evil white-collar schemes.

Well sicopaths can;t understand, so no need to go further anyway.

The problem is that they'll never date down at all
the man always has to make more money, be smarter, taller and better looking

The market of loneliness will only increase. Pornstars will become more personal as the years go by. Men won't need to go outside, women will fulfill their libidinous lust through robotic love-making. Love will become part of the past as artificial becomes our future.

Eh I don't know. It's an attractive female preying on lonely sad men. Sure she's smart for exploiting it but it still leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

>girl sells bathwater for $30
>guy raises $55,492 to make potato salad


The potato salad thing was a meme that went viral and a one time thing.

In the USA, making 170k yearly as somebody under 30 makes you a top 1% income earner. This woman makes roughly that every three months. Her skills? Being born with a certain face and body and being willing to take pictures of it.

>Belle Delphine's net worth is estimated at $500 thousand USD.
>PewDiePie's net worth is estimated to be $20 million


And? Do you think every single woman in thr world also can easily do that? She lucked out and is one in a million.

>Chad males sure never notice normal women.
Half of the hands visible have wedding rings on them...

Why did you post women who are middle-aged and long married? Can you give more examples of what you consider "normal women"?

To that degree? Nah, but any decent looking girl can throw up a patreon and make a mid tier salary (100k+) for essentially no effort and zero skills and then easily pivot into a "social media consulting" job in later life.

If it's that easy why doesn't every woman do that?

I have no idea really, maybe just self respect or some shit? Or maybe they're just not interested in it, doesn't mean it's not an avenue that's always open for them though.

An absurd amount of women do though, why do you think premium Snapchats and shit like that exists? To pay college costs, hell in my college there were girls who openly offered sex for money to pay the bills.

Can you post some statistics backing that up? How many millions of girls make millions a year? Or are you just parroting incel memes like an NPC who is too dumb to have an independent thought?

>Hey why don't you prove this completely feasible claim that can be corroborated by anyone attending college btw only a peer reviewed statistics paper published by the MIT will be enough proof ok

Literally Google student debt premium Snapchat and you'll see plenty of articles on the phenomenon (which you will promptly dismiss because you have refused it being true before anything can be said anyway).

>Google student debt premium Snapchat
>not a single article on the phenomenon


Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-03 student debt premium Snapchat - Google Search.png (1349x1644, 179K)

It's almost as if he made shit up and retreated into the "hurr google it" defense.

Well op, look at it this way. Gamer girl bath water is probably for sex shit. You can order anything from anybody that is porn related.
As a whole, try to look at it like they have it harder in ways that you never really experienced . You are thinking that what men go through is what females go through, when their lives are completely different. accept that and you might feel better.


Fat girl here, i know what you mean. I probably have more hate towards women than. Osy would consider healthy. Not all women have all these advantages. I couldn't sell my bath water. I can't use my body to get free shit. I guess I'm salty about it and that's where my hate comes from. Hm.
>“I couldn’t help but think with America’s minimum wage so low and college tuition so high, how many students would be getting Snapchat Premium instead of a part time job?”

You could, you just need to lose the weight.

>some 35+ year old nurses
OK, what do you think normal women in their twenties look like?

You do realize this market is fueled by beta males? otherwise there would be no need for such items to exist, unless there was a need, it will exist?

Are you an idiot?? Who says people are actually buying it? Can you see her sales numbers? No? Then that means as far as you know, no one has bought it.

This is a product of the objectivation of women in the first place, for male pleasure. For every one girl that gets to this there are literally millions considered sub-par to male standards.

it is unfair and you know it on some level.

on that level you also know that
>trying to have a healthier view of women
is self delusion

completely misses the point.
The point is women have it easier than men. Your argument is "but men like it", which says nothing about women having it easier than men.

In some way this girl is taken advantage of people with mental issues
People will clap for her anyway though

I'm sure a man selling his used briefs to lonely women (if they existed lol) wouldn't have such an understanding view of it.

Women like that have it easier since there are retards buying into this bs. You'd do it too if you could.

Recognize when women do shit when they don't have to and view it as a sign of character.
Fat women are treated the same as most men.
Obviously any woman who can go for a run once a week and swap a meal with a salad once a while is treated like gods when they are young.
So when they do stuff, it is a sign of great character.
Imagine you have been handed 50 million dollars at birth and still decide to get to work every day. Deciding to spend it all because that is easier means they are lazy and giving them any praise for being lazy is dumb.

Because they sure ain't getting attention from the vast majority of men like you who only care for hot women, and mock their husbands for being dumb betas who can't afford Stacy. Their lives are not easy like yours. All women are the same guyz even the fat ugly hard-working ones I never care about and who are living worse lives than me.

>Chad douchebags
What are you talking about, retard?

The post says for all your bitching about Chad, you never notice normal women.
Do you think those women are married to Chads and not normal men, what you spitefully call "betas"? Why would your mythical Chad marry ugly women? Or is every man who's not you a "Chad" because you're a bitter angry spiteful incel?
Moreover, do you think those women had an easy life because they're women? Even though they're ugly so they don't exist to 99% of men and have a job more stressful than anything you've ever faced in your cushy neet life? You don't even remember they exist unless someone points it out to you, you dumb little liar. Kill yourself, you fucking disgusting hypocrite.

How do these nurses have it easier than you when they are stressed and overworked and literally wiping shit off of your obese ass while you leech off other people's money and have so much free time you're shitposting on Jow Forums? You dumb retard. Men are blind to 99% of women.

>Because they sure ain't getting attention from the vast majority of men like you who only care for hot women, and mock their husbands for being dumb betas who can't afford Stacy. Their lives are not easy like yours. All women are the same guyz even the fat ugly hard-working ones I never care about and who are living worse lives than me.
What, first of all these women are middle aged and married. I don't see how you infer that these women are miserables when for all you know they're happily married and got into nursing because they enjoy it and have happy and fulfilling lives. Speaking of which
Why the fuck such a negative view of nursing? There is nothing wrong with that job, stop being a snobby piece of shit.

>these women are middle aged
All women end up middle aged unless they get killed premeturely. What, are you saying you don't see women for 2/3 of their lives? Women only exist for one fraction of their lives to you? How is it "easy" to be so artificially constrained and restricted when men have their whole life instead?
>and married
And? You think they're married to Chad? You think Chad marries, let alone women like that? Funny you think that because it contradicts everything you incels have always spewed about this "Chad" of yours. Sounds like it's bullshit you make up on the spot just to shit on women no matter what because you're bitter and angry you aren't speshul like you think and you hate being proven wrong. KYS you hypocrite piece of crap.

>Why the fuck such a negative view of nursing
Because it's objectively one of the worst jobs to have. You're expected to work insane hours because there's never enough stuff, you have to deal with desperate and agressive people all the time (seriously, a nurse got killed in my area because a patient's relatives were angry the patient didn't make it) , your job is literally wiping shit and piss and vomit and listening to people complaining about their ills 24/7. It is a noble job that society absolutely needs and nurses are heroes to put up with it, but you're a filthy disgusting liar if you're going to call it "easy" just because they're women.

Why the fuck are you so aggressive lmao, take a chill pill retard

My point is that you posted a picture of a bunch of smiling married nurses and went on an autistic enraged tirade about how awful their lives must be
Seems like you're the one making shit up here

>people smile for pictures
Oh no they must not be completely socially retarded like you! How dare they!
And? What do you think that means, retard? Their husbands must be all Chads? But you said Chad doesn't commit, retard, make up your mind.
>went on an autistic enraged tirade about how awful their lives must be
No, that's you being a stupid retard, retard. All I am saying is that women do not have easier lives than men and the vast majority of women is much more like those nurses and not like 1 gamer girl which is all you incels ever focus about and think all women are like that when they're not. Retard.

Nigger, you posted that pic as an example of "normal women" that incels don't notice. Why the fuck would they notice women who are already taken? Do you want incels to try seducing married middle aged women?

>even the fat ugly hard-working ones
>Why would your mythical Chad marry ugly women?
>Even though they're ugly so
They're just old, everyone gets old and ugly. Had you showed a photo of those women before they got married, you might have had a point.

You may not, but while you or I may not understand, some retards WILL buy this.

>Why the fuck would they notice women who are already taken?
They do though. "I have a boyfriend" doesn't stop you assholes from trying, as millions of women can testify.
>Do you want incels to try seducing married middle aged women?
No. I want incels to shut the fuck up that women have it "easier" when women don't have it easier at all.
>everyone gets old and ugly
No, everyone gets old but facial structure stays the same, which is why you can recognize someone at 90 even though you only knew them at 20. And they're not that old, retard. You can infer how they looked like in their 20s and no, you would have not noticed their existence still because you incels don't think not-hot women exist. Kill yourself.

>work less

All she has to do is look good. If she pushes the edge, she'll get further.

Even without that, if she has half a braincell and invests into shit, she'll have FU money before any of us.

She already looks good. What do you want her to do, porn so she can ruin her future completely when she's old and you won't give a fuck about her anymore?
>if she invests into shit
Gamble your money away yeah while there's another global crisis looming, what could go wrong.