Anons Ive noticed something recentlly

Theres been an ever growing presence of indian street shitter posters on Jow Forums recentlly. what the fuck is going on? why are they here?

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the based brown wizard summoned them

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shivas gey

Because T-Series overtook Pewdiepie!

>1 pewdiepie
>Vs 1 jewtube sub bot

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moots a transnigger fag go watch the pewdiepie vs t series livestreams on jewtube

What the fook did you just fookin' say about me you little glass jawed rat?!?!

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They come from Jow Forums trying to scam white men by shilling shitcoins.
But i don't mind the pajeet, they are pretty funny and redpilled for most of them.

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they shit in the street. that is not based user...

This is just the beginning, user.

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>when your country has a tiered nigger system instead of just nigger or not nigger
You guys deserve to get nuked

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fuck off from our board street shitter.

Both them and the pakis. Ever since that failed attempt of a war, paki memeflag shills keep on making threads on poos, more poos get attracted and both shit up the board. Need to get rid of both and they can fight their wars somewhere else.

mods shuold make a Jow Forums board just for poos and pakis. /poo/

>Theres been an ever growing presence of indian street shitter posters on Jow Forums recentlly. what the fuck is going on? why are they here?
They were always here, they just hid behind meme flags while POO IN LOO was at its zenith.

Kek, yes agree. I don't give a fuck about either of them and I would totally support that.


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There's some infrastructure project going on to inprove internet connectivity, so it's becoming easier for them to get online in their free time

Everything you own, belongs to us.

they were using memeflags to get attention but with the new Memeflag Delouser addon which auto-hides all memeflag posts the street shittin' pajeets have resorted back to the goatse flag.

Indians are unironically the best posters on Jow Forums right now

>A Fucking leaf

As long as they are against muslims.

I mean talk of overcompensating, what kind of spineless coward hides behind a wall of women? How pathetic and scared do you have to be to make sure that you spread every lie to not give a fighting chance or any way to attack, do you believe that you're that wrong? Is that why you are extremely terrified of any opposition? What a weak weak pathetic excuse for a human being. Fucking wimp.

What happens if people find out the truth? Will the perpetrators run? Will they hide? Will they point fingers at others? Will they go back to blaming the victim? Will they go back to attacking the victim? Are they scared? Hide like little pussy faggots?

Here pussy pussy pussy.