Is the environment the ultimate cope for fedoras?

Is the environment the ultimate cope for fedoras?
>Religious morality is bullshit, human behavior isn't unnatural or evil because unnatural behavior doesn't exist.
>Human behavior is unnaturally influencing natural processes. Look at all the harm it's doing! Don't you feel bad about all this destruction, don't you care about living things not existing after you stop existing?

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I don't know what you said in that drivel but fedora should be genocided

Yes and "science" in general. I got into a big argument with some chick at a bar (everybody was grad students or phds) about how "science" isn't some book with all the answers but just a system of processes that anybody can use, and that by always deferring to scientific consensus about the nature of knowledge is akin to a type of new religion of self-worship, and she went nuts. This was a long time back, like at the beginning of the SJW craze, 2010 or so, but I still remember how retarded she became, it was like that god warrior lady from that reality TV show but a highly credentialed professor becoming like a four year old because she butted into a conversation about ham radio and overheard me saying I didn't believe that scientists had all the answers yet.

Thanks for letting me vent about that, I know one dude who was there is one of us so if he sees this tell that chick I said fuck you.
>A conclusion that two (or more) genes or proteins are homologous is a conjecture, not an experimental fact. We would be able to know for a fact that genes are homologous only if we could directly explore their common ancestor and all intermediate forms. Since there is no fossil record of these extinct forms, a decision on homology between genes has to be made on the basis of the similarity between them, the only observable variable that can be expressed numerically and correlated with probability

No one knows the exact DNA sequence that corresponds between humans and apes. It's all guesswork.
>the amount of Carbon-14 in the atmosphere has not been steady throughout history. In fact, it has fluctuated a great deal over the years. This variation is caused by both natural processes and human activity. Cosmic rays and changes in Earth’s climate can cause irregularities in the amount of Carbon-14 in the atmosphere
>it is only accurate from about 62,000 years ago to 1,200 A.D

Carbon dating is extremely unreliable when you try to date anything older than 60 000 years old.
>The potassium-argon method is attractive for dating volcanics since it can be applied to rocks of Pleistocene age and older, thus encompassing important periods of general volcanic activity.
>However it has been found that dates obtained on whole rocks and on included minerals frequently show gross discordances.

J.G.Funkhouser and J.J.Naughton used the potassium-argon method on volcanic rocks from Mount Kilauea and got ages of up to 3 000 000 000 years when the rocks are known to have been formed in a modern eruption in 1801.

Evolution is a big bowl of nonsense.

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Checked. Plenipotentiarism is where it's at. So in short, Noah didn't get all 850 species of sparrows and 200 kinds of cats and so on on the Ark. Each animal descends from a prototype and has the ability to take varying directions in what we'd call "evolution" during development.

Weston A. Price is required reading for Jow Forums but the newfags haven't ever heard of him, he confirms this *in humans* across the world. In one generation there can be vigorous changes in physiognomy due solely to dietary and physical habituation and even throughout a human's life these changes can occur. One cat couple is the prototype for everything from lions to those little shorty cats that have the weiner dog legs. If you go one step further and start looking at the different embryos across species and even orders it really makes you think.

Fantasy worlds (like those created by Commies/Christians/Islam/Jews aren't in nature


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>he thinks he's made some statement
wew lad you're not even human are ye

>Noah didn't get all 850 species of sparrows and 200 kinds of cats and so on on the Ark.
Stopped reading there. You can't even read your cult book or understand the langauge it's written in.

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Good goy. Jesus created the sand on every beach

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Fantasy world thinking isn't in nature. So humans can construct fake realities using words and images, it's natural behavior but it doesn't exist as a world unto itself.

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>implying the ark story isn't universal and pertains to how the earth was actually provided with life
read a book nigger, try anacalypsis

like harry potter or star wars right?

>Fantasy worlds are unnaturally created by natural behavior
What if I told you words have meaning

It's too late user, as Yuri would have said, that other user is thoroughly demoralized.

I think everyone has a religion. Since they don't believe in Christianity, the environment, captialism etc is the new religion.

>Ark story is universal
lol, ok Joe Rogan... Try translating your idol the (((Bible))).

>Fantasy worlds are unnaturally created by natural behavior
lol, you don't get this? Too deep for you? You have a friend The state of nu/pol/

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Fantasy worlds exist?
Fantasy worlds don't exist?

Choose one.

What creates them?
The mind?
Is the mind natural?
Is creativity natural?
Does that mean they exist out there?

If they don't ACTUALLY EXIST, are they in nature?


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it's called sophomoronism and it's not even cute

>g-god can't exist because anybody can make up a story

I know I’m a brainlet, but I’m pretty sure you need to take your meds

There’s nothing wrong with wanting to leave something nice for the generation coming up behind you. The only issue is that environmental causes always turn out to be tax schemes designed to screw over the average joe while their largest proponents jet about the world lecturing the great unwashed masses about how horrible they are for wiping their asses or taking a hot shower.

>Fantasy worlds exist?
>Fantasy worlds don't exist?
>What creates them?
>The mind?
>Is the mind natural?
>Is creativity natural?
>Does that mean they exist out there?

>If they don't ACTUALLY EXIST, are they in nature?


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The arc of the covenant?

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you're an actual cuck if you're against environmentalism. You can't have conservatism without protecting your environment.

Jow Forums hates conservatism and all current major environmental efforts are corporate-government fusion strategies to fleece the normies

muh carbon