Hapa girl, 16, bullied and driven into suicide by Japanese class mates. How can Japan be so based?
Based Japan
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I thought the Japanese worship whites
Her father was Canadian, there's always a red line that shouldn't be crossed.
She doesnt look that white. Also i think they worship white males.
Only when whites are paying for shit, otherwise they're whito piggus
Fuck off whatever your flag is
that's what they want you to believe to pacify you
japanese females bullied her, they cannot compete with nose definition
Lmao I dont know what your flag is but she probably would have been worse if her parents were from your shithole. Inbred fuck
>parents were divorced
>passed back and forth across countries
that's enough to fuck up childhood development
if you hover over the flag you can see what country it is カナダ人たち
shame really, with that childhood she could have become a great hooker
Looks cute
Way better than the average Nippon whore
>How can Japan be so based?
There are some things which are considered to be in poor taste even on Jow Forums and mocking some poor dead lass is one of them.
She'll be somebody's QT waifu in Shinto heaven. Now get out, it's clear you don't belong here, so I abjure thee to never appear here again. In the name of The Lord Jesus Christ, begone.
That's why we need the Eurasian Empire
>that thing is half white
>canadian father
yeah wmaf is as bad as bmwf, still feel sorry for the kid
Fellow leaf. Based and leafpilled.
this is why you need to speak for yourself or fuck off to asia
t. incel whitey. Enjoy the grave
the real question is how do we redirect the incredible killing power of japanese bullying towards chinamen
based asian incels could not handle white men took one of their own. lol.
>liberals silent as always
Oh u mad leaf? You got destroyed by austria
t.asian incel
>lmfao I'm an ignoramus which means you suck
Everyone here already hates chinese.
The same grave niggers in Chicago send each other to?
bullying is common thing in jp.
you can find it almost in every manga story.
Guys, either Japan is based or not. If they're based, then this is based. A Eurasian Empire master race is dumb. Separate and happy is the way to go.
Oh boy it's that faggot again.
Bullying ruined my life. This is so funny to kill somebody inside.
>driven into suicide
no she made that decision herself, her genes weren't worthy of being passed on if she is so fragile lmao. Survival of the fittest. Glad she died.
she was weak from the get go.
good on the japs for taking out the weak cuck genetics, definitely inherited from the beta white father.
Holy shit Asian incels are really starting something in a god damn pornsite comment section?
Do we really want to breed their women and make men that are like this? Damn this is really something.
The nature of the ethnostate is a blessing.
May the Lord bless her soul.
>beta white father
That's horrible.
RIP, qt
Can't hover over on a phone tho
how long is a canada-japan flight?
imagine losing so that much time of your life because your parents couldn't keep their genitals in their continent
>prefering the mutt instead of the purebred
quintessentially canadian
there are some states in asian Russia
Funny how that works out. Looks like neither side likes having it’s women taken, even degenerates on a porn site
>prefering pure shitskin over half white
Nothing suprising here, especially when its coming from non white country.
I'd be more sympathetic to them if they didn't act like such bitches about it. Besides its not like we're at fault -- women just see us as higher in status. Thats how all women are.
They ought to get their shit together if they want their women to respect them again.
good riddance
S to spit on hapas and wh*Toids
silly woman. there are literally over 1 billion men who would have banged her every night for months and so given her life purpose. no fit bird need ever top herself, thats mens job
>I thought the Japanese worship whites
You believed the weeb meme?
sadly survival of the fittest doesn't apply anymore
low iq jungle niggers make 15 children each while high iq whites are dying out because they only care about work and having a pet
That Catalonian fag always ignores it. Eurasian states already exist, and guess what? They're not even that hot, and they're certainly not a master race.
So you're trying to say that half-you is shit, yet you want a 'purebreed' to breed? You're acknowledging that you're going to create a kid that you feel is inferior because you're inferior?
By the gods, you have the most cucked mentality I've ever seen. You should really reflect on what you're saying. If you had some self-respect you probably wouldn't end up fetishizing bugs.
whitoids have cuck genetics, just look at every single western country
I don't care, that won't stop me of getting a qt 3.14 nip gf and a comfy and safe life in homogeneous japan. REEEEEEEEEEEe
>runaway weeb
Don't ask the Leaf too much.
wtf finland i thought were cool man wtf
>these are the kind of schoolgirls who bullied our qt hafu
>the pot calling the kettle shitskin
you are funny
If there were people getting legit models that look like the models posted here (without being actual gravure whores) I'd be happy for them.
The truth is that they're more likely to get whatever is in that picture... and if they really believe that those look better than white women (although admittedly skinnier) then they're genetic trash that the west is better off without.
Imagine being as good looking as her and then just throwing it away. Goddam I hate the world.
Not much value in Japan where everyone else is ugly.
i didn't say i wanted to breed either of them, maybe you shouldn't project opinions in a quotation
That's a joke right? I'm far from ugly and i'd be more than happy to have any woman in that photo.
Except Japan is full of extremely good looking people. Their women are known for being some of the best in the world. You're just fucking gay.
rice boilers get the rope
Why do you get pleasure from this? most of you don't belong to any white culture youre white mutts HUURR DUHHR im 50% british their my people no theyre fucking not talk to me at 98%+ british you worthless mutt chinks aren't Japanese also Go fuck yourself cultureless white mutts
Incels die sad and alone.
t virgin
You're finnish dude, I take no offense to anything you say. You're mixed with garbage asian genes, "mongolian"
Just openly admitting that in front of others means you really must be genetic garbage. They’re literal bugs. If you can’t get a human gf and have to settle for a big, what does that say about yourself? Don’t muh roastie reply me either. I’m an 18 year old male zoomer who has a white gf.
Damn. She would've been a pretty one behind the inevitable mosaic censorship.
How angry does it make you that i'm white and plan to racemix? Stay suicidal.
>b-but you probably aren't white!!!
Nice projection.
t. patheric rice boiler
Why are you projecting this hard? You and I both know incels fetishize bugs because that’s the best they can get? Do you have no shape when coping this hard in front of others?
Dont worry, the invasive whitoid can find another dumb used up middle aged pussy to try again later next month.
Purest white genes in the Europe, mutt.
I get women asking how tall I am all the time. Don't try to pull that
>you just can't attract your own race!
bullshit. And i'm 99% sure that means they're into me if they'd ask me.
You fake Chad larpers are the cringiest thing ever
Why are you proud of that? Your children will look nothing like you and your lineage will be flushed down the drain. Are you jewish? Why are you shilling racemixing so hard?
>muh bugs
KYS with your divide and conquer shill, David
I don't fetishize them. I have nothing but respect for them and their culture.
This is coming from a memeflag. What’s the weather like in Tel Aviv or whatever other shitskin shithole you’re posting from?
I'm French, German and Norwegian. I don't have any jew in me. I just prefer aisan women and you nerds act like it's a fucking sin.
The japanese are subhuman. Look up their tests they did on ww2. Hell raiser tier shit. Theirs a name for their medical research division but I cant think of it.
All mixed race people should be offed. Also all Niggers.
Based Nips
That reminds me how we teased all the mixed people. Aww I was so cute back then
Damn, I really hate bangs. Most ugly hairstyle ever.
Yes, they are bugs, kike fuck. Go shill your racemixing on r/eddit or Jow Forums.
Shame, probably the only Japanese person that looks remotely attractive. Not that I care too much about the fate of a mutt, though.
>In textbooks and notebooks, characters such as "annoying," "gross," and "die", were punched. When I sat down on my chair and looked down, garbage was collected under the desk, and when I returned to the classroom, Mika's desk was being put out of the classroom.
>The classmate sometimes drew a sketch of Mika and threw slippers on the blackboard.
>She was reluctant to go to school complaining of poor health, and came back crying every time she went home.
>Ms. Misako complained to her homeroom teacher with a tack in her shoes. The homeroom teacher only received the tack, and said so. "There is no one to bully my class. It's your imagination."
Soulless insects.
Have you really never been in a China hate thread yet, newfag JIDF kike?
i understand falling in love to the point of not caring about race or your kids, but being proud of it is a whole new level of cuckery
Thanks for the well laid out information, amerimutt
You are trying too hard
You're the bug