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Why do ‘conservatives’ always sell out?
Lincoln Hall
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Michael Baker
Mason Rodriguez
cucked hard
Mason Turner
Goddamn it Jacob.
Logan Murphy
don't be surprised
Owen Gray
Democracy (aka universal suffrage). Non-Whites/Muslims get to vote, so there is an incentive for politicians to pander to them.
Ian Smith
The ability to speak freely has no place in society
Chase Lewis
>Anti-Christian comments have no place in society
wow nice you have a theocracy now
David Cook
just another deluded politician so no surprise there. he has good things to say about Brexit though so don't throw out the baby like a moron would
Kevin Garcia
Because morons keep electing them. Think about it, Britain is pretty much the only European country without a sizeable right wing party.
Gabriel Lee
Joseph Allen
Conservatives, especially anglo ones, are liberals
Ayden Williams
the "separate parties" are connected at the top
liberals push, conservatives pretend to fight back, giving ground little by little, to keep the illusion going
Ryan Sanders
Thread theme
Almost the entire British right are cuckservatives. Someone in Britain should make a new video of this song with pictures of British cucks instead of the american ones
Kevin Wright
>Believing that jacob has time to be running his own twitter
Adam Campbell
He said it himself, the tweet was an audio fragment of him saying it.
Carter White
Because "conservatives" job is to conserve the changes the lefty lunatics make.
Kevin Perry
France doesn't have a sizeable right-wing party either.
Jaxon Peterson
conservative = globalist who pretends to believe in god
Connor Clark
JRM is a traditionalist Catholic, goes to the TLM when he can and keeps his wife permapregnant (six kids so far).
Gavin Taylor
This is the kind of pandering I would expect from Labour.
Jacob Hughes
You know how one can tell a newfag? By exclaiming that Jow Forums is somehow conservative.
Jow Forums is right wing. Jow Forums is not conservative and generally hates conservatives. Jow Forums has literally caused the media to sperg out on an innumerable number of occasions and have even caused an uproar with our insult 'cuckservative.'
Jow Forums wasn't 'liberal' when we were against GHWB any more than it was 'conservative' when we were against obama fuckin normie
>1 post by this ID
Bentley Smith
Mogg has passionately said in the past that the UK is about upholding freedom of religion, most likely due to him being a Catholic and seeing how other nations have suppressed religion. However he seems to choose freedom of religion above freedom of opinion which I totally disagree with. It was inevitable that there were going to be divisive things about him eventually but he's still on point with the rest of his ideas. Even the most intelligent men in the world can still produce dumb principles, man is imperfect after all.
Carter Martin
>but he's still on point with the rest of his idea
He is really not.
Lucas Reyes
Explain his love for immigration then
Matthew Bennett
Adding on when Jow Forums was news it was a mix of libertarians and other idea groups.
Michael Brooks
Thats a neo con, who masquerade as conservatives. No different to marxist commies who larp as normal leftists or liberals. Infact they have almost identical roots with Trotsky vs Marx
Nathan Perez
Who the Hell is Jacob Rees-Mogg to tell me who I can and can’t criticise?
Islam is the religion of the Devil
Samuel Cooper
What about the brexit party is it a one issue party
Daniel King
they believe in god
just not the same god the masses worship
Ayden Williams
I'm like him with having no problem with immigration, the issue I have when it comes to immigration is that the UK elite have been fucking irresponsible about it for decades. The UK elite is more interested in growing the Gross Domestic Product than improving the UK's Human Development Index which explains the fucking massive disruption to the UK's social cohesion. Thing is it takes time to break the Westminster bubble that the likes of the Labour party did from the late 90's. The turmoil this country is in has been a long time coming and with leaving the EU (hopefully) things can take a step back in the right direction. Less immigration gives the UK more time to build infrastructure for cheaper houses and local schools to take your kids to, less immigration leads to higher wages for UK citizens instead of being priced out by cheap labour, less immigration leads to less culture clash and a much smoother assimilation of immigrants to UK society. I get the impression that Mogg is similar to me this way but he's one man of the Tory party that's filled with progressives pretending to be conservatives which has probably given you the impression that he's not a conservative at heart.
Chase Lewis
Liberal Playbook:
1. Silence the Opposition by declaring any criticism of Islam to be anti-islamic hate speech
2. Label those who speak anyway as fascists and discredit them
3. If any attack happens claim it is uncertain who did it and / or immediately stress how it has nothing to do with Islam and then stop talking about it
Ryder Howard
Watch this.
He wants more immigration from Pakistan and other places.
He does not care about the British people.
I'm not lefty but people need to wake the fuck up to the fact that wealthy people benefit due to immigration while the poor suffer the consequences
William Perry
Nigel Farrage is a turbocuck. His proudest achievement is destroying the BNP, and he is an unashamed civic nationalist, way to the left even to the likes of Sargon.
Gavin Nelson
>why do politicians sell out
They aren't afraid of you.
Ethan Bailey
I'm not listening to 44 minutes when I've listened to many hours of Mogg in the past. If you want to prove your point post the timestamps of interest and explain what you think the context is.
Colton Smith
It's literally him saying that being out of the EU we could and should have more immigration from Pakistan
Gabriel Peterson
You're right. Supporting parties that fight for corporate profits and lowering the marginal tax rate isn't in our interests as whites.
Carson Morgan
How much money does he get from the middle east in funding is what you should be asking.
Jason Ramirez
Yeah many Brexiteers have made this point. They want fewer regulations in the UK so their hawkish investment firms can make more profit. They don't give the slightest fuck about the British people.
Jack Taylor
Murder all muslims
Adam Evans
Apparently neither do you
Austin Wright
Silence the left by not caring about being called anti islamic. Agree with them. And then escalate and kill them
Michael Davis
No, that's Austria. The UK has UKIP and the Brexit party. We have open borders Basti for a (((right-winger))).
Michael Morales
lost all respect i had for this cunt with that comment. islam is devouring europe.
Caleb Butler
atleast he is against islam, which is all i care about
Ryder Brown
freedom of speech doesn't seem to be one of the protected characteristics. freedom to deny free speech seems to be the preferred option
Connor Roberts
He loves immigration.
David Sanchez
Both of those are pro immigration. Just from the commonwealth, not the EU.
Evan Sanchez
(((Yekev Rees-Zog)))
Leo Edwards
>freedom of speech doesn't seem to be one of the protected characteristics
Freedom of speech in the UK is a qualified right not an absolute right which means we have no free speech in my opinion, it's nothing but lip service hence how we're got all that bullshit in that image you've uploaded. If anything it means it's malleable leading to the state we are now where no one knows whats fucking allowed anymore. The UK is in this mess because the establishment has allowed political correctness to take precedent over principle which is why in my opinion we need a proper constitution with a first amendment like the US. The only thing I would prohibit is the call for sedition mainly for the fact it will stop tyrants fucking up the country like they do in many other countries. By looking at what Theresa May is doing you just know that if she could take the position of supreme authority you just know she would be the next Maduro. It's better to have a stalemate of power than to let someone hold all the keys so I'm willing to limit speech when it comes to that point.
Kayden Russell
Charles Sullivan
>The UK is in this mess because the establishment has allowed political correctness to take precedent over principle which is why in my opinion we need a proper constitution with a first amendment like the US.
Once you realise your lack of a written constitution was a neo-reactionary move to the U.S. constitution and founding of the United States you'll realise what hell hole you live in, and I say that from Zimbabwe. With a simple majority of 51% Parliament can do anything, and re-write anything. There is no checks and balances. Judges cannot strike down laws. The ironic fact is the Human Rights Act (which is going to be repealed) was the only time in British constitutional history you were able to find laws passed "inconsistent" which basic (limited) human freedoms. Your boomer class was too stupid to realise this and the red-tops blew up over abuses in slowing down deportations - forgetting the U.K. has never been good at deporting third worlders.
>It's better to have a stalemate of power than to let someone hold all the keys so I'm willing to limit speech when it comes to that point.
You drew the wrong conclusion. You need a system of checks and balances - one that limits Parliamentary sovereignty and the right of corrupt gerrymandering MPs in rotten boroughs to do whatever they want. Unfortunately you're too far gone.
William Reyes
Let's build a time machine and send Jacob Rees-Mogg to 1939 to arrest Winston Churchill for hate speech so Hitler would win the war.