Niggers worship thor.
White men pay tribute to Jupiter.
Nice altar. What kind of rites do you perform?
>wooden houses in the woods and winter, hurrr hurr hurr
the rite to remain a nimrod, i bet.
I laugh harder each time I see this vid.
you better ot post your coalburning meme "worshiping" whore
Why is it always Norse LARP when Greeks, Romans and Celts contributed much more to the glory of Europe ? Faggots
Jew murders Rabbi
Whites are the only race who have fulfilled all the promises that God made to Abraham and his descendants, so i'm pretty sure whites are the true israelites of the bible. Jews are the canaanites, non-whites are the mud.
>worshiping any God
holy fucking cuck, batman. Ishygddt. The only thing that I worship is myself. Suck my holy cock.
the best insult that the jews can muster against Jesus is that he was one of them... priceless
>Why is it always Norse LARP when Greeks, Romans and Celts contributed much more to the glory of Europe ? Faggots
Because Celts are shilled with (((gnostics))) and have nothing left of their legends. Greeks/Romans became Philosophy at best. Norse just triggers people because they're not Arab-mixed at this point or full of (((gnostic druids))).
I purify the myself with the water everyday and add incense. Then I sacrifice chicken broth.
No history or culture. Opinion not valid.
Kill all christkikes
Stop worshipping kikes
Stop worshipping jewish religions and gods
Unless you're a mutt. I couldn't care less about what subhuman mutts do. You can worship Moloch for all I care (he already has your foreskin anyway..).
>Whites are the only race who have fulfilled all the promises that God made to Abraham
Yeah, castration and suicidal tendencies for EL/Moloch.
>the best insult that the jews can muster against Jesus is that he was one of them... priceless
Forgot pic.
You can do this with any race. Even with Indians, that make up almost 2 billion people worldwide: 2 billion < 8 billion. Not saying let people in, but this is a retarded argument.
>call fall of Western Rome
improved that for you
>You can do this with any race.
Not a proper comparison
Can we not even acknowledge that much of the power of Roman catholicisme was helped greatly by the incorporation of our ancestors traditions???
I am soon repatriating to France and will likely convert to Catholicism but I hope to find others that want a balance of our ancestors tradition instead of knee jerk shitting on our history...
No, Genesis 28:14 "And thy seed shall be as the dust of the earth. And thou shalt spread abroad to the West and to the East and to the North and to the South: And in thee and in thy seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed". In other words, God told Abraham that the world will benefit from his people, ''but how?''.
Maybe through its great wealth or its technology or its great knowledge in agriculture to feed the world. And God also promises to make Abraham a great nation and a company of nations. Well, let us see, the jew’s don’t seem to fit the promise of a great nation or to have a multitude of people and it surely does not fit as for as more than one nation or helping the people of the world.
Christianity is essentially Greek philosophy reinterpreting Judaism and condemning it
Norse shit triggers people because it's not anymore "rooted" for non-Nords to worship the gods of white niggers that are only known for pillaging, raping and murdering
Celts, Romans and Greeks actually influenced Christianity heavily, which is why they seem to have disappeared. That's called syncretism. Meanwhile, Nords behaved like niggers and were civilized by the rest of Europe
Get fucked with your Dungeons and dragon religion
btfoed cause no reply
I will never in a million why, in these threads, you will have (usually a Christian) someone spam the thread in question with images they've saved of select examples that support their argument, as if exceptions prove some sort of rule. Why they would do this is beyond me, and I can only think that it's just laziness appealing to the lowest levels of intelligence available on this board. Regardless of the thread quality (this is a piss poor one, OP, you're cringy as fuck) and regardless of the discussion, there will always be some American whose into "Asatru" posting his "christcucks" folder and saying "jew on a stick" over and over, or you will (more commonly) have that Polish autist (who is in this thread) dump his "larpagans" folder or that god-awful Norwegian fuckwit post alongside something like "Hail Odinn, Sire..." like he's fucking hilarious. It's an endless cycle.
My only guess is that this type of poster is of an inferior cognitive ability, and for that reason needs FUCKING EUTHANISING, THE OBNOXIOUS CUNTS.
the advanced alien energy lifeform you refer to is by definition not jewish; the fact that jews may have been first to write about it if thats even true means nothing. without that same god you are doomed to failure just like last time.
I love my people and I hate Ozzy faggots like you.
Those include Christianity.
Should I start worshiping trees and practice human sacrifice like the ancient Apes of the North?
>A sculpture
>A painting
user, I...
Agreed on what you unwashed gypsy?
You don't even know how to spell the name of the deity, but you want to LARP as a pagan.
Praise Wotan!
Slava Perunu n shiet
Delet this!
These pipo are not huwhite enough! It will upset our mutt fren.
Unironically this. Good post
You're probably a euro mutt, you can never be pagan. Funny how the strongest christian nations have the most ethnic pride.
i wonder which jewish god op blubbers about. can't be christian, as jesus was not a jew but a judahite. besides, only jews spread this kind of bs posts, so.... sage
You say that, but then you post that ugly whore who everyone knows is a massive coalburner, just like that memeflag faggot who starts the "MAKE EUROPE PAGAN AGAIN" threads like the other day. Fuck off.
oi m8 you got a loicens to be pissed?
>That aurguement applies to Every Race and Ethnicity
Oh wowz it's like I'm right. And my aurguement has absolute validation.
You take meme flag bait posts seriously?
Even if I were to take that story seriously, I wouldn't give a flying fuck.
Christianity is a geometric body with powerful light within it, and it's about peering into it's geometric body and highlighting the dimensions of truth & light and darkening out the dimensions of absurdity & falsehoods.
Post-Pagan Christianity is what incepted Holy Holidays like Christmas.
>God also promises to make Abraham a great nation and a company of nations.
You faggots TRAITORS are the cause of all this.
>Christianity is essentially Greek philosophy reinterpreting Judaism
You faggots TRAITORS are the cause of all this.
>geometric body
Traitors of whom, mutt? Last time I checked it's you mutts that are having your foreskins chopped at birth, going to war so you can die for Israel and sending them shitloads of money just so you can get to taste that jewjew cum that you mutts love so much.
>American whose into "Asatru" posting his "christcucks" folder and saying "jew on a stick" over and over
We got ourselves a full time oldfag (((Christians vs. Islam))) shill here. Because you never even hear that phrase anymore.
>Traitors of whom, mutt?
>There are no white people goy!
Have fun serving the Jew in WW3 against Islam. You bow before the Rabbi god and do your part to save IsraEL.
>Marcus Aurelius worshipped Thor
Neopagans are white niggers and should get the rope too.
Worship Jesus and stop being a fucking pagancuck
Come at me kraut, I'll fucking behead you nigger-lovers.
>tfw wearing obscure pagan necklace reference makes people think I'm a satanist.
Christianity can go fuck itself for demonizing totems cause they look like reverse crosses.
Sure you do Shaniqua
That's a black American name fuckwit, you could've atleast gone with Achmed or Muhammad who some other lazy shit.
>Have fun serving the Jew in WW3 against Islam.
I thought that's your prerogative, mutt.
Jews don't have many nations, they are parasites :D can you read?
>the Cross of Peter is satanic
It's a warning Australia will be lost.
Isn't it mocking god and defacing the cross by turning it upside down?
I literally drive through your entire country on weekends it's so small and see more white people than here than exist in your gypsy Communist hellscape.
funny how pagancucks worship that nigger-loving girl
No, Simon Peter refused to be crucified the right way up because he didn't think himself worthy of dying like Christ. Its a sign of humility for Peter and the papal succession.
No the upside down cross is seen as more holy. One of the apostles said he wasn't good enough to be crucified like Jesus and he made them crucify him upside down.
Pagans are a bunch of good-for-nothing niggers.
Really? Then why the fuck are all the edgelord metal heads using it as 'muh satanism' reference? Just mis information?
also thanks for intriguing story.
Yes they're retards and don't know what they're doing.
fake jews god is saturn.
im scottish and i reaally really hate football and scottish nationalism
kilts are for faggots and i hate ceilidhs, the only good thing is whisky and irn bru
fuck scotland!
I'm sorry, but isnt that majority of current European culture only in existance because of Christianity? Was it not Christianity that gave the European peasantry and Nobility the vigor to fight the Muslims and later the Ottomans out of Europe? I feel like denouncing all Christianity does a huge disservice to its contribution to the West as a whole.
We do sort of worship Odin. Just have different beliefs about him. All the other Gods are the angels. Technically anyway. Why don't you bridge the gap and make a pagan/christian remix with Odin being the only one truly worthy of being called a god?
>isnt that majority of current European culture only in existance because of Christianity?
You talk as if that was a good thing
Because he isn't. Thor/Perkunas/Jove are just as important, as are the Sun and Moon gods and the spirits of honour and fortune.
When Europeans call you mutt
Hi Muslim. A pagan europe is easy to conquer just like how it was easy for Christians to conquer it from the pagans. Also just like how Muslims were able to take over Pagan Arabia.
>(((gnostic))) feminism
Please, user.
>A pagan europe is easy to conquer just like how it was easy for Christians to conquer it from the pagans.
Yeah it only took 1250yrs and the Roman Empire, and plauges/dark ages
Cannibal Maori faggot
Eat shit, kike.
This is obviously the kikes trying to subvert it before it takes off.
A nigger likes capeshit.
780mn European people across the planet mostly in Europe,North America and Australia.
6.9bn non European people.
Open borders,abortion, population control and race mixing is only aimed at the European homelands and European founded/dominated countries.
ok now post her nigger boyfriend...
you realize this pagan instathot has a nigger boyfriend right?
this is your pagan beauties bf
zienna eves boyfriend.
>being this much of a white knight cuck
She's married to a nigger and shat upon not only her racial heritage but the cultural heritage that is on her neck.
based paganism
some more "pagans".
Hail odin
The nigger is not real Pagans niggers are banned in Paganism
shut up Welsh man
kek no.
Do you even know anything about the "religion" youre pretending to believe in?
Because it's on offshoot of LARPnig as a Viking.