aggravated robbery in Victoria, Australia.
Sudanese born migrants are 57 times more likely to commit
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That's racist.
Who thought it was a good idea to bring them over in the first place? For whos benifit? What quality did the Sudanese have that other nationalities didn't have?
>MFW race war is getting closer all the time
Let it come
g'day cunt
Statistics are racist. I know that's right because it makes me feel good to say it.
Why do liberals and greens keep importing them? What's their reason?
interesting to see that us kiwis fuck shit up nearly
as much as afghanis
>For whos benifit?
Virtue-signalling socially liberal politicians in the major parties. shit's fucked
maybe the sudanese people applied and were approved since there was a need for unskilled workers? to not approve them would be discrimination by race?
They stand no chance against the mighty fingolian horde
Maoriniggers don't want to be perceived as getting old.
Mostly the maori/mixed types. But yeah, sort yourselves out.
can i vote for him in wa?
Keep in mind "Australians" includes all children of migrants
>Institutional racism from slavery is why black crime rate is so high!!.
>to not approve them would be discrimination by race?
Discrimination by race is a sensible border policy. People have got to let go of the childish idea that discrimination (meaning to choose between options) is always a bad thing.
>australians also includes abos
I wonder what it would look like if it included whites in its own little column?
Based Canada
True. Here's another one. Kiwis once again being a nuisance.
It might happen, boomers are very anti racist but went to school with with wogs at worst. Now?
n u k e melburnistan when
>Who thought it was a good idea to bring them over in the first place?
> For whos benifit?
> What quality did the Sudanese have that other nationalities didn't have?
High rates of rape and murder
They do this because of the legacy of slavery and Jim Crow
Print out these statistics and crimes and post them all around bus stops and crosswalk corners where people wait and look.
I want these middle class scum to have to look what they’re doing to their countrymen and to their children dead in the face. I want every street corner these faggots pass to have the report of a murdered mother and raped daughter that they so sanctimoniously facilitated.
These people have never been held accountable by their fellows until now.
Racist in America too.
Honest question; did the rest of the world learn NOTHING from DECADES of laughter and observation from our struggles with our own domestic African population? How did a wide range of foreign nations look at us and think, "Wow, yeah, let's import some of THOSE"? This absolutely boggles me. Did you not notice "white flight" when we underwent that whole process in the 60's and 70's? Do you think we did that FOR FUN?
lmao samoan coconutniggers can't handle their piss
Marxist reasoning is why this attitude is pervasive. Everyone deep down is equal and capable of the same achievements, and if not, then the fault lies in society and power structures. Marxist are notorious for disregarding everything on the micro level.
>Honest question; did the rest of the world learn NOTHING from DECADES of laughter and observation from our struggles with our own domestic African population?
Chalking everything up to the Jews is lazy user.
You're underestimating how delusional these people are. Complete demoralization has taken hold of them. No matter the facts, they will find a reason why it's not their fault.
I’m Honestly wondering why we didn’t think of this before. Literally print out the news’s “local nigger tortures white family after home invasion” #2168 report, and put them up at your local pedestrian traffic points. Make these shitbags see what we see, through repetition, every day of their lives. Force them to acknowledge the pattern.
I can't believe there are people in denial about this. It's beyond obvious that blacks are more violent and less restrained. B..but it's because of slavery, ya slavery.
>it's because systemic racism and white supremacists tactics to keep them down
Kinda hard to commit much crime when you're working 18 hour shifts in a petrol station and sending money back to India. They occasionally jizz on some girl's back at a festival though.
no, nigs will nog. it's an eternal truth
Sorry for memeing. Kill all progressive politicians though t b h
I agree. They’re cowards and do this for profit as much as out of fear. We can flip the ignorant to our cause and antagonize and expose the sanctimonious vanity of the middle class liberal, which is good enough for me.
it may not be 100% Jews but they are the driving force behind multiculturalism and mass migration.
Some nigger who plays basketball on the same street as me keeps asking me for money. I literally gave the guy $20 to help him pay a bus fair to get a job, and he can't even be fucked finding a job. Just keeps hassling me for more money.
Also some nogs were nogging on my train ride home the other day, dressed like American nog idols and speaking no word of english except "fuck" and "nigga". I wanted to lynch em right then and there.
The most infuriating part is that they're fucking hypocrites. They'll bend over for a nigger or a poor helpless 13 year old girl but lord help you if you're a mid 20s white male and ask for what everyone else gets.
By this I mean we can isolate these people from the impressionable and ignorant, while agitating those groups to our cause, leaving only nihilistic vipers quoting platitudes in self-flattery.
>I literally gave the guy $20
Those are politically malleable groups. They’ve gotten all the white “men” that will join them.
Jews, a total fucking shock
>Facts are racist.
Day of the rake soon leaf.
Good and all, but let me guess, he's a fan of Israel
>wh*Toids kill and murder natives to make their colony filled with corruption, slavery and hedonism
>oh no some black dude stole my 4th TV i didnt even need in the first place
shut the hell up wh*Te boi
These are some solid propaganda images. Are any of you in the appropriate countries going to print them out and plaster them in public?
>one in ten
That's fucking absurd.
Wait until you get your own version of Detroit or Cincinatti.
I'm sorry Strayans. Is is true you guys are even forbidden from defensively carrying pepper spray? I'm not even going to bother to ask what your police are doing about it...
Yeah there was definitely no slavery and hedonism being practiced already by the noble pure savages.
I'm pretty sure that'd be a crime to do here.
>oi m8
Just get your newspaper clipper license first and you'll be well within the bounds of the law
Probably about the same as what ours look like when you don't pretend that beaners are white. IE fucking nothing.
A truly well-functioning society would have more manageable public transportation. I avoid it out of sheer annoyance and sometimes smell myself. The constant mumble rapping gets old asf real quick too. I don't even like hearing myself saying it but some groups have a hard time shutting up for five minutes. That or showing common courtesy for others.
Yes, facts ARE racist.
Our (((media))) don't show the truth. Retard boomers think MLK is a secular saint. They put violence in the US down to gun laws.
Based and leafpilled
user I will let you in on a little secret. Elites fetishize shitksins, particularly blacks destroying the carefully and painfully long built refined lives that white peasants have managed to achieve. Nothing is more stimulating than seeing some white girl who went through a near perfect childhood and opportunities that were unthinkable before suddenly getting held down and raped by some shitskin savage from some warlord shithole, that violation of not only her physical and mental self, but also of the years refinement and progress it took to bring her there, all destroyed by the carnal thirst of a savage.
This is what women fetishize, specifically the freaks in power. They are the problem.
In France an antiracist organisation (the LICRA) stated in a trial against a politican (Nicolas Dupont-Aignan) who had used the term "migratory invasion" that "truth is not a valid defence".
I still don't understand what went wrong.
Shouldn't you like, take care of your own people first before anyone else?
When did compassion and empathy turned into this.
cuz hedonistic childless west need new slaves for their GDP ponzi scheme, they will take anyone at this point
>They put violence in the US down to gun laws
The roo puncher gets it. Our democrat party likes to quote gun violence statistics (homicide) all the time but refuse to highlight where most of it is taking place and by whom.
They can get mad at Dana Loesch all they want but she was right. Only crying white mothers make the media. In the timeframe that Parkland has been covered by the media, there have been thousands of shootings in the hoods and back alleys of the aforementioned cities in and they've all been glossed over. Only time they come up is as a number on a chart, pie graph, or part of a speech. Only stories that make the news are when it hits suburbia. The tragic irony.
Anning is fucking based btw
How do cucks attempt to explain it?
Muh low income neighbourhoods?
Best thing I ever did in the last year was leaving Melbourne
3000k's away form that shithole now and things are so much better
>oh no, we can't invade and openly protest/spit on your culture, customs, and laws
>fuck you whitey
>also lets us live with you, give us shit, and never criticize us
I can hear it now
im against interest free banks since i make my money in a sort of jewish way.
i'm also against guns. those two things probably wouldn't change in a million years though so i'll still vote for him.
That's alright. But overusing memes ends up reducing the comedic value of memes. Even though liberal Jews are amongst the worst of the political crazies. Considering Jews have the highest likelihood of suffering from a mental illness it kind of explains their schizophrenic view on politics.
We need to build a wall around Victoria. All the fucking chinks and poos around the rest of the country are bad enough, but these fucking sudanese cunts are on another level. We can't let them infect the rest of our country.
>we are gonna make australia great again folks, believe me, you will be tired of winning
i think i heard it somewhere before, but i cant remember where, any aussie know perhaps?
Australians often fuck brown people, you're dirty cunts.
>i'm also against guns.
The burgers have it almost right with this one I think. I think we can restrict it a little more so we don't end up with a wild-west free-for-all like our burger friends, but I think there is a reasonable middle ground when it comes to laws about self defense and firearms. Just remember, when the seconds matter, the police are just minutes away.
It sounds like you Australians have a duty to address the socio-economic factors that make Sudanese migrants commit crime.
>Against usury and arming yourself
Absolutely just fucking die already
If you gave them mo' programs they wouldn't be forced to steal.
All true, yes. But thinking more long term, blacks are known to be the most unintelligent race while simultaneously being strongly able-bodied. Injecting them into all other parts of the developed globe is an attempt to create a future race of dumber workers who are easy to control. Would probably take 2 or three generations to take hold.
We don't go far enough with the 2nd amendment, I unironically want to be able to own a bazooka
Negroids are a bioweapon.
yeah... kill one of the few cunts that's going to vote for him
I heard it was Christian church missionary societies bringing in the darkies
thats why they are not yet
developed by umbrella corporation
I wish the New Zealand was broken down to race. Sorry about the fobs and Maoris but who else is gonna do your scaffolding?
the need for unintelligent people is decreasing now though due to robots
Fraser Anning is my grandma's cousin. He's a top bloke.
>Australians commit 2.5% of crimes in Australia
>Non-Australians commit 97.5% of crimes in Australia
How is this okay?
Vote for him then jump off a tall building you pathetic faggot.
Aren't those majority white and Republican cities though?
it's per 1000 people
>The burgers have it almost right with this one I think. I think we can restrict it a little more so we don't end up with a wild-west free-for-all like our burger friends
>actually believing there is 10 mass shootings a day in regular American neighborhoods because the same school shooting story is retold 100's of times
SeeJust don't go strolling through New Orleans or Baltimore at 2am and your chances of being shot are 1 in 10,000,000. That and don't rob a 7/11 and then run through a school zone at 75, then point a gun sized object at police. Ya'll fuckers got to stop listening to our media. Been to 38 states and not once have I been in fear of being shot. Simple, I don't commit violent crime and I don't stroll through MLK Blvd at 2am.
Kek. This one earns a full honk