If you don't despise that shithole multicultural neo-Marxist police state you're retarded.
Russia redpil thread
The people are brainwashed animals.
The national celebrities are closeted fags.
Origin of feminism and every far-left ism destroying society today.
Niggers will literally go anywhere the white man is
That could easily be Jersey City, but there would be more niggers
Cringe and bluepilled.
at least they are not an overcrowded shithole and their population is decreasing
based and redlilled
Oh oh, anti-russia shill detected
They also like Simpsons, savages.
Do you like Moscow this time of the year, Achmed?
Every single time
Haven't had real elections in this entire century but changed the face of the aging KGB warlord several times using Western medical technology.
The same mole is still there, you just circled the wrong one
their is no greater redpill on this earth than having one of your brothers break open into your ass until your entry leaks of blood and sperm.
No that's just a tiny rash.
Doing several facelifts moved the mole.
Please frens, stop making threads about Russia. There is Russian imageboard 2ch, you can go full enrichment mode right there.
Based. Russia is a shithole.
Russia is like a tumor on the face of Earth, like dude, it's common sense, no sane person is trying to prove otherwise. But pls, stop bullying us already
дoлбaёб, этo бaбки... либepaльнaя мaнькa...
I wonder who could be behind this flag.
No, right now i'm more focused on the USA, the true traitor of the west.
The USA was subverted by the KGB currently running Russia
I didn't even post Moscow, my pic is in Siberia.
And 90% of Moscow is Russian, other whites make up a lot of what's left.
Just because you find a couple thousand mudslimes in a city of like 18M doesn't mean that there's anything to worry about.
Even your own propaganda admits there are millions.
250 thousands jihadist MEN in one place:
>90% of Moscow is Russian
He has no idea
What about these pics anyway? Looks like cold depressing shithole
how bad is it really?
is it full of central asian and kavkaz mohammedans?
so what are you saying? russia is full of shitskins?
the fuck? i was planning to move there at some point, i thought it was supposed to be a white paradise
>10% of non Russians makes up less than 2M needed for plural of million, while biggest minority is Ukrainian
did you quit elementary school?
I was in moscow in November 2018. 99% of the people I saw were white Russians, only a tiny minority of uzbeks and they weren't even acting like niggers, just normal people.
This level of bad. Moscow is barely
Dude Moscow is at least 20% Muslim, many of them not registered so they do not show up in the censuses.
>90% russian
and what doesn't look like a shithole to you? Always complaining about literally everything.
You do realise that Moscow is the biggest city in Europe, St. Peterburg one of the most beautiful and even smaller cities like Ufa are a lot nicer than the majority of what you'll find in Europe.
Stop acting like gypsy proxyshills and do something if you want to see change
fuck you kike and fuck your american golems , suck on some foreskin you son of a bitch
putin raped and plundered the country into the fucking ground, while doing just enough to prevent him from going the way of the romanovs
No point even replying to them, they're 100% shills.
Biggest mosque in Europe btw
>do something
Like you? You just come here to lie for example, like a cheap propagandist.
These lies will not change anything in your country in reality.
Warning retard detected
Most low-skilled jobs are taken by tajiks and such. it makes it appear as if there's a lot more than there really is. Actually walking through the city and surrounding suburbs you won't encounter a lot.
Es ist circa so russisch wie Dresden deutsch ist. Ich bin da so ziemlich jedes Jahr und ich kann nicht im geringsten die Leute verstehen, die sich da beschweren.
And how much of these "white" russians are minority mutts?
Fuck off kike.
Wtf I really want Russia to become Westernized now and join the rest of the Slavs who live off the EU money
This man is world famous and "Putin's friend."
Muslims raped his daughter for him uttering a few words of mild criticism towards their warlord.
This bad.
I talk shit because it's fun to talk shit, but I don't hate Russia or see any reason to hate it. Even if it's everything that you say, it does not take anything away from me or cause me any problems.
And when the world went mad, we were on the same side, twice.
>i don't like facts, he must be lying
brainlet. Maybe educating yourself would help. Education is easily accessible in Russia and of higher quality than here in Germany. Use it.
LITTERally russias junkyard
This is what an ethnic russian looks like. If it is not close to this, it is not an ethnic russian, it is a mutt between tatars, azeri, baskirs, kikes, armenians, georgians, or whatever churka subhumans that crawl around these parts. There are about 100 fucking minority groups in russia. If you think Moscow is 90% etnic russian you are a delusional fucking retard
You're a comically butthurt little Russkie migrant trying to do damage control with lies because MUH MOTHERLAND!!
There are more "facts" in official Russian propaganda like pic related.
>in Moscow
>in Moscow
>in Moscow
>in Moscow
>in Moscow
what is the most ethnically clean russian part of youre cunt?
man wtf... you don't understand, in North America we all believe that Russia is like 90% white and everyone's just hanging out with white Russians who love their country.
are people over there happy about all the Muslims? do they care? what's the feeling towards immigrants? overe here in Canada we have a lot of Indians (hindus) and we mostly hate them all.
I like that it's from RT so Putin pays for this multikulturalist neo-Marxist propaganda.
It's probably some 16-year old retard dreaming of the european utopia
pic related is in Germany. Probably one of the better places to live in, however ~70% foreigners
>however ~70% foreigners
Dude... autant se tirer une balle.
>one of the better places to live
pick one
Russia will be fixed once we form the Global White Alliance and remove all non whites from our countries. Keep spreading redpills and in time we'll win.
White Russians are nothing to be proud of , either.
whats this utterly stupid color pattern about?
We know that there are more Muslims and more feral Muslims in Russia.
But do the German hospitals look this good too, little butthurt russkie migrant?
the plastic cover is probably because of the babushka and not the wels
Beautiful clean well maintained street. Now look at Russia outside of MKAD
No kidding!
Alcoholism, heroin and AIDS are the norm.
>man wtf... you don't understand, in North America we all believe that Russia is like 90% white and everyone's just hanging out with white Russians who love their country.
it's overall 80% Russians. Most do love their country (no matter what political orientation) but many many young people see problems in Russia and instead of thinking about how to approach them, they dream about western utopia, despite the west having similar problems.
>are people over there happy about all the Muslims? do they care?
It depends where. I am from Bashkortostan (but ethnically russian) and we get along just fine. Religion isn't a real topic, it's normal that some are christian, Muslim or atheists. Even the ones belonging to a religion don't take it very seriously. It's not hard to find Muslims who drink and eat pork for example.
>what's the feeling towards immigrants? overe here in Canada we have a lot of Indians (hindus) and we mostly hate them all.
it depends what kind of immigrants. In the city that i'm from we don't have a lot, but if they're from former soviet republics, they're generally accepted.
Those international students from Middle East or India however are seen as a nuisance. I remember spending a day at university with the international students and some russian lady overseeing the group asked the indians if they're even human, because they lacked any kind of manners
A couple of years ago, a Russian user posted a newslink about rape in Russia. It said something like 90% of child rapes are commited by muslim immigrants. I'm trying to find the article.
It sounds bad and certainly looks like it, but foreigners here are generally better human beings than the Germans.
I don't know what it is, but so many germans in the western part are just plain retarded.
Russia has very low rape rate
Most of them don't care about ethnicity. Russian identity was destroyed by 70 years of judeo-bolshevik multicultural propaganda. People here a beyond brainwashed. This place is a lost fucking cause.
>despite the west having similar problems.
Why is Russia having "similar" problems when it's a dictatorship and people live twenty times poorer?
>I am from Bashkortostan
I guess this explains the subhuman's shameless shilling and lying.
Because girls don't report because the police would rape them again.
based. russian thots know their place.
Russia will never live as West after 70 years of communism. GDP grows every year. Poland is 3 times poorer than Finland not because of dictatorship.
Where are from? Our police is nice
meaning one of the better places inside Germany, not actually a good place
and wtf. Nothing like that going on here, on the other side of Germany.
Here even the Muslims just make jokes about the religion and are mostly chill.
Some are based to the point where they vote for Merkel because they think it's the worst choice possible for Germany, lol
Poland has no oil and it inherited no space or nuclear programs from the USSR. It has nothing and it's much richer than Russia, people live much better.
>Our police is nice
Every Russian is afraid of them because they are the biggest criminals.
>tfw no qt slav model gf
>20 times poorer
bruh, your services are like 10 times cheaper while pay is about half or third of germany. Not being able to afford "mUh SLI 1080ti!" is not being poor.
it's not hard to earn like 60-70k rubles per month in the first year
USA outside Texas is shithole
Why are you hiding your flag, Poroshenko?
The disinformation gypsy appeared. great
I’m in the same camp as you
I thought Mother Russia was one of the last white strongholds and that’s the reason for their villainization ?
A hohol
outcide MKAD are located
Sochi Tumen Ekaterinburd Novosibirsk Krasnodar.
you are fucking shitty liberaha
You have no idea what you're talking about.
That's nice according to you? That's awful, it looks equally awful as Romania's commie blocks.
I'm trying to find the thread. It made the situation look like it was the same as in the UK, but with less reporting and way less coverage.
It's the middle of Murmansk, you proxy Russkies are the only ones lying here.
Either liberal or kike.
But where can I find german women like this (pic related) ?
We only have niggers and fat slampigs that feast on pringles and soda.
The RIDF is out in full force.
Bbbbut... :(