20 million chink incels, that‘s serious, like you've got a Canada full of chink incels, most of them are still virgins.
Sex crimes is gonna soar, you white daughters are not safe too.
20 million chink incels, that‘s serious, like you've got a Canada full of chink incels, most of them are still virgins.
Sex crimes is gonna soar, you white daughters are not safe too.
Other urls found in this thread:
I want a chinese gf.
Where did you learn English, Ivan?
What's happening in this pic?
let them rape all the canicucks lol
did she die?
The sex ratio is actually worse in Sweden due to all the male immigrants
Both died, guy is the chink-uber driver.
ty for warning greatest ally
Whats the story on this
Chinese Uber driver raped and murdered a flight attendant in and fled to the mainland.
can't tell if that is a corpse or a stinky chinkoid
What happened? Rape, kill and suicide?
That was nice piece of meat
Every 3rd person in thir world is a chink so you're in luck
Who cares? They're insects.
Said the chink colony
They got into that problem by aborting female foetuses or outright female infanticide. It sucks that those who made those choices are not the ones who now need to live with the consequences, but as a nation, they did this to themselves.
cunt looks roasted
The real reason china is in africa to rice up the black women there.
>Both died
>Police said they found the suspect, a 27-year-old driver called Zhong, at about 4 a.m. on Saturday. They said Zhong confessed to raping and killing the passenger, and that the victim’s body had been recovered and an investigation was continuing.
Why is her pussy blown out like that?
Didn't we solve this decades ago? Just give them cameras and lots of other electronic trinkets and chinkie don't thinkie about sex.
That's another case, there's also unreported ones.
These chinks are super dumb, there's no way they could get away with it.
Chinks are beta bugmen. Most Chink incels won't do jack shit.
Different societies do different things with excess men. In christian europe, if you had three sons, one would get the farm, one would join the army or navy, and one would join the priesthood. Every so often, there'd be a large war to kill off excess males. Islamic nations just sent the excess males (and polygamy leads to huge amounts of excess males) off to die in wars of conquest, or the males killed the guy with 4 wives and seized the means of reproduction.
Nowadays excess males delve into videogames, commit suicide, or become girls.
by making the internet cost more.
Only reason they're turning incel and avoiding society is because they can and isolation is addicting.
they must be peaceful if you don't hear about them killing people like in the west
Nuke India
holy shit kek
Excess males in China will just take care of their parents and use prostitutes or get Southeast Asian wives or go work in Africa or Siberia
Chinese males also have low sex drives, especially with their onions based diets. Literal onions boys addicted to vidya
>Fall for the meme.
Not sure if that's the case but dark labia is common for Asians, it's genetic.
Thing is the Indians do it too and considering every single fuckign country on this planet has a hard on for importing young Chinese and Indian migrant workers a lack of young women is a problem for every single developed country on this planet. Fucking boomers and chinks man.
Yea but it looks loose.
How can you discern that from such a blurry pic, she's young and unmarried so highly likely a virgin.
OP is incoherent.
>Just your average deranged poopflag poster
Why do you hate us so much, Russians?
I thought we're good friends
We just want your money, you don't have friends.
Probably a revolution and or a war. Having an excess young male population with little to do generally results in a war.
China’s one child policy caused many chinks to kill their daughters in favour of a boy, and millions of families doing this at the same time means that China now has an excess of over 30 million men who will never find a female, and hopeless men can do some really fucked up things.