We know that Sverigedemokraterna are zionist shills, pretending to be an opposition. The REAL alternative is AfS. How popular is it really? Because Sweden needs to be uncucked.
Is Alternativ för Sverige becoming popular at all?
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They got 0,3% last election.
But they are defintley the best we have here, they’re main goal is “återvandring” aka sending the immigrants back, they claim they’d send back at least 600 000
They have potential for growth and they absolutely have not given up, high energy rallies, one of which I’m attending on the 1st of May
They give out these hats for free at their rallies
Well, I think they got higher than that because (((Löfven))) rigged the elections... But except from sending the "immgrants" back, don't they have a plan to increase the birth rates of Swedes? Because ok, you'll drive out the illegals etc., but you have to maintain the ethnic Swedes as well. Don't they have a paln for doing so?
I ran the election threads back then, and aFs seems to be more of a thorn on the side of SD, draining its voters and dividing the base more than a standalone political party. With these two right wing parties co-existing its not bound to end well for either of them, as one is parasitic of the other's success. Sweden is not ready yet for aFs, we have to go through the motions first and push the Overton window further right else it will keep dragging the Sweden democrats down by a few crucial percentages
How was the election rigged? First time I hear about this
We need NMR!
The ballots are open in their system, so if you vote and I'm behind you I can clearly see what you voted. What's worse is that I can grab your ballot and throw it outside. There's a picture of a whole booth containing AFs votes thrown outside, let me see if I can find it
Many people who counted the ballots threw those who were in favour of SD and AfS. For AfS it was tens of thousands, while for SD it was close to 200,000 as I've heard that were literally thrown out. So yup, it was totally rigged, but how big the extent was is unknown.
Here is the open ballot system they use
Based Nord, finally
Yep, people can easily be to scared to pick what they actually wanted to vote for...
But: on the 1st of January 2019 a new law changed this systen, I don’t know how but I’m assuming it would protect voters
The nmr is retarded in all policies except immigration. A government with them would collapse.
>t. cuck mcfaggot
Found it, here lads
> 0..3 %
> best we have
best YOU want Sweden to have. Obviously not the rest of Sweden. So either there is something wrong with this party or there is no real problem, you tell me.
sweden is dead. it wont fight until its freebies programs run dry. then lets see if any swedes survive the mass chimpout
It's too obscure, and too extreme. Its purpose is already fullfiled by the NRM and SD, so it's sitting there leeching votes, while the Social Democrats get their consistent landslides over and over again for decades at a time
Extremists here should know that Sweden is NOT ready for the radical right, no matter how you push it right now. You need the internship now to get the job later, else you starve on the streets, which is why SD is the only viable option
I'm not nordic, nordic. perhaps 50% nordic.
pic related is so fucking retarded lmao. You can't compare the shitfest called weimar republic with modern day democracies.
The party literally started just months before the election. There is nothing wrong with the party, great optics. Good speeches by talented people who aren’t losers and low energy like SD or NMR
That's beside the point, the matter is that you have to have the overton window shift if you want radicalism to succeed, and we're not far enough into Weimar Europe to have AfS and such be considered real options.
What is the other half?
Middle Eastern.
Only reason swedes can keep up with norway for example, with their oil money.
Is because our jews our more powerful. like 85% of the swedish stock exchange is owned by the same jew family.
Doesn't really matter what partys elected.
Did you read it? Socialist bullcrap. Only good thing is their views on immigration...and their news site Nordfront of course.
AFS has literally not grown anything atleast on the fb site, which they use actively. They have lost about 60 likes on their page in a month.
>like 85% of the swedish stock exchange is owned by the same jew family.
Did the NRM really accept you in their ranks with that heritage? I thought it was more blood-based, like with our GD
>implying white mans socialism is a bad option for this decaying jewish capitalist system
Also the Bonnier family owns the media there right?
I haven't join them.
I hope not shitskin middle eastern, at least like alawite syrian, Lebanese or Iranian
Yeah, i have read it.
Yeah bonnier family owns the media but they're nowhere near the richest.
You never hear about the guys on top, like rothschilds.
They aren't Jews though. They saved thousands of Jews, but they aren't Jewish.
Foreigners can contribute to Swedish politics right? How do I send them money?
The only alternative is the Nordic Resistance Movement.
I fucking hate these (((afs))) threads, national socialism is the only answer.
AFS doesn't talk about race or the jewish usury banking system, they don't talk about the fucking jews who are behind all of the degeneracy in this world. YOU MUST ATTACK THE JEWS! JEWS JEWS JEWS JEWS JEWS JEWS!
Sorry to spoil your fun, but the reality is that Sweden really is a cucked shithole in terms of politics. Liberalism and socialism rules here, and probably will rule here unless something REALLY serious happens.
The entirety of Sweden is not gone though, just move far north and remove yourself from the threat of these disgusting shitskins. But then again, you are the one on the run and that's where the problem lies. One simply cannot fight back in this country. Every attempt only backfires and serves to make you miserable. And zoomers in this country are absolutely horrendously liberal, they might seem "based" at first sight but they don't have what it takes to be conservative.
Ns2d, snälla sluta larpa
dunno, but here's their dono page.
Natsoc economics worked perfectly in Germany, what are you talking about?
You raise awareness, and spread propaganda like the rest of us during the elections. Redpilling swedes is of the utmost priority right now for the next season, if you have money, give it to the NRM or maybe SD, AfS doesn't seem to function right
Out of curiosity, what do Swedes here think of Finns and Samis? Scandinavian brothers or foreigners at heart?
This is how they divide and conquer. Here, London is the hotbed of progressivism but in most of the rest of the country people are untouched but sadly continue to vote for the London politics because the media tells them it would be racist and Nazi to do otherwise. It feels like things are changing though, slowly.
Finns and Sami are very much separate people senpai.
I think i have disappointed you.
Talking about Jews, scapegoating jews isn't the best tactics for AfS, no of them want to be called a nazi. SD is for normies, AfS is for people who have just awaken, a middle ground. NMR is for people who truly know the truth.
We should also not forget that AfS talks about the banks, globalists and George Soros...
I don't larp.
What am i wrong about you fucking faggot?
Don't cry wolf you idiot, their family have had strong ties to the christianity and the church for centuries.
And if you really think they own 85% of OMX Stockholm you are either willfully ignorant or beyond retarded.
Finns are like the cousin who fucked up their life after a life of alcohol abuse.
But id rather be around a fin than some somalian.
Finns are bottom tier of scandinavia, but that's still way above any other country.
Bully for you, where I live things are only getting worse, fuckin explosion just a week ago 150m from where I live and I live in a student housing, a district that should be safe.
It's because Sweden elections don't allow voters ANY privacy, everyone in the room can see what you vote, and they are pussies
I believe SD will make a big jump next election.
I think a lot of people today agree with their politics, because all other parties have basically adopted their policies in a rhetorical sense. What kept them down the latest election was the fact that it's obviously been a "big shame" etc to vote SD and I think nobody wants to do the "dirty work" of putting SD on their ticket. The swedish people is very weak towards public opinion and such things, groupthink is big here, fear of conflict etc. I believe a lot of people reasoned that "they'll get a great result anyway, as they've gotten every election the last couple of rounds"
There were a lot of speculation on how big SD would get after the latest election and some predictions, including mine, predicted they would pull in about the same size as the leading Socialdemocratic party, i.e. very possibly become the largest party in the country.
The Socialdemocratic party have ruled Sweden for over 100 years and they are pulling their worst numbers of all time. Never have they been this bad.
Yet they managed to stay in power through cooperating with all other parties (except SD obviously).
I firmly believe a lot of people are very disappointed and will vote SD next election.
>AfS is for people who have just awaken, a middle ground.
AfS is a party of cringy memebois whose only voters come from Jow Forums.
>NMR is for people who truly know the truth
NMR is a bunch of welfare queens who Nazi LARP in the woods.
This guy gets it. Swedes travel a lot, especially the middle class. Swedes are big on virtue signalling, and if they get greated with scorn and ridicule every time they open their mouths about their perfect country abroad, their values will change.
Compared to the US for example, Sweden craves consensus. The US strength is that it can never truly be conquered, since free debate is the rule. Consensus is Swedens weakness. But, if that consensus changes, the very same can become its greatest strength.
Mp and L will get thrown out for sure
It’s just a year old. SD started our in 1988. AfS got a looooong road ahead of them.
But it would be good if the senile elderly would stop voting for their destruction as well and then the only voting base Socialdemokraterna will have are social workers and immigrants.
Also, you are wrong about AfS. They are gold. They understand that standing your ground is the only true path to changing the overton window. By holding meeting after livestreamed meeting, what they say makes more and more sense to those listening. The only thing standing in their way is subversion.
No, they were a complete waste of votes.
They won't even get in if they get 10 times as many votes the next election.
Just vote KD or SD, AFS will never get accepted.
Link me a source where afs talks about jewish usury and what kind of economic system would be a better alternative for usury.
The only good party in Sweden is NMR, they only had 2000 votes last election but I predict that their number would for sure increase in the next one
if they double in numbers every election, it'll be almost 30 years before they get 250k votes
Are you using a VPN?
Why would an Adonis care about Cuckistan?
Sweden is done it’s as if they have a self extinction fetish.
They got 20 000 votes in the last election, quite OK for a totally new party, but the absolute mayority of Swedes have never Heard of them, which is the biggest problem,
I'm sorry i don't save videos i watch.
Sweden is too cucked. Best to flee and start over elsewhere.
Based in my book.
Love the aesthetics: white ski coats, well-produced propaganda (e.g. the Departures board), no swearing, laughing off their opponents' attacks. Mad lads.
That used to be minessotta, but they started importing Somalis there too. Perhaps the problem is genetic?
Can we buy these online outside of Sweden?
NMR just has way more supporters, why do you now want to switch to this smaller and less radical party?
I wouldn't switch to AfS, but disaffected former SDare would switch to AfS.
They will be a force to count on. Its just that the right wing vites was split between Sd, the moderates and the christcuck party this election, and a few thousand votes to the nordic resistance movement i guess.
>sweden is dead
I guess 50% land would know about dead countries
The UK is honestly in worse shape.
Half Bong/Swe degenerate reporting.
yes, and this is so stupid.
All of those cunts are non white, holy shit
Last time i checked we were not sub 50% of our kind. At the end of the day demographics matter more than any other factor.
>They have lost about 60 likes on their page in a month.
I honestly wouldn't be surprise the reason for that was that those 60 people were banned off faceberg
Show me the statistics, I can almost guarantee you it's the other way around.
>It’s just a year old. SD started our in 1988. AfS got a looooong road ahead of them.
this is true, what happened in germany with AfD that was very different situation as they had NO party that spoke out against """(((immigration)))""" at ALL
it's probably going to take a lot of time for AfS to establish them selves properly, and this will require that they play their cards properly and don't screw up
I can confirm they have been critizing the banking system, but I don't even remember what they said, it was in the run up to the election
Vi måste rösta på AFS!!!
btw not related to sweden, but that danish troll throwing korans around caused another demo where multiple """counter protestors""" were arrested again ekstrabladet.dk
No, they fucking failed HARD.
I actually thought they could succeed, but they fucking FAILED.
Sweden is fucked, needs a two state solution.
One multiculti loving and one high IQ/traditional/white state.
Rösta på nackskottet!
If they keep at it they will grow. It's very hard to get your message out to a lot of people unless you are given space in big newspapers or television programs.
You can choose a blank ballot and write down what party your voting for if your that big of a pussy
Is there a Swedish Jow Forums I haven't heard of?
Not at the moment. But they might make it available in the future since there's alot of exile-Swedes supporting them.
They are very popular and the support grew bigger after the election as the Swedendemocrats are cucking to everyone.
Here's subtitled videos of them:
Sweden is lost anyway