Canada is Collapsing - What You can Get for the Cost of a Canadian Steak Edition

To show how bad things are getting in canada, here is a comparison...For less than the Cost of a Canadian steak ($23Cdn) you can get - in the UK:

£2 Ribeye Steak
£2 Disposable barbeque
£3.60 4x440ml carlsberg
£2 Pâté and crackers
£2 chocolate cake
£1 big coke bottle

£12.60 Pound sterling equals $21.92 Canadian Dollar

Attached: calgary ribbeye.jpg (2100x1575, 1.14M)

Other urls found in this thread:,-Club-Pack/p/20883372_KG

Where the fuck can I buy a high-quality ribeye steak for £2?

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I get 20oz rib eye for £4 at the butchers.

Where the fuck do you live? Right in the center of london or something

Where are you though? The middle of nowhere? That seems impossibly expensive unless the loon collapsed

>That seems impossibly expensive unless the loon collapsed

that's calgary alberta, the cheapest place in canada for beef. I specifically chose a steak from there to show how bad things are.

btw that steak is pre-carbon tax it's $25 now.

Gas was $1.75 / L today
Just Fuck my shit up senpai

Imagine memeing the collapse of Canada for almost a year now and it actually happening.

Food prices have gone up ever since they introduced minimum wage increases.

Attached: dubs.png (281x179, 102K)

>Gas was $1.75
That's not too ba-

Lower than our prices

that's like saying Unicef causes the tragedies they are collecting money for by telling you about them and spreading awareness

Are.... are you meming? Why are you still in Canada? Parents?

Show price of beans, rice, lentils, carrots, and potatos. These are staple for a healthy man.

Everything else is a luxury. If these staples are expensive, there is a serious problem.

>Meat is a luxury.
Welcome to 1984/brave New world/ animal farm.

meat has been a luxury in canada since at least last year

Attached: theAbsoluteState.jpg (3672x1840, 1.07M)

Attached: the new luxury good, meat.png (563x561, 31K)

Your ancestors hardly ate any meat, and still produced the greatest civilization possible. Stop being a retard. Meat is a luxury and you know it.

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Fuck me, the damage control in that image. If you couldn't see the flag you would swear it was a third world shit hole they are talking about. Glad I can afford a nice steak, too bad I'm not allowed a knife to cut it with


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I'll take pictures of vegis next time I go

if you shop at walmart you're a nigger

it's not ''collapsing'' you retard, it's your federal/local government taxing meat because of ''muh climate change'', they are making it expensive to reduce consumption

Yawn the Nunavut grocery meme is so stale

Maybe it's time to riot

it's surreal

Attached: BEER UK VS BEER CANADA.jpg (1510x538, 97K)

that's calgary alberta, the cheapest place in canada for beef. I specifically chose a steak from there to show how bad things are.

btw that steak is pre-carbon tax it's $25 now.

>only rich people can eat meat
>poor people can just eat bugs

Interesting that the cheapest steak in Canada is far more expensive than any steak in Canada. What's your angle disinfo shill?

what's your angle? Your angle is hoping people don't click on the instore pics

Attached: beefler.jpg (1024x768, 108K)

Oh ok so you're just lying for a (you)

£5 of steak for $31 in BC

Attached: $33 a kilo.jpg (2160x2880, 1.9M)

Lets force the whole country to live like a 1800s peasant to offset the coal China burns in a minute. Politicians need to hang for these fake taxes. People can't seriously be still falling for the debunked global warming meme.

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You got Big problems and denying them on Jow Forums wont ameliorate them...

For less than the Cost of a Canadian steak ($23Cdn) you can get - in the UK:

£2 Ribeye Steak
£2 Disposable barbeque
£3.60 4x440ml carlsberg
£2 Pâté and crackers
£2 chocolate cake
£1 big coke bottle

£12.60 Pound sterling equals $21.92 Canadian Dollar.

This is the reality of your existence and it is indefensible so why are you defending it so ardently?

If you argue for low prices for food you are intelligent.
If you argue for high prices for food you are unintelligent.
If you argue prices of food are fine, you are unironically unintelligent, and should argue they be lowered.

what about people who try to claim that the carbon tax dropped the cost of steak - would it be fair to say they are retarded?

So you admit to lying then repeat the lie to refute the lie then lie again? Interesting shill tactic

I can get that stuff for what you can get a single steak for.

And you ARE hoping that no one clicks the instore pics...

Attached: canadA vs usa.jpg (1434x793, 190K)

Climate change is fiction.

Nobody 'shills' for affordable food you fucking idiot kike.

Quintupling down on the lie now. Give me another (you) and we can make it an even 6. You can trick illiterate Pajeets like but you can't trick me :)

Would you rather have a steak, a Barbeque, Beer, Pâté and crackers, chocolate cake and 1 Big coke bottle or a lone Canadian steak as pictured in the OP

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We got 6 lies now folks let's make it 7. These (you)s are glorious

>Schizo monologue

It must be traumatic for you, you cant even choose the better choice..

7 lies boys. He knows he's lying and can't stop. How about another lie for good measure.

Here man I want you to get a "you" for your emotional support.
Enjoy *COUGH*

Why are you defending these prices? Why are UK prices so shocking to you? Do you know what the Yanks pay for a 24 of Blue? It'd break you...

We got 8 lies now. I have things to do today but getting it to 10 would make my day. How about another?

What the hell happened that the cost for basic food like this is so horrendous? Did Trudeau fuck you all over and is this in relation to weed legalization?

>We got 8 lies now. I have things to do today but getting it to 10 would make my day. How about another?

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George Soros worked together with Trudeau to limit the economy.
Tons of refugees increasing the demand makes the supply out of balance and increases prices. You can't add in extra bodies who produce nothing and make prices go down. We take in millions of refugees who eat our food and don't farm. Obviously they are taking away meals from White Canadians.

it's called supply management, it's a command economy for the food sector.

here is what americans pay for a 24 of labatt blue. You pay $60.

Attached: us beer.jpg (4032x3024, 2.79M)

Sorry Pajeet your lies only count as 3/5 of a lie and that's not enough to satisfy me

>Rice is nutritious

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compare this to UK and Canada beer prices here

Attached: 1535533343187.png (973x599, 1.22M)

That's cheaper than it is here too to be fair.

Come on just one more lie. We are so close to 10 I can almost taste it.

I understand the basics of supply & demand, but hell, never thought that the refugee influx in Canada would have that big of an impact in that short amount of time. Just goes to show that these socialists fuck over whole nations in no time

I was given a can of baked beans with the price tag of $2.49 on it....
It's that bad here.

He hasn't lied yet, he can't lie since he is asking a question.

Soft Genocide.

I had bacon for the first time today in months.

That Leaf is literally deranged mentally you are kind of silly to think anything less.

Protein starvation, commies always do it to make the population weak and compliant. But since there are capitalists involved they make a buck and they can charge whatever they want since it's a supply management system and people cant just stop eating, without becoming corpses. This means the laffer curve doesnt apply.

*cough cough*
>o shit
>That'll be $10 CDN

Attached: Ten dollars for cough drops.jpg (907x1209, 331K)


He works for the government......

Likely you are correct.
Thanks, it was pretty delicious. I felt guilty eating 4 pieces.

Yeah man for sure. Sad thing is when I take my dog on a walk or go outside I still see ham-planets walking around, usually a girl who weighs like 300+ pounds strutting around.
Its ridiculous.

Smoked ham tastes better than bacon, please don't fall for the marketing schemes.

You've got happy cows in Canada? Cool.

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UK ham planets only have to pay 20-25 percent as much in food costs to achieve their own gravity field.

Attached: canada is collapse.jpg (398x348, 48K)

Beef is cheap as fuck here in the midlands, can get a decent sized steak for a few quid.

3 steaks for a tenner the other week and they were reasonable sirloin cut off a big slab of cow. Local butchers.

Now lamb is insanely expensive and I don't get why, where is all the cheap lamb?

Attached: ploughmans-lunch.jpg (1024x685, 507K)

>where is all the cheap lamb?
sooon... they are just growing to size now

I thought that snow snuffed them all out. I used to get a leg of lamb for 6 quid now it is 10 for a half leg wtf.

Greedy Kiwis need money to build more mosques. As for Canada how can cheese be that expensive ? Sort yourselves out leafs

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His maths is actually on point. Slightly more expensive here granted (Right by Londonistan) but most places here will sell that all for about what he's saying.

>1 pound of top sirloin vs 3 pounds of kansas strip

>As for Canada how can cheese be that expensive ?
We have laws that put tariffs on dairy imports so its basically a monopoly.

He's probably talking about Canadian bacon (Or just regular bacon here) which isn't like American bacon.
I like American bacon but the tiny thin little bits of bacon aren't a good example of bacon.

you've missed the point entirely.

if you look at the OP image you will see that the cheapest 'steak' in canada is eye of round and it is $8.91 a pound.

the rest of the OP is also true. But you cant address that because it is indefensible and you know it.

I don't think I've seen lamb in my local butchers for a while now. Hopefully is right and they're just getting to size. Can't wait for some good lamb.

OP is not even a round steak. Flank or chuck is probably the cheapest.

Your ancestors maybe, nigger. Look up Gough's cave isotope analysis. My ancestors were literally as carnivorous as wolves and bears.

Why aren't you making your own cheese? Just milk some moose

that's not what I said. I said if you look at the OP image you can see the price of eye of round in canada's cheapest city for beef and it is just under $9 a pound.

...why are you using these tactics? pretending not to see what is in the pic and so forth? pretending not to understand my posts? i'm starting to think you might be a leaf

I hope it collapses and Alberta becomes an independent nation that will annex B.C., Saskatchewan and the Yukon

>Gough's cave isotope analysis
Nigger, that's far back, I'm talking Civilization.

maybe you will get help to contain chinese expansion in BC from the USA. If Alberta splits the USA will definitely be there.

You could have American bases and an actual future and stuff.,-Club-Pack/p/20883372_KG

First Google search on eye of round in Canada is $5.44/lb. Keep lying though :)

I see these threads and yet I am able to eat perfectly comfortably which includes at least 1 helping of meat a day. I also make 1 dollar more than minimum wage.
I have no idea where OP gets his prices but I suspect they are far up north.

Also any true Leaf knows a hunter or butcher who can get meat for cheap.

i'm not seeing any instore prices from you. here is some from last year - it has since went up.

Attached: canada.jpg (1600x1200, 617K)

>it has since went up
No proof. More lies. Yawn.

>I have no idea where OP gets his prices but I suspect they are far up north.

that's calgary alberta, the cheapest place in canada for beef. I specifically chose a steak from there to show how bad things are.

btw that steak is pre-carbon tax it's $25 now.

beer comparsionmore meat

"it has since went up"

Other than correcting that that is the most disgusting beef I've seen in a long time.

What a disgusting sack of shit you are. You actually hope the Jew puppet USA gets even stronger? You have no fucking honour and deserve a tortureous death.

Would you rather have a Steak, a Barbeque, 4 Beers, Pâté and crackers, chocolate cake and 1 Big coke bottle or a lone Canadian steak as pictured in the OP?

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How is meat a luxury you onions ridden faggot