Ask an algerian immigrant politically incorrect questions
Friendship edition
Ask an algerian immigrant politically incorrect questions
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When will you go back?
You aren't white Saudi boi
Why are you after french white women?
Do you actually support French Secularism or are you one of "those" migrants ?
why did you choose to become a traitor to your country?
I sometimes wonder
They are not good waifu material at all
They are corrupted with modern feminism
They should be avoided at all cost. By western men included.
I shall go for a tradutional asian, arab or south american waifu I guess
When I find a better place
Check yourself
I support secularism for Algeria itself.
I'm gonna be honest with you, the less shitty arab country in the world is lebanon, and the only reason for this is that half of them are christians.
Your skin tone?
Your religious beliefs?
Born there or a first-generation immigrant?
Good on you user. I myself am a migrant and the only other migrants I hate are the ones who don't wanna adopt the values of the state that they willingly moved to
>Your skin tone?
White, but my features are not nordic
>Your religious beliefs?
>Born there or a first-generation immigrant?
Born in Algeria
Your country still looks really blacked why are alegrian women such BBC lovers
I dont understand. They stink and look like apes
Do you believe you are white
are you going to make those threads everyday?
get a job, nigger.
Not in the swedish definition of it. But I'm caucasian
You really hate Christians or can we be allies against our common enemy?
I hope you're at least going to LARP as a Muslim or Christian or something or you're going to end up with disgusting secular Western women if you're not careful.
And which languages do you speak?
>Work on easter
>asked about France
>support secularism for Algeria itself.
why don't you fuck off back then, nigger? i fucking hate the attitude of cockroaches like you.
>not working every fucking day.
I can only speak for myself, I would eradite Islam from earth. Unfortunately the majority of algerians consider themselves muslims before they consider themselves algerians
How corrupted? Beyong salvation?
As bad as they are, if western men avoided then, wouldn't france stop being white?
>or you're going to end up with disgusting secular Western women if you're not careful.
This is a wise advise my friend. I shall follow it from now on.
I speak french, algerian dialec, spanish and german
because my stay here obviously pisses you off
What are your thoughts on the recent protests?
>wouldn't france stop being white?
No I think western women would start changing attitude, at least I hope.
It is feminism that will make france stop being white. The divorce rate rises until 70% in some regions, and they dont breed anymore, they dont even marry. They rely on immigration to pay for their retirement pensions.
which ones? the yellow jackets or in algeria?
Nice try nigger
I've come to the conclusion that religion is necessary for the majority of people. Sometimes I wonder if LARPing as a Muslim would be the true redpill.
This is why you get cucked, Jean Luc
that meme is actually real. I met some kabyle who really think they look like germans.
That's a very interesting point, thank u
Let's hope for the best
Same here. Religion engineered society for thousands of years to make it functional.
Now it's just anarchy. European races are dying as a result of it.
You’re going to grow up into a fucking male hooker you fucking faggot.
I mean, are you going to grow up into a fucking male hooker you fucking faggot?
I think many jihadis have been expelled from syria and are looking for a new country to make jihad.
I would depend on how much I can charge
Why? Are you interested?
Yes,, you see,, levint äraps are decents of ancient greks and phonicans and germaniac crosdads,,, We äre white bro
Can you translate this for me? Thanks
It is. I wish I didn't care about my history and its people because for fuck sake, they're destroying themselves. It would be so much easier to join in with the Muslim community. I can completely understand why many of them stay out of Western society even when they live in a Western land.
My advice would be to learn some arguments for God, at least, and see if they work.
Remember to laugh at degenerates and call them as they are. Call them racist when they fight back. Marry a nice Turkish or Arab girl, avoid secular women. My friend married a hardcore secular feminist and she cheated on him continually.
Don't let your children, nor your society end up like Europe.
You're a wise man user. Encourage those who will listen.
Je compatis, cousins français. In the meantime, op can suck on this here braquemart.
just make algeria great already
nothings gonna happen if you dont topple the (((FLN)))
I'm going to Algeria for the protests. That's the best I can do.
eyes ?
hair ?
sauce for information
Kek what is wrong with Jews fucking sexual degenerates i thought the talmud told you not to meaninglessly spill your seed
>he less shitty arab country in the world is lebanon
Lmao you're very wrong there. If it was 100% Christian maybe it'd be better but sectarian divisions and corruption turned Lebanon into a dysfunctional country.
For non oil countries, Tunisia fares better than Lebanon. Even Morocco and Egypt don't have half the problems Lebanon has.
>Tunisia, morocco and egypt fares better than Lebanon.
for having been stationed in morocco, tuniasia and lebanon, let me tell you that you are an uneducated retard.
lebanon could clearly be a better place, but its still better than these shitholes
when will France turn into an Islamic nation?
Next Tuesday
>for having been stationed in morocco, tuniasia and lebanon
Get a grip osti d’perdant.
Why is it always the Algerians that go around with their country flag in France and never the Tunisians/Moroccans ? It's extremely retarded imo
Also "1 2 3 viva l'algérie" is such a cringy phrase I'm ashamed to be north african whenever I hear it.
algerians are white. only former slave owner countries pushing this racist agenda because of their bad conscience. white countries where there wasn't slavery see their fellow arabs, berbers, sandpeople as whites but born in fake religion. even romans had emperors from syria or present day tunisia. the eternal anglo fucked everything up. i like you algerians but please don't try to convert me and chimp out, this is what i just ask from you.
tunisia was not france, algeria was
you didnt have a war of independance, algeria had
you didnt have millions of colonists, algeria had
France stayed 130 years in algeria, but only 50 in tunisia
The invasion of tunisia by france face no resistane, and no brutality, in algeria it was massacres, famines and bloodshed for 40 years
Un jour je te tuerai sale arabe.
you won't do shit nigger
Can you give some good arguments for God then?
If God is omniscient, how can there be free will? This one really annoys me, even more than arguments against omnipotence.
Help a brottha out.
Do you hate niggers?
First time i see a negro goalkeeper
Give me back my beloved iPhone sandnigger
Shlomo asking the important questions
How can you re conciliate the idea that Muhammed was the "perfect man" with the fact he married a six year old, advocated for sexual slavery, etc?
not one single even remotely white man in algeria. the only 30% white (namely, med) country in the middle east is lebanon.
I actually believe this.
Some 'arabs' are whiter than most southern Europeans, whom I also classify as white.
I've met some highly intelligent Levant arabs, perfectly mannered too.
Just type widowmaker in
Its the first result
what is like france? im moroccan, btw
Simple answer is that God doesn't compel you to do it.
Though Islam doesn't really have free will, though. Not really. For Christianity, look at Aquinas and Augustine. I think it's Summa Contra Gentiles where he speaks of omniscience and free will.
For now, though:
wesh, je vois que je ne suis pas le seul algérien a fréquenter pol, ca fait plaisir
i see that i am not the only algerian who frequente pol
That is not how free will works
If I had Omniscience and knew that you were going to burp, then that is fine, but you seem to have forgotten that God is also omnitemporal and omnipresent.
If everything is decided in prior, and someone knows of this, then how can there be free-will. This is not something which can be answered through scripture because of omni-attributes were decided much later. Since it is a god, then it must have these qualities is what humans think. But if God has those qualities, then it means we do not have something which is claimed we have.
No, I understood it. You're making the mistake of thinking that for God to have omniscience and omnipotence, that He makes you do something. This is not the case.
Syria has actually more pure Med types than Lebanon, though
They resemble Southern Europeans, especially Italians and Greeks very good
What way is Algeria going now that Boutef is gone? Less isolated, More orientated towards Europe?
>Yes Daddy feed me more delicious meat
It's literally English run through Google translate
What do you mean? Of course, God has to be omniscient and omnipotent, it states in the Quran, and the Bible.
Being omnipotent only means, all-powerful. And that is obviously something a God has to be. One of the reasons how Abrahamic were faiths able to remain so strong is because all attribute that defines (the western god) God is met. But if you go a little bit back to the pagans roots of Europe, you could see that not all attribute was given to a god.
In modern times, especially with monotheistic gods, it seems like they are a self-contradiction. And I know those are crazy expectations of what a God must be, but since we are this advanced, we have to look up to a higher being with those attributes, if not, then it is no God, at least not as defined, at most case this deity, is no more than a demi-god.
Ironically the Bible never actually calls God omniscient, omnipotent or anything. But still, the argument remains the same and doesn't actually work. Omnipotence, omniscience and free will do not imply God forcing people to do something. It just doesn't work, though I can understand why people may think it.
A dentist did not have many requirements to be called a dentist say, a thousand years ago. But now a thousand year in the future this person would not be called a dentist.
I wish, at times that expectations were not that high, but that is simply how we as a species are progressing towards, the gap simply becomes harder to fill. So do the requirements for "higher beings". In the end, I could not find the answer to the question I was wondering. We will see if I come across it one day. I doubt it though, seems like it is becoming more difficult by the day.
hopefully civil war; just cause i don't like how they think they are superior
Those are spics dipshit.