This little friend was suddenly in my bathroom out of nowhere.
He seamed a little lost, however I brought him outside and showered him with water.
What did Kek mean by this???
This little friend was suddenly in my bathroom out of nowhere.
He seamed a little lost, however I brought him outside and showered him with water.
What did Kek mean by this???
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It means now is the season when frogs wake up and soon my yard will have hundreds of frogs.
OP here
Sorry for not the best pics. Once I moved him from the sunny place to the shadows, he quickly moved away
He looks a little bit too thin, or is he alright?
Either you're the next Hitler or soon begins the night of a thousand REEs
Damn you're right.
The REEE thing seems plausable
How did you come up with the Hitler suggestion?
It came to me in a vision, also since those guys tried to channel Hitler on 4/20 even though I'm not very spiritual I'm keeping an eye out for signs just in case
>night of a thousand REEs
Elaborate on that vision my man
what did Kek mean by this?
OP has frog fungus and is going to die a terrible death
Kill yourself
You shouldn't be touching toads, kraut user. Do you want a wart on your hand?
I activate my Trump card
Did any of you guys ever lick a toad?
Asking for a friend
Kek is a well established figure here.
Lurk moar
why are german cunts so damn autistic?
Yeah, how could he not rip off the legs of that thing and grill them right then and there? Fucking retard, that one, am I right, Pierre?
What is autistic about that?
I would have done the same
>Trump card
thinking the internet needs to know or even fucking care about the random ass frog you found is what's autistic about that
this place is for political/news discussion
Ever heard of Kek, newfag?
That makes this topic relevant to Jow Forums
That’s a fucking cane toad mate. Only good cane toad is a dead one.
Kek sent you a gf
treat her well user
oh the guts on this sperg
this makes this thread gay underage shitpost
kek is the embodiment of newfaggotry
Pierre, put your government mandated PPE on and go protest somewhere people give a fuck, or cut the head of someone who uses cooking oil, whatever, just be away from here.
What is so bad about cane toads?
A gonecern'd troll is still a goner you know
Tell us about the good ol times, before Kek
cane toads are the mudslimes of the frog world
They’re poisonous you know. They secrete it from their backs. They were introduced here almost 100 years ago to control cane beetles but instead have devastated eco systems. The native animals didn’t know they’re poisonous. But animals now here are starting to learn to eat them from the belly to avoid getting the poison. They are native to South America Hans, what are they doing where you live?
Dude you forgot to put your memeflag on.
Don't reply to this, just think about your behaviour
>what are they doing where you live?
Killing shit by the sound of it...
What if that is just a common toad, or an european toad?
Here are my pics:
Are you sure?
it's a girl tho
you let her get away
Only way to find out is to spray it with a little anti septic
What's that discord about?
Post a screenshot
Cane toads are bros everywhere except australia. Don't get on your high horse thinking that our pests are everyone else's pests. Otherwise you'll end up like those kiwis who hate possums.
i-is that emmymadeinjapan?
But I do hate possums
No way dude. I made extra sure not to hurtpost her when I saved her
I had to save her and let her free
Shut up, mom
I grew up on a shitty reservation and lived in a shack with fucking hay bales keeping the cold at bay. I remember waking up early one day and finding a nice big frog chilling out on my window sill, he kept me muskeeto free all summer until my home burned down. Just thought I share, RIP little buddy I know you're gone now but I hope it wasnt in the fire
A frog a day keeps the moskito away
>its spring
>frogs everywhere getting splattered on the streets and near riverbeds
>What did Kek mean by this???
That you're a riesig Schwuchtel
I had a feeling you were a poofter.
should've of gave it a kiss cunt, would've of got kek superpowers. wasted opportunity. fucking krauts let us down again.
frogs are the most bro animals cmm
Kill yourself reddit
Great way to ruin the fun Viktor
We don't eat toads.
Based frangin
French ppl are known to be barbaric subhumans, which are often weak and pathetic and give up all the time
Thats pretty much it, had a shitty family and a shitty childhood and the only saving grace was my friend who was Metis but got all kinds of flak because he was white as rice stuck to a paper plate in a snowstorm, really opened my eyes to the bullshit that was being fed to us from the Elders and the white guilt faggots who would come by and rile us up against whitey. Seeing how bad he was treated despite being raised as one of us was my redpill that my people have a long way to go and that assholes come in all shapes sizes and colors. Our house was burnt down by a fucking junkie trying to get high in the stack of hay bales, I left for the city soon after that and havent looked back
lol yeah, love the little guys
This is why we kicked your ass for centuries
Did you get a refund for the house?
Yeah, but the jokes about the
>Circa WW2 Rifle for sale, only dropped once, never fired
Belong to the Italians, what did history mean by this?
Time for 4chans 2nd space exploration project?
Simmer down silly boy. The treaty of Versaile was your sadistic revenge for being dominated by us
it means that KEK is PLEASED with us.
A dozen or so frogs and toads are around my pool (still covered).
Stay safe hoppers.
Nah, it was "band property" in the first place so no real claim to ownership and it wasnt worth the nails holding it together anyway. I could've had a new house after a waiting period but I took it as a sign to restart somewhere else
Looks like a common toad. No danger to you or the environment. Just don't lick it or let your dog eat it.
I hope you're doing ok now
Have you changed professions?
Oh and don't be a nigger: wash your hands after handling.
Why is my boy so thin?
The Italians were 100% honkposting. They were operating on an entirely different level. They marched straight out of the barracks into the POW camps, an aggressive leer on their face the entire time.
Yes Hans, you are right, we should have never supported the french.
The lament of the 19th and 20th century is the Francs and Anglo's should have helped you to take over the remaining 1/3 of the world, just imagine the progress we would have made.
Yeah, I'm doing alright. I went and found myself a nice wife and changed professions from unemployed drunk to health care worker kek
I did it with a spoon and a cup
Either it's a juvenile or it just came out of hibernation and hasn't found much food yet, I'm guessing. Maybe it's been trapped in a humid area of your house for a while, like when salamanders get trapped in basements
Redemption Arc soon (End Times)
That's a Sonoran Desert Toad. Lol
But their influence in early modern American culture is so prevalent, it's a real conundrum.
For some VERY odd reason he was stuck between my wall and toilet cleaner box???
>What did Kek mean by this???
Kek meant: I'll send this here toad into that krauts shitter, cunt won't know the difference between it and a frog. should be a larff.
Mexicans bringing drugs in?
>Sonoran Desert Toad
Doesn't look like it, user. Probably a Common Toad.
It's becoming more and more obvious that the world is scared of me (Nigel), you (Hans), and Pierre sitting at the same table, sharing wine and beer whilst deciding the fate of the world, because we actually can.
Frogs are jumpy, he was staying on the ground the whole time until he moved into the wilderness without jumping