
Ask a man who just survived a magnitude 6.3 earthquake anything

check the flag

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Why should we care?

You live in a fucking forest how would tou not survive.

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This. If Philippines got consumed by a Tsunami or destroyed by an Earthquake no one would give a shit except hashtags on twitter since nothing of value was lost.

Are you all shook up

6.3 is a baby earthquake

I've survived every earthquake ever just by not being near it. Worship me.

whats your favorite color?

Nobody cares. Livestream when you kys if you need validation.

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you gonna cry, buttercup?


had to run down 20 flights of stairs


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Black like his wife's bull.

Peru just saw a 7.5 not that long ago and not a single person gave a fuck here. It's seriously not that big of a deal but I'm glad you're okay

Did you grab your dick and became one with the earth?

thanks fren

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also, something terrifying abuot being 20 stories high in the middle of an eaerthquake

That does sound terrifying, we are just a desensitized bunch here. It would take another indian ocean tsunami for anyone to show interest, I didn't see a single post last year about the 2 different incidents that killed almost 1000+ people was rather surprised

6.3 is not too much. Come back after a 7.



Score any good loot

Your mother survives them every night she's with me. Epicenter: her twat

I survived a 4.4. I think the shallow ones happen when they take down a Reptilian bunker underground.

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Six point fucking three
Hardly noticeable.

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lulz i hope ur right

Will you have to teach English tomorrow, or is it a holiday because of the damage?

i teach online so i am actually teaching right now

5k usd/month is nice af for sitting on my ass browsing pol while teaching to some rich old chinese dude

why u mad or are u a teacher?

>had to run down 20 flights of stairs
Thats when the people got hurt. They start to panic and stampede through the stairs and also the stairs are the first thing that collapses in a quake. We had a 2.8 then ~4 and the main one 5.3 in just a few hours in 2015. After that the ground was shaking with smaller ones for the next 2 weeks. 6.3 is pretty big one. Scary shit. But nothing modern buildings cant handle. Just dont run down the stairs.

>survived an earthquake
dude just go outside lmao

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>That location.

Pick one, monkey boy.

your islands going to sink flippy.

Stfu we have one of those every year and we don't give a shit

it's a fire exit. is that not designed to withstand an earthquake? how else would I get down, the elevator?

Jakarta possibly next or japan my prediction map shows

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Thoughts on Japan, philippines bro?

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Digits confirm this is the EVENT


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love the both of them and have stayed in the both of them for months at a time, both very different though and offer different things.




i care


glad you're alive

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only 6.3? Are you new or what?

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been here about 8 months and this is the first so i guess


ok then it makes sense you're surprised. Where are you from and why did you move to a third word country?

lol he was probably born there

people survive a 6.3 earthquake every month in Japan, what makes you special?

Do you go to the gym ? Are you Jow Forums ?

>Oh no not a 6.2
I could fucking fart a 6.2

Try 7.5 or 8.1 faggot.

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>americans and europeans living in the middle of a continental plate thinking 6.3 is nothing

It was strong, my expat bong neighboor came running out of his house thinking he was gonna die. It's just that the buildings here adhere to strict building codes that's why there isn't any casualties.

>literally shaking

cmon its not that strong

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It's been downgraded to a 6.1; Taiwan had the same size earthquake with more violent shaking felt on the 18th and nobody cared about that one, either. This is a baby earthquake in an area that gets these sized eqs several times a year so knuckle down princess, you're going to have a bad time.
>had to run down 20 flights of stairs
If you're going to live in the most active earthquake zone on the planet you might want to learn how to not kill yourself by doing dumbshit like this.

Dumb expat

It wasn't even that strong