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miscount, 88 found in 14 different colors
How else are they gonna get home? Theyre on the no fly list.
so just the parst without the bombs? did they panic and leave them or were they in the middle of assembling somethig
the 9th circuit wants to make sure muslims can fly into america from any country. the faggot hawaiian judge keeps striking down trumps travel ban
trump says it was 87 million
Damn, these Muslims are going all out in shilanka wanting to blow half the fucking country up.
But why?
Because theyre muslim.
How come Sri Lanka government didn't find these sooner?
Because theyre muslim.
Anyone else notice how the closer you are to Muslims, the more radical extremism there is.
One would wonder why we are allowing the Muslims to come closer, it's quite absurd really.
87 detonators and no bomb?
>87 detonators
And how many bombs?
bomb detonator...lol any two pieces of fuck that can be touched together to transmit current is a detonator....
Bomb detonator is code for muslim.
For teh lulz!
Wrong, they upheld his travel ban months ago.
It's not about closeness but numbers. Never let them get above 15%.
But did you die bigot? No you didn’t. Muslims are peaceful ok?
That's some funny shit.
Joke aside, this sounds like Fake News.