Jow Forums-approved political commentators
Jow Forums-approved political commentators
Other urls found in this thread:
Kraut and Tea
Mundane Matt
Jeff Holiday
Sargon of Akkad
Tim Pool
David Sharratt
niggerloving faggot
VincentJames aka Red Elephants
Every time I see a picture of her now I think of the smell of cat shit.
Anyone got a screencap of the old boyfriend leaks?
I would kill a thousand men just to see those titties for three seconds.
Slavoj Žižek
Of course you would leaf
Are you saying leafs are known for their heterosexuality?
mmmm mutt milkers.
May his soul rest in eternal bliss.
I do not view Brittany Venti as a political commentator but I do wish that she would post more selfies and show even more cleavage.
Roger Scruton, Peter Hitchens. But I even like some Left commentators like Zizek.
Richard Spencer / Millennial Woes are my secret shame because like with Styx, they're a bit cray cray but they're just like some nerd you'd share a smoke with outside a goth club. People get their panties in a bunch over them.
Sargon produces good content but like any good centrist has an opinion on everything, even when he's out of his depth.
I have to admit hatewatching a lot of Tyt, Majority Report, Kev and Kristi but also to 'queer' the algorithm and know what Leftist arguments are.
Molyneux and Owen B are nuts but entertaining.
Jonathon Bowden is my spirit animal but I feel I couldn't really explain that to a normie.
I have to admit as someone who leaned left and got tired of That Shit most of my watching this stuff is passing the time, enjoying the drama and thinking I should be doing something more productive. Often it's my dishwashing soundtrack - I prefer to engage with actual music more thoroughly (thanks for the Bowie thread last night by the way anons).
Ultimately I can't help but feel most of these people are e-girls and that we'd all be better off stepping back from the internet, reading a book, talking to a girl or getting some fresh air. But I've been ill for quite a while and so have the time to acquaint myself with this particular brand of fuckery.
I wish she would do porn.
The Zman. He has been wiped off the net over the past 24 hours so not sure if he will be back. Tech companies are tightening the noose. Expect it to keep getting worse the closer we get to the 2020 election.
she needs to do a body cast desu, I could see people paying to have a plastic venti in their bathroom.
1. She's mingin' and
2. Aren't people simply getting bored of porn? I feel like I've seen so much my senses are dulled enough for me to find it boring and want to engage with women physically again. I think the untold Redpill is that porn is boring - it's contrived and a bit depressing.
Why would you have a plastic Notre Dame gargoyle in your bathroom? That's pretty Metal interior decorating.
For me, it's:
Jonathan Bowden
Guy Debord
Mark Brahmin
Mencius Moldbug
Theodore Kaczynski
Oswald Spengler
Ernst Jünger
Sevitri Devi
Pentti Linkola
Friendrich Nietzsche
Nut confirmed.
>political commentators
The Stay Puff Marshmallow Man
My neighbour's greyhound
Max Keiser's coke dealer
Some white guy in a tent who killed people because they came near him/don't tread on me
Answers on topic, please
Roaming Millenial
Ashton Birdie
Steven Crowder
Ben Shapiro
Candace Owens
And...last but certainly not least - Blaire White.
Academic agent
Distributist maybe
Jacktion, brit fash
Borzoi boskovic, absolute best stuff here
Cultured thug, got shoad month ago new channel
Asha logos
Bonus stuff kai murros, guerrilla radio, the right, vanguard streaming network
the one and only leader of the Alt-right
Anti-Tech Revolution lays out a pretty interesting (and wholly pessimistic) understanding of man's ability to direct his own future which I think is valuable even if I don't agree with it entirely.
Ben Shapiro isn't alt-right you dunce. In fact he's repeatedly called out Republicans for flirting with that movement. Did you know Ben Shapiro has been the victim of more anti-Semitic hate attacks than any other political commentator? Why would he join the alt-right?
But he's Jewish
>Cultured thug, got shoad month ago new channel
What's his new channel?
I rec to you truediltom, but you are probablt familiar with him already
more seriously i like David Duke, Augustus invictus, Mcfeel, Striker, Borzoi and kike enochovich,
taking the bait this hard
I think it's a case of schizo confirmed when people are writing from outside the entire societal structure and from an anti technological perspective. For one, it's not remotely fash. For another, it's unrealistic and points to more parasites who don't really have a stake in the social order to actually defend.
We have more serious environmental, surveillance, automative and transhuman questions to address from a right wing perspective than "muh lolbertcabin."
This prestigious outlet would like to have a word with you.
I like Mike. TRS is kinda bitchy, all podcasts of this nature react to the news cycle but I think Mike has a good heart, isn't an extremist and has a unique perspective on the issues. Sven is also quite entertaining.
Cultured thug is boring, particularly with his on screen text that he keeps puting in his videos, which makes his content hard to digest if you don't read everything while listening to him.
he should add some production value to his videos.
imagine having a literal nazi leading the alt right!
Its cultured thug still
Blonde in the belly of the beast.
Confirmed for absolutely having not read. Muh cabin figures into not one of his works. Unsurprising considering this is Jow Forums who frequently talks shit about theorists they have not read.
If you type sage in the options field before you post it allows you to type soy and soyboy in the body of the message without filtering it
Also, people who venerate the Nazi economy and standard of living as justification for taking Europe back to war are looking at a very short snapshot of history. I'm not saying that the Nazis had no achievements but they cast a long shadow over trying to grapple with modern problems from a right wing point of view.
Sven can be funny sometimes but at very little dose, he's a fucking boomer with dad jokes. and keeps interrupting Mike, which is very annoying for everyone.
Nick J Fuentes
doesnt she have cat shit in her apartment?
can't be bothered with them. Boring. reading books, watching documentaries and browsing Jow Forums gets u more redpilled than commentators. And what messages are they supposed to give u that u can't work out yourself? Just get on and make as much money as u can and bang as many women as possible then try raise kids with a good one
holy shit nigga
>Confirmed luddite with no social or familial investments
>Confirmed accelerationist unable to engage with the political process, dooming us to minority status so we can somehow logcabin our way out after some perceived collapse
>Confirmed collapse will be degrees, take forever and the soft landing will be death
Grow up, mong.
that trannies got huge milkers
Why do you keep spamming this sheboon, never met a real woman in your life?
>implying national socialism is an immuable doctrine that can't be adapted to (((modern times)))
Mike cracking it at Sven is part of the charm.
You want sadness, look at Michael (((Brooks))) on Majority Report. His Rightwing Mandela character is quite funny if you're on HRT.
blonde haired blue eyed aryan god here yes i would breed her
whats techs end game? perfect race with slave robots? schizo
Just admit you like the LARPy unifroms, Frenchie.
Third Position, sure. But NS is kind of a relic at this point. Even at the time it was built on a mythic conception of the Germanic people.
Aleggs Jonz know his stuff too, based and redpilled.
it's the interdimensional demons.
Absolutely fucking embarrassing pseudo intellectual 12 year old retard shit. Man you people actually really get all your opinions from youtube don't you.
Candace fucking owens was destroyed by toe rogan, "oh i have such strong opinions about the environment" do you candace you vapid bitch i dont think so
>muhhh austrian economics
>muh mises
>in the current year still being a capitalist
How about you retards actually pick up a book, im sure your tiny little porn and game addicted attention spans cant handle that but you might actually learn something
Hint, if it comes out the mouth a self involved narcissistic youtube attention whore (all of them) its probably complete bollocks
Guy Debord is a commie and marxist you dumb fash cunt. Although yes, great guy.
if ur a german go look at der volkslehrer, he is a cool rational dude
Ted had an excellent critique of the Left, which is much of what I can say of the Dissident Right as it is now.
Much as I could say Marx wrote an excellent critique of industrial capitalism in his time. But I wouldn't propose Marxism, either.
hey were right though, you need national myths to build a nation, faggot.
And Lauren Southern, Brittany Pettibone.
You and I probably have more in common politically than you realise but you decided to hit the Full Redtard button.
ugghh look at this fucking commie sperg
agreed national mythology is needed
Candace Owens
Steven Crowder
Brandon Tatum
The Quartering
Richard Spencer
Not when you're an Anglo, chef.
Patrician taste.
you're half taking baits, half strawman arguments, you're a retard and redditspacing, kill yourself nigger.
Replace that with Marxist praxis. Nah, try again
you cant put zizek in the same league as tube whores. There is a reason he blasted the ass of peterstein, its because alt light psuedo intellectual self help crap is a complete joke
of course you do, also you're talking about an empire, we're talking about nations.
Varg is a better Tedposter than Ted. He's just poppin' out bebes and plantin' beans. If you wanna go do that, do it, have my blessing and everyone else's.
man you lads have some unbased commentators you lot watch.
like i respect a fringe batko watcher more than all these mainstream liberal fake intellectuals.
all peterson tier shit
marxism= materialism= analyse the structures and processes of the world.
literally everything else= idealism, i.e consciousness shapes the world i.e. muh feels shape the world rather than economics
I have literally quoted you the austrian economist who says he doesn't really on evidence. It is therefore feels over reals
>Missing le point
>No flaps
I can't put the Elvis of Cultural Theory in the Automatic Gumball Dispenser of Dude Weed Wisdom
That's where you're wrong, kiddo
most anons are joking
nah you're just pretending this isn't the entire cannon of thought you share space and many positions with because you know how shamefully cheap and bad it is
>Living with a fucking woman who keeps her room like that
i'm anticapitalist, nigger, what now?
you're just a retard.
god i would ruin my gene pool in a second just for a taste of those mutt milkers
got anymore of them lad
>Candace Owens
Fucking hell lad, let's not go crazy by posting miss "blood for the blood god".
no, unless your are a communist, you are not
I'm a student of Australian economics first.
Say you have a head, and I don't like it.
Say I've finished my VB.
Well, in Australian economic theory, that empty beer is going to find value in the market exchange known as the air between where you're standing and I'm standing.
A perfect synthesis of glass and face will occur.
>what is third position?
>what is national socialism?
end yourself, pathetic scum.
Part of that is vibin' what most people are sayin'
You obviously don't do it uncritically. We're not all just avatars of identity waiting to be programmed by Google.
wonder why fascists and literal liberals "im a classical liberal" or liberals "im a libertarian" or liberals " im an ancap" share all of the same only spaces with "anticapitalist fascists" or fucking whatever. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... oh right its because you are also liberals who got mad. Fascism is only capitalism in decay, the ruling liberal elite consolidating their position by losing the pretext of democracy. Thats all its ever been, thats all it ever will be
explain this?
the bolshevik revolution was financed by wall street and the (((capitalists))) you hate so much.
capitalism and communism are the two face of the same coin.
you are just a run of the mill lolbert with more edge and larp
cope so hard some men wanna find me
What's wrong with Scruton?
you're talking about tyranny and authoritarianism, not fascism, dumb mongrel, you can't be nationalist and be a lolbert you dumb retard.
shop or not id lick it and stick son i'd put so many blonde bastages in her that jews from planned parenthood and foreskin facial cream worldwide would be lined up outside her apartment begging to come in and sell her a contract for dem baby parts she'd be rich as a kike herself when it was over...