Billionaire father has had 3/4s of his children slain by Islam. Will he invest his billions in destroying Islam to gain vengeance for his dead offspring, or will he become an angry hermit in his castle?
he could fund a Crusade or dirty bomb M*cca without much issue
Anti-Islam Batman Created
elitist scum realizing they are as vulnerable as the common man without their paid protection, sad
That wasnt islam you idiot.
I bet all the "kids" were liberal pro-refugee faggots
I love how these people think that they can fuck up their country or even whole continents and then retire into some safe heaven when shit hit's the fan. Sri Lanka just proves, that you reap what you sow and you aren't safe anywhere.
Good riddance.
Good. His kind likely wanted tge shitskins in the UK, if he starts pumping money into anti islam projects then he can be redeemed. If not I hope his other child dies as well.
>richfags getting dabbed on
But now I think the question is if the kids were in the church or in the hotel.
If in the church, then maybe they were alright.
WTF were they doing in Sri Lanka?
Serves them right.
>destroying pisslam
I sure hope he does
Baldies and their offspring should be purged from the genepool
In a logical world, yes.
Unfortunately, we live in Clown World.
He will not only forgive his daughter's killers, but feel sad for them, and will start a fundraiser to combat Islamophobia in Denmark.
Screencap this.
A Soros for the right
I'd be surprised if he hasn't built an underground base beneath all that land in Scotland he owns.
>Billionaires children going to church
How fucking naive are you ?
im starting to hope ghosts are real so this poor guy can haunt the fuck out of his heartless, weakly parents.
whys everyone against him? this is how a batman could be born
dude you have to remember just how pozzed the media is, and skilful at manipulating information. reality, truth and integrity are words they have no interest in. I can see those parents genuinely wanting to move on and not be burdened by hate, and that being twisted by the media into *diversity is our strength* and *not all muslims*
>Sell your soul to the devil for money
>Devil collects 3 of your kids souls
They were having breakfast in 5 star hotel :^)
He won't do shit because the west taught him ((Christian))) values and so he will turn the other cheek like a good goy.
Also, who is there to attack? Besides Iran Syria and Qatar there are no openly promoting Islamic terror countries. Want to attack Iran? The retarded alcoholic slavshitole will come to their help because of their ((oil)) and inability to generate intellectual property.
Icelandic KEK mussie whore
this cunt didnt pay his tax hence the opposite /synchronization of the payment of its 3 kids
>be white and rich
>travel to 3rd world shithole
>literally launched an islamic fashion line 2 days before the attack
its to funnay. hes a literal thot
It's ironic how it's always the lefty cucks who get hit by these shitskins
Divine justice has been served
in your world if Jews didnt exist nobody would ever do anything
I love you, user.
Fucking hell
thanks isis
what a great gift
>supports pisslam
>muslims murder his kids
Fuck that guy. If his pet muslims had murdered someone else's kids he wouldn't have given a single fuck. I feel bad for his dead kids, but he got what he deserved.
why were they in sri lanka?
>Implying the attack wasn't organized by the 4th child to remove the other 3 inheritors.
Now the last kid alone will rule the family empire.
I do wonder why did they hang out in some hotel.
You'd imagine that these ultra mega rich people would have private retreats at these holiday destinations.
If it was me, use my billions to murder courtless Muslim children in mecca.
I think this are the only white victims.
Have you seen the so called "Britons" and Americans?
All pajeets and shitskins,
And yet they still want more of these shitskins
Remember the Charlie Hebdo shooting? The survivors are the biggest leftist cucks of french journalism (and that's something to say)
They were three young kids. YOUNG. They didn't deserve to die. Have a heart lad.
>dont deserve hate or anger
theyre trying to memory hole
Why would anyone send their kids in Sri Lanka out of all places.
stay home, be safe, ffs people.
It's a tourist destination. There are parts of the island that are like paradise. Many people even title their youtube videos of their vacation as Island Paradise, and things like that.
This is what leftists do. They are convinced every people are kind and all cultures are equal. So they go the worst shitholes on earth and get executed in the most gruesome way.
It has its ups and downs
More rich prick children need to die desu desu
This. There are luxury hotels everywhere. Why Sri Lanka?
Could it be connected to this billionaired enterprises as in maybe he owns factories in Sri Lanka?
Uh oh, kike/muslim alliance might have accidentally fucked with someone that matters this time...
When kids die it's always the last warning before the entire family line get's wiped out
one of the most heart breaking things i saw after the manchester bombing was some mother who i believe only daughter died, she forgives the bomber and now knits custom teddy bears on instagram for people to buy. i went down her instagram page and there was hundreds of bears. it was so bleak imagining her zoned out making them
He with thank God Gyros exist which is a Greek Culture Dish stolen by nomadic persians.
His kind is the one that let them in the first place you dumb fuck
Given their whole identity and Talmud religion was created around murdering and rejecting christ... Jews are the devil’s shock troops and generals but they’re not his ONLY asset by any means
awesome, I hate this race-mixing propagandist nigger loving piece of shit. Sad he didn't get enriched himself
Since it’s well know that isis is an israeli supported proxy...
was is confirmed it was muslims ? i know everythingn looks like it just asking for source. not just common sense.
What's up with Danes going to these shitholes and getting killed? Denmark is comfy.
oh it is right in the title. when did they confirm that ? i must have missed it during the sleep.
>every billionaire kid is a atheist hedonist
Maybe, but do we know in this case?
Ok, this is funny.
schloppy dog mossad
this. more of the elites need to be killed off. for once the shitskins killed elites by accident of course.
She "says" she forgives the bomber because the msm press probably paid and/or coerced her into doing so
>muh community tensions at an all time high
>muh poor oppressed Muslims in danger or retaliation
>you can be a voice of calm
>don't want to fuel the nasty far right do you?
Etc etc....
this is terrible, am I the only one feeling sorry for him and his family? Danish people are good people, i regularly shop affordable clothing from asos. You can never recover from losing 3 children, its too much.
What is going on in his mind and the mothers is beyond my comprehansion guilt? anger? How can one avenge this?
>what is business
You faggots on here are so fucking LOW IQ its unbelievable. He is merely responding to a market potential. He doesnt give a flying fuck about the ideological consequence whatsoever, because he is A BUSINESS MAN.
Fucking braindead morons, all of you.
Just read up on him.
Can you possibly guess what he's been """donating""" money to for the last decade?
Their reaction brought about suspicions of a false flag. A day or two after their son was killed they were smiling/laughing on UK television. Joking about how their son would be loving being the centre of attention and that it was typical of him.
probably at some NGO that helps refugees migrate
Fuck the (((elite)))
Why are you thanking Ishtar?
I actually feel for him and the kids lad. If he comes out with a cuckish virtue signalling statement then my sympathy for him will evaporates somewhat but for now, having kids of my own, I empathise with his loss.
inb4 they wipe bacon on every piece of clothing.
attack israhell of course, the one place that promotes all terrorist attacks worldwide
Now is the perfect time to create sock puppet accounts with Islamic sounding names to thank him for the clothes and country.
I didn't see that. Do you have a link to the clip lad?
>Spiritual reasons
Also called "I don't want my head bashed in with rocks."
shut the fuck up kike
And? That's OK? To cater to the enemy in the name of business? You sure you shoudn't have an israeli flag?
I suppose he should read the book of Job. Reminds me of that.
deserve has nothing to do with it
>He doesnt give a flying fuck about the ideological consequence whatsoever, because he is A BUSINESS MAN.
Exactly. Fuck him. He probably thought only disgusting plebs would have to deal with the shit skin. He got exactly what he deserved.
imagine being this bluepilled
It was suicide buddhists
The Lord works in mysterious ways
this is why when Soviet Union took over Russia first thing they did was kill all businessmen/actors because they know what type of scumbags you are
still shilling that honeypot ay, you faggot glownigger
>3 dead children
If this man didn't use his power and wealth to try and stop immigration before he's merely paying the toal.
How do you know this guy was pro-Muslim? He was just vacationing with his family. Poor kids. If any of you celebrate the death of White children, you are a Jew.
What kind of enemies did this guy have?
You support us
you know he's one of the people renting out his real estate to the Muslim invaders, right?
hopefully he has a change of heart now.
Wait OP, you mean to tell me you’re mad because some kike elitist business mongrel had his Jewish spawn purged from the gene pool?
Oh wow, I can’t be reading this right now. Please tell me OP is a mossad shill. Oh God.
Mossad, you’ve been really active lately. First the Christchurch false flag and now these posts shilling for kike globalists.
When will you and your judeo-Christian dogs learn? You can’t beat the prophecy of a holy Islamic caliphate dominating the world.