Boyfriend's fury as Indian men who 'drugged...

Boyfriend's fury as Indian men who 'drugged, raped and beheaded his girlfriend before hanging her from a tree' are freed on bail


What the FUCK, India?!

The boyfriend of a woman who was drugged, raped and beheaded before her body was found hung upside down in a forest, has reportedly blasted the Indian legal system as a ‘total farce’ as those accused of her murder continue to roam free.

Andrew Jordan, from Dublin, travelled to India for the case on Thursday but was said to be left horrified when the two men, suspected of murdering his partner Liga Skromane, failed to show up to court.

Umesh and Udayan - known only by their first names - were arrested and charged with first-degree murder and rape last May, but were released on bail until a trial date could be set.

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based india

He let his girl travel alone. Serves him right.

pajeet hadda release, what you gonna do white boys?

>beheaded his girlfriend before hanging her from a tree

Toll paid

thot got pooped on

it's not racist when browns do it.

Independence and self-rule were mistakes. Clearly the world has suffered from the absence of our guiding hand. We must alleviate its pain.

>inb4 we find the boyfriend on the news for taking the law into his own hands.

> Irish
Based Poos prevent her from producing Irish children aka theiving scum.

probably by the feet or something


well they haven't been found guilty. What if they are innocent? What happened to "MUAH DUE PROCESS" on this board?


Damn, I did not know Indian men where this based.

Smell the poo, down the loo

>letting your gf go to India alone

Asking for it

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Toll pooped

Idiot didn't realise that outside of the West one bribes officials to get the result you want.

The boyfriend is just pissed his guaranteed pussy access is gone.

based poos killed more paddies in the name of the crown and the queen than any brit did since the troubles

>implying there is no corruption in the west

only difference is instead of Poos getting away with it it's the Jews who bribe officials

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Just look at that fucking nose. Based pajeets did her a favour.

>Let his wife "travel"
He got what he wanted user

this, I wouldn't let my girlfriend travel alone anywhere.

Hire some people to "fix it"

shut the fuck up bong, this is YOUR legal system at play here. If we still had the Mughal and the Maratha courts he’d be sentenced to dismemberment long back.

Fucking subhuman Brits think they’re superior, just go fucking look outside your inferior scum, take a look in your own fucking capital called LOOndon, it’s literally a LOO where all the POO comes and rapes your women and daughters and you let them free for 14 years LMAO

fucking cucks have the audacity to point fingers at us. “”Independence” and “self-rule” was a mistake” LOL my ass is laughing, you left on your own after getting your ass handed over by the Germans because you couldn’t hold on to these territories, not as a sign of “muh Anglo gratitude”, you fucking Jew.

Fucking flamboyant faggots nigger ass bitch, I hope the Germans this time gas your entire little island nigger nation and you get raped again like the Romans did. In fact I will personally volunteer in the 4th Reich Forces against you and your kike sucking masters. Anglo more like Jewglo. Jews like you glow in the dark.

“Your Guiding hand”? More like the circumcised penis of your masters lol.

>this is YOUR legal system at play here
They gave you a framework, you subverted it.

India operates under the kike British legal system, sadly. We need to reinstate Hindu law like the good old times.

Wtf Pajeets, can't you be satisfied by just seing bobs and vagenes ?

We didn't subvert it ,it's the same as theirs ,criminals walk free from both of them.

There was no need for subversion. Criminals get away with bail even in Britain. Heck, they get away after raping 100s of little British girls just because they belonged to a specific minority group.

I admire your strategy here. The best defence is a good offence. You can't deny India is a shithole, so you're just going to brazen it out instead

lmao did u drink too much desi daaru?

>Why were they out on bail?
It was just a Latvian mail-order bride.

TLDR salty plopper

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Are you mad, pajeet?
You sound mad.

kek, based

what did she do to make pajeets act so strongly i wonder
it wakes a very good reson to make them do that much, indiands are very timid people

Its india. Literally just kill them and leave the country, nothing will happen.

>letting a European girl travel on her own
What an actual cuck.

This (((travel))) meme needs to end. it's getting our increasingly rare women killed.
There are now more European men than European women.



that's why he's a boy friend, a man wouldn't let
that happen.

>nib4 Irishman drugged, raped and beheaded found hanging from a tree

India sure is ripe this time of year. wew

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Based and red pilled

>See the poo along the Ganges

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American education
She was in Kerala, the Ganges runs through Uttar Pradesh
It’s like saying you saw Mississippi in California

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holyshit this one bites kek

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Why is any white person traveling to India?

For instagram pics amiright?

>Implies I care which river of shit this roastie went to

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based streetshitter



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Absolutely based.

liga balls

Nothing of value was lost

okay pajeet is pretty based.

Honestly, this poo makes a good point. The western “Justice” system gives a lot of leeway to violent criminals sometimes

Fuck india. I'd never, ever go there in my life. Nothing but rape, gang rape, murder-rape, torture-rape, train rape, and rape rape rape. Indians are subhuman.
the average poojeet looks 10x worse than that. if you're "based" kys and your entire family, rahja.

>sir, perhaps he is wondering why you would behead a woman before hanging her from a tree
>at least you can talk, who are you?
>it matters not who we are
>what matters is that we can do the needful
designated thot murdering streets, coming soon

Dublin is in Germany or south Africa?

anglos are just the stereotypical smug idiots

Fuck the Irish. Based poos!

Holy mother of kek

yep, guy is right. can't expect a legal system meant for civilized human beings to keep literal monkeys in line.

based india poster calls for literal sharia punishment, patriots nod like the indians they are

Nuke the poos and everything around them. Subhuman animals get vaped.

nothing wrong whit thot patroll

>Indian men who 'drugged, raped and beheaded his girlfriend before hanging her from a tree' are freed on bail
Indian men who are ACCUSED OF 'drugging, raping and beheading his girlfriend before hanging her from a tree' are freed on bail
charged =/= convicted
What if I accused you of murdering some random person and you had to rot in jail for 2 months because you're guilty until proven innocent?

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Oh it's that girl. Just 2 days before this incident the ausmellu was telling me how Kerala is safe et al. while pretending to be Australian

Get out of Europe India jews!

Actually she went out to smoke with junkies or something


you indians are a bunch of poo in loos rapists
even here in england


Nigger what?

You make a good point however Kerala is a communist state. In a communist state no one is innocent

Based elephant man

Bald and bankrupt makes a good point: don't do what you won't do in your home country

typical in india, this is completely normal to them, you can see it here where they support this in this thread
and then they are surprised when people think they are barely human

going to rape-poo shithole in the first place
soiyboys gon soiy

Yo why cut off her head though?

This, the world is no longer under lawful control, you can not trust institutions especially in outer countries to protect you or your loved ones. Considering most women travel alone it's safe to assume they've been raped and are denying/hiding it

Honestly what did he expect letting his girlfriend travel to some foreign country alone. India no less. Retards both of them

yeah the article will never mention that she went with suspect looking people on her own volition
she was probably a weed user or something and when one of these delinquents offered her drugs (they do it all the time with foreigner looking people) she probably thought "yay weed 420" and just went with them and ended up loosing her life

>whites still think there is such a thing as good shitskins

Lol, there is a reason shitskins come to white nations instead of shitskin nations. Shitskins are naturally evil and they dont even want to live around one another.

Yep, there is a website called xrares which is real rape videos and no surprise most of the userbase is Indians and most of the videos are Indians raping Indian women. I'm not even memeing, I honestly believe Indians are more prone to rape than blacks.

0 sympathy for cucks and thots who feel the need to travel to third world shitholes

literally what

Hes probably a progressive

Id take it out on the cops personally

kek bongs btfo. go suck off megan markle pussy juice you bongcucks LMAO

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> suicide by beheading
Hearty kek

Maybe someone told her south India was totally safe
Maybe some Australian guy
Of Kerala origin

>his girl
They were not married

>Indian Police catch Indian Rapists
>you think there's even a remote possibility of reasonable doubt

Boys will be boys

This is why you don't travel to non-white countries.