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sup Jow Forums

Today I got a snap from my gf that I think wasn't meant for me. She sent me a snap of her in underwear with an unusual caption. I can tell from the caption that it was meant for a third party. So I just went thru her snap and saw she sent a snap to a guy she has been talking to recently at the same minute she sent me the snap. Obviously I can't be 100% sure about this but it certainly feels like she sent him the picture of her in underwear. How do I confront her about this? It isn't the end of the world but I certainly would prefer her not sending pics of her in underwear to other guys.

Attached: D4V96gLWkAYYdSK.jpg (240x240, 16K)

She's cheating on you, you braindead faggot

I have nothing but this one snap to suspect cheating yet.

Instathotting is one thing, but sending direct snaps in her underwear is entirely a slippery slope.

Also a girl will deny until you catch her in the act. And either way in her mind she’ll be the victim.

Don’t bother confronting her, but catalogue this for later

Ask her why she sent you a pic like that randomly, note what she says but don’t confront her about it going to another guy

What about the caption is unusual? Why is it so weird to send that pic to a bf

This is why you should always have a backup bitch desu.
Start looking for your backup bitch right now senpai

Attached: 1508991351325.gif (500x500, 205K)

>I just went thru her snap and saw she sent a snap to a guy she has been talking to recently at the same minute she sent me the snap


I would literally abandon my wife and children over less. You need to man up. This is fucking insane. Does she has an Instagram where she posts her tits too? Pathetic. Lmao.

If you are dating a woman and she even thinks it's okay to talk to other guys privately, you have already lost

Thanks, will do.

I'm going to ask tomorrow.

Because the caption made it seem like it was directed to someone else other than me. It explained something I would already know. Not a big thing really but it rang my bells that something was off. It is weird because she rarely sends any pics to me in underwear.

Starting to consider this.

post the picture for accurate advice

Just go extremely cold but not actively confrontational. Start looking for the exits. She'll try to start shit to get a rise out of you and figure out what changed, but in that insecurity she'll probably leak some information you didn't know which might be helpful.

I was in a similar situation once and stayed with the chick for several years afterwards but it was always fucked after that.

If you really are crazy about her, dump her really calmly and explain why you did, but don't engage in any prolonged conversation or make it seem like she's under attack. Say you can't be with someone who does that and she has lost your trust and its 100% over and not to contact you.

Chicks aren't used to getting nuked like that so if she loves you she'll lose her fucking mind for a week or so then try to meet you and she'll try to get back with you at the meeting. Calmly lay out the new ground rules and don't hesitate to dump her again if she even complains about them once.

My advice.

>Also a girl will deny until you catch her in the act. And either way in her mind she’ll be the victim.
kek, ridiculously accurate

Didn't screenshot it.

Seems a bit chilish to do for something like my situation. I get way too attached to women to be able to do something like this. If the situation isn't solved I might have to consider though. Such a shame that I have to play this relationship like a game and not just enjoy life with her.

You're going to pay now or pay later. If you don't do this right after the suspected event you'll look like a bitch and it will backfire. It has to be immediately, like within a week. At most 2.

>Also a girl will deny until you catch her in the act. And either way in her mind she’ll be the victim.
Very very real. She can be one of your most trusted friends and pull this. I've been there user, and you have no idea what kind of hell she's going to put you through. Start the mental preparations of getting out, do not confront. She knows what to say and exactly how to manipulate you.

I think my next course of action will be to ask her about the matter but not confront. I'll just casually ask her what did she mean by that snap and see what kind of bullshit she comes up with. I'll act like buying it, leave it there and not push it any further. Will post results later.

So I asked her about it. She said that she sent the picture to a friend (girl) and to not worry about it. I have to verify that from snapchat though I don't think it really matters since she sent it to a dude also. What do guys?

ok for now but keep in mind the one snap you saw is likely not her only contact with this guy and you need to find out how/when she sees him irl.

She lied then and it means the guy is important or he wouldn't be getting underwear pics. Don't tell her what you know and continue to monitor but you also need to know if she sees him irl. Like are they in class together or work together or is he a friend of one of her friends. You might also look at conversations with her best girl friends, girls usually have told their friends about a new prospect. I found out that way that one friend was letting an ex of mine use her apartment for a hookup with a guy she knew through work.

Ask her if she is a cam model with a premium snapchat.
I dated a girl who was a cam girl for chaturbate and even pornhub. She even had 4 "slaves" she had to text daily that would pay her for sexting and fetish stuff. Maybe shes trying to make some money on the side

or maybe she's a sugarbaby and will go meet the guy in a park at 3 am

Nah, thats too much effort for them. Why give up sex when she can earn the same amount of money with just pics and not lifting a finger?

Luckily she is pretty open about where she is and with who. Snapchat map let's me verify where she is if I feel the need to know.

I'll continue to monitor. The guy is a friend of her friend. Problem is that she doesn't really have close girl friends. She says that it is because she doesn't really get on well with other girls but I to me it seems like she is just hungry for attention from guys. Should I just act like everything is normal?

Nah, that's not the case here. I've known this girl for around 5 years now and we just recently started dating. As we were friends I thought she was the sweetest and most innocent girl. However that was not really the case since she left her ex for me (basically cheated also). I could tell she was and still is really regretful of her actions but if she already cheated in the past it makes me wonder what is stopping her from doing it again.

>It isn't the end of the world but I certainly would prefer her not sending pics of her in underwear to other guys.
lmfao a literal cuck. Dump the bitch ASAP you dumb spineless fag.

That would be best case scenario for the OP. Nigger would roast her in his backyard.

>The guy is a friend of her friend
Lets stop right there. There is no reason for her to send another man a snap of her in her underwear except to get a sexual response from him. You and I both know this. She purposefully did not disclose she sent this to this man because he is not a friend but a prospect.

Keep your eye on the ball and stop trying to explain this away when all you have to do is keep your mouth shut for now and monitor all the interactions. There must be some time that she is with the friend who this guy is friends with and he is also there. In my example, the girl that offered her apt was not my ex's best buddy but a girl she knew from HS and then they worked at the same place.

Again, there is nothing that justifies her sending scantly clad snaps to another man and hiding it from you. Painful and unbelievable as it may be at least you aren't stupid and picked up on this.

yep, sugarbaby back ribs

Why don't you tell us exactly what the caption said? I think it's important to know, since maybe it could allow us to disregard her claim of it being meant for a girl friend.

In any case, the fact that she sent it to you and that in the same minute she sent *something* to that guy is not proof of anything, but it is VERY suspicious.

Act as normal as possible, yes. Be even nice in a non suspicious way. If she is cheating you want to know asap, and if she feels that you're suspicious she may play it cool with that guy for some time. You want her to feel like everything is normal.

The next step would be to keep investigating. It's a bit neurotic, but you're neurotic about it already, so perhaps you could pretend like you have a trip scheduled for one week from now. Then you could check if she communicates with that guy more often. Cancel it literally last minute and check how she reacts, is she disappointed etc.

Yes will do. I just need to confirm it really was the snap of her in underwear that got sent to the guy. Snapchat only saves sent snaps in the chat log so I have to look thru it again on her phone and compare it to the snaps I sent on my phone.

I don't remember the excact caption but it was something about her unusual underwear. I already knew about the underwear being unusual so that was the red flag. I just need to make sure that it really was THE snap she sent it to the guy. Of course I can never be 100% sure. I'll invite her over tonight and when she is sleeping go thru it again when I have unlimited time.

I actually had a trip planned on last weekend that she kept asking me about. It was a bit weird, but now I can connect the dots. However her other behaviour isn't really suspicious which makes me wonder what the fuck is going on. We've only been together for a couple of months and she has literally no reason to cheat other than women being idiots. Again I'll check the snapchat tonight and report back.

Update on the snapchat logs: apparently you can download a full snap history from snapchat. Problem is I don't have her password to login to the snapchat website to have access to the files. Obviously it would be really suspicious to just straight up ask her. I need to think a good excuse to get the password from her to be 100% sure about who exactly did she send the underwear snap to.

What do you know about the guy friend of your gf's friend? The suspected snapchat recipient? Don't get tunnel vision

This guy knows his shit

The suspected snap recipent is a friend of my gf's long time friend (a guy). The suspected recipent met my gf at a party about a month and a half ago. They started talking on snapchat after the party and have had a snapstreak ever since (not that it matters but a proof that they talk daily). I believe they have seen each other only once after that when we were at a bar with my gf. She went to talk to him because his friends weren't there yet. I stayed with my buddies so I can't really tell what was the conversation like.

Oh shit. They meet at a party and since daily contact and you have no idea what they talk about? You need to find out. Its probable he was the intended recipient as you fear and in her underwear, thats not good.

I have some idea what they talk about. To me it seems like they talk about casual stuff like friends. Of course this has been always when I was with her so I can't know what happens when I am not around. I asked about the snap and didn't really even have to push it when she said that she sent it to me and a girl friend. Now I just need to confirm how things really went and decide what do. If she did indeed send it to the guy I might just confront her as she already lied to me. As of now should I ask her anything more? About the guy perhaps? Or would that just backfire?

Damn that sucks. Hope things work out for you user, dont be afraid to get angry

Thanks user. I will report whatever happens for anyone interested. I will be fucking pissed but let's not get ahead of things. Still need to get her snapchat password though. If I can't make up a good enough excuse I might install a keylogger on her phone and log her out of snapchat in order to get it.

My concern is she just meets a guy but she is chating with him daily. If he is a friend what exactly do they have in common to keep this going. Most gf's would tell you at least what she is building a friendship upon be it a male or female friend and if he is such a friend now with all this interaction why didn't she grab your hand and take you over and introduce you to the guy when she had a chance?

>It isn't the end of the world

No but should be the end of the relationship

Confront her about it and dump her ass.

You know what you must do, inshallah brother.