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you also can't be both nazi and intelligent

Come back home, white man.

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You misspelled nigger.

Why am I not surprised that a woman in a position of authority in the church cannot get her theology correct?

wait that's a woman

Liberation Theology is heresy

Women were a mistake.
I want my rib back.

I'm guessing it is. Either that or a flaming faggot, and they definitely won't have decent theology!

She thinks she knows white people... What could that Nike Dyke possibly know about white people? That bitter miserable simpleton knows as much about whites as I know about slurping monkey cunt! Jack and shit!

Black Hebrew Israelites Debunked, Rosette Delacroix @jutube. At least sub her cracker!

Because women are told specifically not to be teachers of men, only other women and children. Based teaching incoming

it's always a woman

>Nike dyke

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>everything is anything

Jesus came for people of all nations colors and creeds. Anyone who follows the teachings of Christ can be Christian. This man is a heretic.

I agree.
Only sub triple digit IQ brainlets can be christians, like blacks and middle easterners
Why would a smart white man follow a jewish desert cult?

Hail wodenn tripsman

>Woman priest
We tried to warn you, protestoids, we really did

But I guess you can be a rugmunching dyke.

Jesus was the most successful jew in history. He convinced the entierity of western civilization that he was white. Now the biggest advocates of inviting refugees into the US are christcucks. Belief in God is important but jesus fucked you 2000 years ago and you're still paying the price

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So your country was BTFO by idiots? What does that make you?

good follower of christ teachings and also someone who have good knowledge of christianity.

also :
>The Episcopal Divinity School (EDS) was founded in 1974 by combining the Episcopal Theological School (ETS) and the Philadelphia Divinity School
>The Philadelphia Divinity School was founded in Philadelphia in 1857 as the Divinity School of the Protestant Episcopal Church

"muh catholics"