Based Imam is asking the right questions
Electrical fires wouldn’t burn oak beams
Based Imam is asking the right questions
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Clownworld beyond our imagination, this is worth a thousand pepes
Why is he doing this?
It was obviously jet fuel that was used. Mossad still has drums of it from their last mission.
"based imam" clearly has no idea how to start a fire. Good thing he's stuck in your country where people like you will suck his dick to keep him warm.
Did he put accelerant on there? Did he even fucking think of that
>Sand nigger reposting a video that a white man made so he can tell his goat about how many likes and retweets it got while he rapes it
Show flag moshe
Jet fuel can’t melt wood beams
Are you saying his test is flawed some way?
This Imam is well known for trying to reform Islam. He is probably trying to prove it was done by mudshits so people wake up and realize Islam is shit and needs a reform.
He survived many assassination attempts already.
Wheres the accelerant come from?
Whos trucking it in?
Why was no smell reported?
Why was there no sheeting on the roof?
It was a scalar weapon.
The same one Israel used to start the Cali fires
yeah exactly, you need certain things in order to set 300 year old oak on fire. Everyone knows those are in great supply on the roof of Notre Dame, that's why the entire thing went up like paper within an hour
How does paint thinner sound Sherlock? It's not like they were doing renovations or anything.
found the disinfo shill
Almond status: activated
Wtf that's nuts
The fact that literally every news outlet was reporting it as an accident before the fire was even out yet should be all the red flag you need
Because he wants peace
You need serious help..
Fucking this.
Like it would cayse sheeting and fail to heat the oak up enough.
Prove me wrong yid
Find oak beams being lit with such ease
The US is playing catch up
Yeah that was always bizarre, in the states we usually let a fire inspector investigate the scene before we rule out arson.
Are muslims actually redpilled and everything I think I know about them Jew lies?
They've had dozens of missions a year since that particular mission.
because some of them like science experiments.
>Reminder that the CIA's largest fusion center is in Germany
They fucking know its the kikes
The attack was semetic, but it wasn't moslems for once.
Stop insulting the prophet. You know all oak beam are painted in the same rocket fuel accelerant that was used to dope the Hindenberg's cloth.
i hate muslims but his account is a clearly zionist propaganda fuckfest
Sortof, they definitely hate Jews, ALOT.
No, go visit Michigan if you want to see what muslims are actually like. They arent redpilled and I'm fact I'd say they are worse than kikes because kikes dont breed like they do. Also muslims in America do nothing but scam welfare, they are pretty just niggers who think they are better than niggers, they never bitch about Jews or anything redpilled, they just try to guilt whites for free shit. I will say that Iranians are leagues better than most other muslims though, they arent nigger tier like the rest of them.
if hes not i will, and its flawed in every way, if youve ever been in scouts you'll know how to light a fire, this numpty clearly doesnt
>Lol I'll just put a science word in front of weapon
Do you even understand what scalar means?
He gets money from stupid white people
Based imam, if only they redpilled muzzies that the Jews are behind each and every false flag
I don't think you understand electricity or how electricity fires propagate.
user some retard in Virginia who worked at a shipyard as a painter was having trouble with his girlfriend and used a single bucket with some paint stained rags to try to set the fire alarm off so he could leave work. He ended up doing 400 million dollars of damage to a submarine. Fire is the most unpredictable thing imaginable.
The ones in their own country are based af. Then ones in your country are literally niggers.
Brainlet detected. Muslims in US are higher educated and higher income than avg.
>he thinks radars still are in radio frequencies
Yes, where was the large kindling and fire prior to the fuel wood, oak beams, catching?
Very interesting at the lack of small fires going big and instead instant ignition
They hadn't even started work on the roof (where the fire started) yet, all they'd done was put up scaffolding thereby allowing the jihadi / mossad arsonist to gain access.
No. But any real happening has Israeli control over it. The Muslim world is mainly comprised of inbred mentally deficient uneducated hate filled dogs. Then there are some bright ones but for the most part they are manipulated by the Israelis and/or led by the most brutal bastard that clawed his way to the top.
Muslims are different races so everyone behave differenly
This, I live in Michigan and visited Dearborn once and it was like stepping directly into the Middle East and the only way to tell if a home was owned by an American or not is to check wether it flys the flag or not, I’m never going back there fuck that place and the mudslimes in it
i went with it until he said muslims went to the mosque for tranquility and brought tranquility to the countries they inhabit
there was dust 30 years old. lol. first time french cleaned cathedral was like 30 years ago after 700 years. they are just disgusting subhuman pigs thats all.
It's not just why they won't rule the world. It's why they'll freeze to death at even snow territory.
>muh blowtorch
the power expended by a blowtorch actually would have a negative effect on the smoldering wood
it's like blowing on a candle, the fire goes out
a regular flame like a matchstick would've set the wood on fire much quicker
could be but i'd stay clear of any exotic weapons being the cause.
esp as there is webcam video of some guy without hi-vis vest or hard hat on the roof near the spire just before the fire started causing 2 clear bright flashes.
Some of them are b&r, but only when they stay in their own countries.
Most of them are brown subhumans.
Only jet fuel can take down a building.
Any Muslim knows this.
> where was the large kindling and fire prior to the fuel wood, oak beams, catching?
do you think this "expreiment" that has been conducted in the OP would have produced different a outcome if it were done with the roof truss wooden beams in your house?? and fucking houses still catch fire dont they.
have you seen the size of notre dame, there will have been a million smaller egnition sources in a building like that, especially in the roofspace
my god please tell me your not this thick??
There's a reason they used to build warships out of seasoned oak
fuck no, don't believe the memes fren
moslems are not compatiable with westerners
where as Jews integrate very easily
fuckin moslems try to change everything
The NZ shooter whether you like it or not was a christian hero and what he did was to awaken the white spirit!
So where were the other fires?
Closest yoy have are two arc flash wvents from the fact the roof was made into a rectenna.
And it would burn dow my house, the glue binder used in America is highly flammable
Dont use osb
That Tawhidi dude is pretty based, but he should leave engineering to specialists. With wind draft the power of such fire is incredible. Wouldn't melt the steel beams, but wood is no match for it.
Still, I'm not excluding possibility of an arson, but blowtorch argument is just stupid
muslims are inbred pedophiles
just look up the amount of pederasty in afghanistan and pakistan
we need to exterminate moslems wherever we find them
the Israeli's are doing a service to humanity by cleansing that shit hole region
That's great Imam, now put a live wire with a few hundred thousand volts into directly touching the wooden beam
Jews are just as bad
I just found out Gene Simmons was convicted of raping an 11 year old girl back in 1997. Funny how that doesn't show up on his Wikipedia page, huh?
The point is to show that it's basically impossible for the fire to have started accidentally, even if they didn't have strict anti-fire protocols banning heat sources like torches from the roof, which they did.
They teach scouts how to start electrical fires?
>few hundred thousand volts
Gee, lets tap a reactor and put no fuses in.
Blood libel isn't any
better *
the place caught fire, theres no conspiracy to it, and you wouldnt have to hold a blowtorch on one of the beams to get it to start, an electrical fault in a rat nest would have done it
Weren't the oak beams in the Cathedral sealed with tar, though?
Dude has a gold hubcap on his fan.
they do teach them holding a blowtorch to a fucking great log wont get it to catch fire
>this torch is the same power as the electric source used to power notre dame
this mossad agent is genuinely retarded
He exists to be a "Muslim" who can shit all over Muslims with out being called a biggot. His full-time job is attacking Islam and individual Muslims like Ilhan.
I would assume somewhere he is getting paid by a jew to do it
I don't understand this guy. He's a reformed Muslim but Islam is perfect as it is so it can't be reformed. Why doesn't he just give up Islam? I guess if he did the left could attack him and call him "Islamophobic" or whatever then.
His reformed beliefs of Islam do not fit with 99.9% if Muslims. He knows Islam is shit as it is, but that's Islam and his reformed version is not Islam.
>The point is to show that it's basically impossible for the fire to have started accidentally
absolute bullshit!!!
all it proves is that you cant go starting a fire with a blowtorch and a fucking great log, but most people know that anyway, fires grow
although that was chip board it's still nice, why does the scorching follow the path it does?
>theres no conspiracy
so, it was just an accident right?
>electrical fire
Fuses/ breakers would have tripped long before ignition. First action to extinguish a class "C" fire is remove the juice
the point is that you, and this mossad cunt, are both retarded, thinking that a hand held torch produces the same power as the power used for notre dame
what's shocking is that these retards think muslims are clever enough to know how to set the whole building on fire...
He is showing how a fire DOESN'T start you fucking idiot. It's not a tutorial you complete moron
Jet fuel can't melt 300 year old oak.
>so, it was just an accident right
it could well have been arson, and yes there have been a spate of muslim attacks on churches in paris recently, but dont go trying to tell me that theres no way this could have been a accident with moronic senseless experiments like in the OP
that's where the issue lies you retard, some idiot forgot safety measures probably and that's how it started burning
turn on the subtitles and educate yourselves niggers
Two visible fire points on video
Fuses exist
Oak isnt gonna burn from 440 50
Ywah its better
Try lighting a fire off your oven element some time at 400f,then try a propane torch, also 400f
Least resistance for the easy answer, some wierd part on charges thats beyond me
Samemechanic on lightning
Its no electrical, arson would take tankers of accelerant
Thus scalar satellite
Works even better due to the metal roof
So all of the power is dumped into those shorts, bypassing every fuse, breaker, and thin wire?
>He is showing how a fire DOESN'T start you fucking idiot
right well what is the fucking point in that then, coz it was never going to be started with a blowtorch being held to a beam for 5 mins would it, fuckwit
>Two visible fire points on video
>Fuses exist
>Oak isnt gonna burn from 440 50
evidence req for all of that or im just putting you down as a tinfoil hat crackpot
Everybody that ever made a fire knows that you first start with paper, not any kind of paper, most basic recycled without chemicals paper, then you put little twigs on it and finally bigger chunks.
>scalar weapon
Haha yeah made by euros and gooks so you could sell it to the jews right haah salakr weapon haha epic
don't turn this into muh steel beams you retards
if fire catches somewhere, it creates a chain reaction as what surround the area gets in contact with it
the framework of an entire cathedral is not to be compared with a single isolated log of wood
I don't think so, I can't find any reference to it and photos look like bare oak. The spire was sealed in lead but that would have increased its fire resistance.
>if fire catches somewhere, it creates a chain reaction as what surround the area gets in contact with it
Bullshit. You can't burn big chunks of wood, not even if you put gasoline on it. You can only ignite bigger chunks with ember aka constant heat.
And people who aren't urbanite fucktards but heating their home with a decent wood stove know that you need other wood for getting oak to burn. Oak is fucking hard to ignite and massive parts from oak are practically fire resistant.
There must have been a massive primary fire from whatever would be stored under the roof of Notre Dame but for sure not electric installations since you don't have any high energy consuming machines or whatever there what would have the potential of high energy arcs (no fuse protecting assumed)