>In an unprecedented decision, Israeli authorities are denying hundreds of Palestinian Christians the right to travel to Jerusalem for the holiday, while barring all movement between the West Bank and Gaza.
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Meanwhile, in Kikemerica
i wonder how the faggot evangelicals feel about this, how the chosen people are treating our brothers in christ
That's what I'm curious about as well. Would love to know what (((Pence))) and (((Pompeo))) think about this.
Evangelikikes worship Jews as demigods, exactly the way Jews want them to. They won't say a word about this, other than it was GOOD that the Jews did it. Because grunt grunt mumble Holocaust, grunt grunt mumble muh chosen people.
Why are evangelicals so cucked? Jews hate them much more than muslims which is why they're making a mockery out of their religion.
i dont understand why the american chrisitians keep supporting the kikes , everything about judaism is anti christian , they hate us , they even wrote that jesus is being tortured in boiling excement
It isn't just the Evangelicucks, it's the entire church as a whole these days. Vatican II says Jews are now above ALL of Christianity. They don't have to believe in Rabbi Yeshua at all and still automatically go to heaven. They don't have to convert at all either.
They are braindamaged and therefore satanists and will go to hell for their stupidity.
>You shan't enjoy your beloved Jerusalem this year, filthy stinky goyim
We'll need to bring back these guys then
>60 million+ abortions
>widespread sexual promiscuity
>free porn 24/7
>single parents
>std increase
>death of families
>murdering innocent foreigners
>buy buy buy buy
>debt slave economy
>expensive indoctrination camps
>tattoo apocalypse
>unprecedented corporate greed
>TV mocking Christians
>Hollywood blasphemes Jesus
>gluttony and explosive diarrhea
>full spectrum surveillance
>loss of liberties
>abused trans kids
>fag worship
>starting WWIII which will lead to our destruction
>chicken sandwiches are homophobic
"Hurrrrrrrr as long as we bless Israeli, God will continue to bless us durrrrrr"
serve those Christucks right
>Border status
Fuck off.
They’re trying to trigger riots. It’s D&C every time. If Israel didn’t constantly act like an arsehole other Muslim countries would forget about hating them. It’s like North Korea popping up and randomly threatening to bomb everyone for no reason
An assistant priest at my church married a Palestinean. One ti.e we were talking with ehr and she said how she was blocked by the Israelis from celebrating Holy Week services.
>Is 50 shekels to pass, pay up heretics
You realize not all Palestineans are Muslim, right? They are an ethnic group and a number converted to Christianity or were Christian even as Islam swept the area.
Hey! Christian Zionist here. Marine. Served four tours of duty. Well decorated.
Netanyahu is my Jesus. I do what I can to serve Israel and the Jewish people because I know that is what Jesus wanted me to. Jesus is not the Messiah but was sent to Earth to get Christians to worship the Jews. If you love Jesus you must love Netanyahu more because he is the king of the Jews.
I fought for Israel and now me and my family serve the Jews in anyway we can. I run a family lawn mowing company and we only work for Jews. To make sure Jews are special my rates come out to well below minimal wage for me and my children. As the weather warms, in May I am taking my 7 and 10 year olds out of school so they can mow Jewish lawns as well. They will be paid in knowing they have been blessed with the right to serve Jews but need not receive any money for their service. A good Christian serves the Jews and does not let Jesus have more standing than any of today's Jews regardless of what they do in life.
If Jews don't feel comfortable with Christians, that is their right and I stand united with them.
*Easter worshippers*
time to reestablish the kingdom of Jerusalem, land's too good for a bunch of kikes