All sexual deviants (whores, pedos, fags, trannies, cucks, fetishists) are the result of child abuse and/or porn exposure. This includes exposure to (((media))) which is absolutely riddled with degeneracy.
Porn is (((psychological warfare))). The purpose of porn is to rewire your instinct to reproduce into degenerate lust. It creates a society that abuses their bodies for dopamine hits. It make society addicted to deviancy. You stop caring about your people and the future, and your family. It causes people to develop an irrational attachment to defending abnormal and destructive behaviors, because it has been associated with the dopamine hits that they get from the porn they see. Sex/porn/masturbation is the worst drug there is. It is all-consuming and DESTROYS those who are exposed to it. All higher pursuits are overshadowed by it.
Why do anything else when it doesn't give as big of a dopamine hit? Every time you masturbate to pornography you are receiving a dopamine reward (your brain thinks you're reproducing) that your brain then craves. Continuing to do this causes you to become numbed to the high, causing you to need ever-increasingly deviant and extreme material to get the same dopamine reward. This leads to further and further deviant fetishes over time. The slippery slope is real. All faggots, 'asexuals', trannies, and pedophiles are completely controlled by porn. When 'normal' material no longer gives the same high they look for more extreme filth. Unsurprisingly the porn industry is completely jewish run.
(((((()))))) good post faggot, now go suck your daddys dick you seem to talk out of experience
Ayden Perry
Found the kike nigger
Tyler Reed
I mean I agree, but this is figuratively the most well known meme out there. Is this like a daily reminder or something?
William Mitchell
People have been doing all that shit far before easy porn access, I get the point but not watching porn wont unrape people
Parker Perez
good post, needed this, thanks. Needed some inspiration to start a long nofap and preferably eternal noporn. Had a few relapses recently.
Gabriel Gomez
Jacked off to porn 7 times today and I'm meeting a girl tomorrow. What's the big deal?
Ryder Nelson
As a white, blonde women, I think the most appropriate thing to do righ now is date only black men.
Nathaniel Morales
>meeting a girl It's almost as if you think that's a virtue in and of itself. As if "a girl" could not be a total degenerate and unhealthy for you, likely an unhealthy male yourself (jerking off 7 times a day).
Jeremiah Hall
Based! My man, yes it's very healthy for you and cures prostate cancer. Don't listen to them idiots
Dylan Butler
whoops, I had Israeli proxy, my bad, forgot to turn it off
Nathan Wood
Thank you OP. We can do it! Break the conditioning.
Jaxon Watson
Based baguette with the porn redpill
Christian Sanders
haha הice one , for a second there i thought you were a kike
Incel isn't a political issue retard Incel is a man who can't get laid There are tonns of people who watch porn and get laid
Isaiah Jenkins
hahaהa that's meshטga
Adam King
Good post OP. Thanks for sharing. I'm going to start off only beating my meat every other day and will see where it goes from there. Any advice?
Thomas Gonzalez
Trannies, fags and incels were rare when porn was rare. You had to be degenerate in the first place to go to a porno store or x-rated movie theatre. Jeffrey Dahmer and Ted Bundy admitted their sexual deviancy began with porn.
>ll sexual deviants (whores, pedos, fags, trannies, cucks, fetishists) are the result of child abuse and/or porn exposure.
Guess thats why none of these existed prior to cable TV and were all created in the later part of the 20th century. Oh wait. No. No, thats false, and you are retarded.
Great post. Completely agree. I have known this for years and I still struggle. The addiction is totally real. Porn from the age of 11 years old has ruined me. I couldn't get it up for 4 different girls and am now a virgin at 30. I have no problem getting an erection sat in my chair but the real thing just doesn't feel real, if that makes sense. Anyway, been porn-free for a while now and I get morning wood and MUCH stronger erections so I guess it's working. Gonna try and get laid after going 2 more months.
Isaiah Wright
Christopher Morris
Sexual deviancy comes in many forms, whether you're an incel or you fuck niggers, kill them and put their cock on a hotdog bun.
>being a virgin makes you a sexual deviant as I said, you arent too bright.... you must be what.... 15 years old?
Austin Gomez
>burger reading comprehension.
Thomas Long
Please tell me this is bait. You can't be this dim in real life.
Asher Sanders
>UK >literally the most illiterate country in the entire western world, even worse than brazil, venezuela, and mexico
John Roberts
Okay so it is bait, then. Thanks.
Eli Lee
bump for justice.
Daniel Campbell
>has literally zero reading comprehension, doesnt even know whats being said. Is butthurt anyway, mouth breathing inbred nigel cant even name what hes mad about cool it with the soiboy rage mr. hyperemotional
Xavier Clark
There isn't a single incel who isn't a porn addict and general weirdo. Incels are rapists and murderers who just haven't acted yet.
Ayden Cox
>facebook tier response >still has no idea what even happened >leaves behind a flurry of meaningless non-words c ya buddy
Henry Flores
I like to read things like this after a good fap session.
Someone should make some hypno porn with female robot voice with this.
the family stuff is my final straw... it's so arbitrary and obviously forced--it's completely clear that OP is absolutely right, that it's being used as a psychological warfare weapon
Joseph Perez
>if youre not a rapist murderer, youre actually a rapist murderer who just hasnt raped and murdered yet where have I heard this before....? OH YES, becky on campus
Leo Jackson
This, incels just need to lower their standards and stop being emo
Josiah Anderson
Yep, there's a reason women won't go near you. Survival instinct is strong.
Tyler Lopez
>theres a reason women wont go near you nice strawman ad hom. dismissed, meaningless filler words of emotionally based butthurt. better luck next time soiboy
Wyatt Williams
>virgins are sexually degenerate imagine being this retarded unironically.
Porn and self stimulation are my biggest issue in life. I can get a girlfriend, I had a few in the past, but for the last 4 years Ive been single. Because porn and sextoys keep me 'satisfied' so I dont make any effort. I once went a month without porn, and I threw all my Fleshlights and shit away. I felt great, masturbated very little, and had tons of motivation to talk to women. But somehow my old habits started creeping on me and I relapsed. Since then I have been more addicted than ever, I just cant let it go. Once again Im back to having zero motivation to look for a partner. Its stupid how kids are taught that alchohol and drugs are very dangerous and should be approached with caution and moderation. But nobody tells you about porn