Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - Fuck Germany Edition

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>AfD TV (german)

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Good Edition

that """article""" is pretty shit. all the ones doing stuff like that have Untermensch genes I guarantee you.

> I have multiplied

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Kerstin, my boy.
stop making Tay competition by being such an excellent shitposter.

How is it possible that the AfD lost votes in the least years!?!?

Werwolf reformation when?

Have you read any of my ramblings in the last years? No?
> jews
> AfD Berlin scamming, want to get in power so boomers can rip you off via (((defense))) projects; literally the CDU boomers who caused the problems
> AfD Bundestag scamming you, compromised by money
> freemasons
> Kerstin
> Sellner
> jews

I explained LITERALLY everything.

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Redpill me on the current state of Germany and it's future,I want to know what's gonna happen anons

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German future is composed by schizo clowns.
> was revealed to me in a dream, just trust me

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Apologies, I did not see them

Germany, the smartest, bravest nation that ever was. I pledge allegiance to Chancellor Hitler! The battle was lost tho this war is eternal. Thank you Germany for showing us the light.
You know when I first came to Jow Forums there weren't any fucking jews! Now they're all over the place... Like maggots!

All parties are shit, we already know that. So who to vote for now?
civil war, it will be epic

>t. jelly faggot

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Germany has a population of about 81 million people, of which about 76 million are White, and 5 million are non-White; out of those non-Whites, Turks and other islamic Semites are the majority, though there are a few Syrian christians, Yazidis, Jews, etc. You get the picture. About 1 million of those non-Whites are either Black or Asian, so they aren't even of the Caucasian race. Germany peaked at about 78 million Whites by 1970 or so. After that there has been a steady decline, specially as far as ethnic Germans are concerned. Out of the births and deaths anually on the Federal Republic of Germany, a mere 500,000 births, more or less, are of ethnic Germans, while I estimate they make up about 800,000 yearly deaths. So that's about 70% of births, but some 90% of deaths registered every year on Germany. The birth rate today is about 7.63/1000 for Ethnic Germans: lowest than even Japan. In fact, if there was only Germans on Germany, that would be the lowest in the world. The decline of Ethnic Germans is not new and came a long way. Back on the 30's, Hitler (or Himmler, I don't recall exactly) already warned that, out of all European capitals, Berlin had the lowest birth rate. However, less than 20 years before that, Germany had one of the highest fertility rates in Europe (over five), and some 2,000,000 yearly births. So... from 2 million on German Empire, to 1 million under the Third Reich, to 0.5 million on the Federal Republic, all under a century. This is the end result of about two generations where the birth rate lower than 1.5. Factor the replacement rates in and you'll see how the birth rates fell from about 1 million to 0.5 million on the last fifty years.

first and foremost work on yourself, you know English well so you should be able to make a decent Plan B.

I vote green, they are the quickest to fuck things up #TeamAcceleration

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And yet. That is not the end of the world even for Etnic Germans. The fertility rate of native Germans has been climbing for about 20 years - from a low of 1.45 to around 1.6 today. While it may seem surprising the fertility rates are that high with only 7.63/1000 births, or with estimates placing the birth rate at around 1.4, that can be easily explained by using cohort birth rates, which, instead of estimating how many children will a woman have on her lifetime extrapolating the birth rate of a single year, inquiries how many children the women turning 45 on a certain year had. Cohort birth rate is thus lower than the standard birth rate back when there was a baby boomon the post-war (where a lot of women decided to have children at the same time, but not usually planning to have particularly more) but higher nowadays when a lot of women postpone their births way into the 30s and 40s. So why I'm telling you this? Because we are finally at the point where fertility rates are climbing high enough for native Europeans as to effectively stop the fall of birth rates on absolute numbers. You can see that on countries with no or negligible immigrant population - so ascribing the difference to merely the effect of immigrants is a bit contrived (for instance, the highest birth rate on Germany is on the 99% White state of Saxony). I'm predicting with a reasonable ammount of confidence that ethnic German births will hover around 500,000 for the next 35 years. The net result is that, even though death rates will climb, the overall population will diminish slower, and fertility rate will climb higher and faster than the UN predicts, for instance.

Again, this is not baseless optimism. This is based on hard data and empiric observation of the demographic trends in the last 20 years.

So. As for the immigrants on Germany. Let's assume 200,000 non-Whites a year. On 35 years that's about 7,000,000. Let's assume none of them dies and their fertility rate is about three - which is actually higher than the TFR on Non-Whites on Germany, even first generation non-White immigrants. Let's assume their age structure matches that of a younger country like Algeria or Egypt. So we can reasonably estimate a birth rate of about 24/1000 on these immigrants. That's 4,800 extra non-Whites for every 200,000 of them - an increase of 2.4%. If we start 2015 with 200,000 non-White immigrants and keep all the way to 2050, the first year will have an extra 200,000 immigrants and no births, the second year 200,000 immigrants and 4,800 births... and the last year, after 35 years, about 200,000 immigrants and 258,000 births. The graph is exponential rather than linear, but even if it was linear - that would be about 11,527,000 extra non-Whites in Germany after 35 years. Randomly assuming the non-Whites already in Germany will grow proportionaly as much as the population of Turkey, that will make about 8 million, up from 6 million today. So... some 19 million non-Whites by 2050 on this rather pessimistic, business-as-usual scenario (since it assumes the fertility rates of immigrants and their yearly immigration will remain sky-high for over three decades). If I recall correctly the values I used on the thread were based on a nearly constant 600,000 births for Whites in Germany over the next 35 years, for the reasons I mentioned above, plus the 300,000 yearly White immigration which will come with the 200,000 yearly non-Whites (based on 2013 and 2014 as mentioned in the news on the OP). But even if you assume no White immigration - then the population of Whites will drop from 75 to 65 million in the next 35 years, plus the 19 million non-Whites, that's about 78.3% of Whites by 2050, down from over 90% today.

Extrapolate birth rates as you wish, it still won't be over 50% for non-Whites, even if you use the sky-high birth rate of 24 I mentioned before. As long as Whites remain close to about 600,000

Germany is cucked as fuck, and it’s an occupied nation by JewSA still, although I believe U.K. is finally leaving soon.
If the volk stop being retarded then there is hope for civil war and fascism coming back, no matter how much they try to denounce their past and sacrifice of their forefathers they will always be tied to it.

> yearly births
It took 2 years of Hitler to increase yearly birth rates from ~800k to 1.2 mio.

And we are at 83 million now... so 2 more million non-whites. It's even worse as a lot of white people are leaving this shithole.

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> civil war
> fascism
Both: no

Best hope is that USA falls down peacefully and we become a Chinese colony, they'd let us doing more active population politics as they have a huge gap anyway so they can "chillax".

>sei 3/4 Deutsch 1/4 Italiener
>sei dunkelblond und grünäugig
>sei der einzige im Freundeskreis der rassisch bewusst ist
>die nordischsten meiner Freunde denken alle Menschen sind gleich und finden Latinas und helle Niggerinnen "geil"

ist das wo "blauäugig = naiv" herkommt?

Stop complaining about the birthrates and start having children. Don't stop at two. Don't stop at three. Stop at four if you're on the older side. Keep going if you're still young. We were having children during the early 30s when Germany was at its lowest. We were having children before Germany was Germany. Keep having children and make the Fatherland proud.

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the gov plays a huge role in this, the state incentivizes not having kids.









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Nordic types trust other people more because they are naive/idealistic.
übrigens willkommen zur grünäugigen Herrenrasse :D
and high taxes give us the rest

Vote Red! Golosujte krasnye!

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>graublau-äugiger rotschopf.
feels bad man.


Why not?

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Oh please God no ...

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Wanna Molotov-Ribbentrop? :3

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basiert&grüngepillt, fürwahr

Don't think, I'm memeing. I go all in with my Commie-policies.

As long as the ruskies don’t side with the kikes this time


Reporting in! :D

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>I expected shovel dog

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LeL Commies tricked the jews into commienism and sawed them off immediately after they'd taken the bait.

Can we get to an agreement here, gentlemen? The Pollacks don't fuck themselves, do they ...

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What are (you) doing: Summoning cuck-poster? Anyway, as long as I'm able to accelerate the decay in this country by commieing, I'm in.


we are not even tryin`

we are beyond salvation

>summoning cuck-poster

Nah, was just thinking about those Polish twins I saw last time at Warsaw airport :D

Attached: hereticus.jpg (600x451, 68K)

>those Polish twins
Ich bin ganz Ohr. Elaborieren Sie!

And if I personally have to drag you back from the gates of hell ... I still require your Krautism for my plans!

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Not much to elaborate ... TWINS THEY WERE!! :D
Photographic evidence was sent to Außenstelle Litauen des RfM. Intel is very blurry though (shitty cellphone cam).

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>very blurry though
Otshen shal... Tschecked, anyway.

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Blond&Blauäugige sind eigentlich immer grünlinks wenn sie nicht grad übergewichtig oder entstellt sind.

Ich vermute, dass es an der besseren Behandlung durch ihre Mitmenschen liegt, das macht sie vertrauensselig.

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Most likely they were underage anyway ... but given a few more years ;)

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You mean Heilige Allianz, right?

>"underage anyway"
>*tunes in*

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They are a WAY better choice still.

>stalker thinks it is time to get the fuck outa here...

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>*chekki breeki's*

>290 dead in Sri Lanka
>Christian Majority Country
>"No clear motives"

I meant christian MINORITY. frick.

PROTIP: Never respond to tripfags.

>Blond&Blauäugige sind eigentlich immer grünlinks wenn sie nicht grad übergewichtig oder entstellt sind.
Ah, deshalb ist Kerstin rechts.

> underage
pff, thought you were more fun than this.


>Christian Majority Country
>Sri Lanka
Are you drunk already? The majority are Buddhist

Mutthilda, have settled your differences with the future Marxist-Leninist world order? I do hope so; in your interest...

Darüber hinaus ist es wahrscheinlich auch evolutionär bedingt, da man sich im hohen Norden, aus klimatischen Gründen in einer high trust communtiy bessere Überlebenschancen gesichert hat.

I thought there would be some funny message or that Paki policeman loicenze guy.

Nah, don't find neotenous features attractive in general.

Based and redpilled, don't even find woman of my own age to be sexually atractive, don't see them as real women.

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Today I took my dog on a short walk in the countryside but had to come home quickly because they were too many other dogs and people of which he doesn't get along with since he was never socialised properly (nor was I desu) and then I had to cut the grass outside the front of my Mother's house but only got half of it done since the blade of the weedmower snapped off and got lost in the tall grass somewhere and both I and my Sister couldn't find it anywhere we looked and now my Mother is probably going to be really angry at me. Oh well, how was your day, Hans?

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World needs more Germans.

Guys, do you have kids yet? And if so, I order that you literally go start making them.

Is that your ultimate fantasy, Hans?

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Based bong cat poster, by the way you sound like a type whos parents are abusive?

I also order Germans to literally never listen to the British, or their government. I give you that freedom.

That's why he is here

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you are the one to talk about profiling, cunt.

When will you get over that girl man?

>they are coming through the walls
>game over, man, game over!

Attached: nuke it.jpg (306x164, 9K)

Ty tshital imja faila?



Cheperj prochital da.

too late...

Do you ever think the larp fantasy of the Northern states of America balkanising and becoming white ethnostates is possible? Because I was in Littlerock Arkansas and a lot of the whites there seemed to be very sympathetic to vaguely white nationalist ideals.

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I’m dying over the picture
Is it based on something?

Nah man, we will take the entire states. California is already threatening us with nukes, and we're not gonna cave in.

You are open as a book, wont let anyone set you straight and you are a nusiance while you are at it.

You're a fool, cunt and retard in one.


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Togda ty ponimaesh sejtshas.

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Faulk made some work on this, i find it unlikely but if things get bad enough it might.

>had BBQ the last 4 days
>having BBQ today

colonary cancer here I come. Ich bereue nichts.

>yes whites, give up your family location of the past 200 years to live in fucking Idaho
No, that won't happen. WV is like 94% white anyways.

Plus I go to Germany to get pregnant by a German.

Keep going......

That's not true. At the moment the state still does the opposite. You get extra money for having children and pay less taxes. Greens want to change that.

You should still have kids regardless of money.

What did she do?

stop talking in gibberish, this is kraut thread so only English and Syrian are fine

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Its vodkaniggerish, but yes, your right.

she is a bit like me, hiding behind layers of irony, complex consciousness, meta but also applied

sexually kinky... ruthless... and plays league since 2011

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