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Other urls found in this thread:


The DNC has a messaging team that formulates responses to events like the bombings. They send out talking points and specifically tell people to use phrases like “Easter worshipers”.

Op actually follows politics.

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This. Just because they are all on the same coordinated team doesn't mean they are following the orders of a single sith.

The Easter Bunny

probs the yids if it was mud shuts they would of said by now. They aren't that scared of jihads but they are VERY scared of yids

If you wanna b a clever cunt, compare a side by side with the NZ Mosque shooting to this.

viral insincerity and political correctness

rothschild's bitches. he orders the shots.

fun fact: soros chose obama as prez for the rottenchilds.

Liberal zombies...

fun fact #2: nwo will only last 2.5 years

based black man larry elder did exactly this

>they are all on the same coordinated team doesn't mean they are following the orders of a single sith.
Proofs required.

Happy birthday for yesterday. I see you’re new to the world.

>probs the yids if it was mud shuts they would of said by now. They aren't that scared of jihads but they are VERY scared of yids
media is now literally trying to very subtly place blame on Islam, when even ISIS wont touch this one.

Some gay jew who wanted to talk about Ishtar (Easter).

It' s NPC coding.

proof all of these "people" are literal meat puppets.

Attached: obama_narwahl.jpg (1000x462, 126K)

It is part of their plan to prevent the formation of a white Christian identity. "Easter worshippers" sounds exotic and foreign, like some kind of weird sect of Asian christians or Jainism. they deliberately make it seem like some bullshit like Diwali was blown up. If they said it was an attack on Christians, it would make Christians seek each other out. that is not very conducive to a genocide, so the propaganda arm of the DNC cooked up "Easter Worshippers" to dud the impact the bombing would have

I hope it backfires horribly

>The word Easter does not appear to be derived from Ishtar, but from the German Eostre, the goddess of the dawn—a bringer of light.
>Lucifer (/ˈluːsJfər/ LEW-si-fər; "light-bringer") In classical mythology, Lucifer ("light-bringer" in Latin) was the name of the planet Venus, though it was often personified as a male figure bearing a torch. The Greek name for this planet was variously Phosphoros (also meaning "light-bringer") or Heosphoros (meaning "dawn-bringer"

They did the same thing during the election with the word 'darkness', trying to associate it with Trump.

even npcs are getting vexed by the satanist leaders

Take a (((guess))) genius

fun fact #3: demonically possessed humans can't mention the name of god and his followers.
>they are possessed by satans minions.

they're signaling their illuminati anus to eachother
( )
( )
( )

You’d think they would be less obvious

What happened in Sri Lanka was nothing short of a modern-day lynching. Such a horrific attack against Easter worshippers.

The Party.


Attached: diversity 2.jpg (640x480, 69K)

Who indeed.

>s the Christian holiday of Easter named after a pagan goddess? ... He claimed that the word Easter came from the name of a goddess called Eostre, whose festival was celebrated by pagan Anglo Saxons at the time of the vernal equinox.

>and that “all of this evidence permits us to posit a Proto-Indo-European *haéusōs 'goddess of dawn' who was characterized as a "reluctant" bringer of light for which she is punished. 'goddess of the dawn' is given additional linguistic support in that she is designated the 'daughter of heaven
>Bonfires were lighted at Easter and according to popular belief of long standing, the moment the *sun rises on Easter Sunday *morning

Attached: 74.eostre+.jpg (582x819, 98K)

As a non person of color, I find this messaging obsession to be absurd.

Good find.

read the wikileaks emails, probably Lynn De Rothschild

how can anyone fail to see this
>white terrorist strike
>news coverage is full of WHITE MAN KILLS INNOCENT MUSLIMS
>darkie terrorist strike
>we must not encourage islamophobia

Their Luciferian/Illuminati overlords.

You think all those people write their own tweets? They probably all have the same publicist.

whites only shoot up mosques, they have failed to integrate with New Europe

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>all misspelled "worshipers"

Big think.

They own their own accounts. They are all associated with the DNC who sends out instructions, also to/from CNN, MSNBC, etc.

Reminder bernie's tweets concerns families, not easter worshippers.

Either that or they all just pick up on what the headlines from the media is now that i think about it.

Those satanic fools though they were attacking their buddies.

>Moloch worshipers

Attached: moloch.png (938x1024, 587K)

that one was funny too, his speech was so ‘dark and disturbing’ echoed across the entire msm simultaneously... caught in real time ofc. this one is concerning for it’s directly anti-Christ message, an overt denial that those were even Christian churches


so when the age moves forward do the moloch worshippers suddenly worship jesus now because we have progressed one step?

>"Even Barack Obama"
Like if he matters

whats that? you want more fun facts? maybe later ok. redpills must be digested slowly.

in the meantime... milkers.

Attached: X951tszyrc.jpg (1024x1280, 270K)

MK Ultra Glitches 100%

>who is george soros
welcome to your first day on Jow Forums, newfag

>Tranny sliding hard
That wont cure your aids though.

I think those years in the bible are metaphorical

that's not one of your penis wamen rabbi, sorreh.

Are you and your fellow Christians making sure to shit up Twitter with your outrage?

I think your intelligence is metaphorical.

>demonically possessed humans can't mention the name of god and his followers

but demons called Jesus the son of God in the bible.

It's either that or the NPC meme is real and hostile AI is controlling the majority of its host meatbags now

we triggered a nosed one gois

Unironically this

The all caps means it's serious business

Who indeed?

Attached: doomcolonel.png (162x231, 43K)

I hope it does too. It doesn't appear that they have the total control over information to which they have grown accustomed

except it is from ishtar, the goddess of fertility, thats why it involves bunnies and eggs, rabbits = animal of fertility, eggs = the result of fertility (offspring), the ritual of (laying and) seeking out eggs laid by "the ishtar bunny" is done to curry good favor with ishtar in the hopes of having more bountiful brooding
and the worship of ishtar is where ritual child sacrifice (abortion) comes into play

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>nwo will only last 2.5 years
google is already older than that

Fagrack Bombama is not allowed to say christian now,too many demons in his soul

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Holy Trips of Truth. CHECKED

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>they are following the orders of a single sith

Attached: sith lord soros.jpg (1218x954, 174K)

Jews.... it is also worth noting most of them don't manage their own twitter accounts.

If you use google time search to prevent results from the now, you will see that “Easter worshipper” is literally a new term invented for this event.

honk honk

She MUST be aware of the passions she creates by posing for a picture like this. I bet she takes pride in forcing us into masturbation. I love the pictures but I have a family to take care of as well. I can't provide for them if I'm locked in the basement for hours, wrestling with both my penis and dignity over such beautiful shots. Oh well, such is the dilemma of a breast lover, I guess. We must learn to balance titties and family, even though titties weigh heavy and family is but a feather in the wind.

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No, Obama tweeted it first. Democrats still follow Obama to a large degree. Any high-IQ Jow Forumsacks long ago awoke to the fact that most high-level Dem politicians are literally doing an Obama impression to one degree or another, employing his preferred mannerisms and figures of speech. See Beto's recent speeches for possibly the most transparent and cringe-worthy example of this

right, just the coordination team; which is headed by a coordination team leader... shit, wait.

It's unironically Satan himself forcing his will upon the world. There is no one singular person calling the shots, they're an ad hoc horde driven by the singular desire of the very concept of evil itself. You can't point to the source because the source doesn't exist on this plane of existence except through his drones.

It fills the same spot you would find in a righteous man, only instead of the drive to see good works in this world, they won't rest until they've perverted reality until the profane is seen as progress

>not knowing that a woman gains the spiritual power that men spill when they ejaculate to a picture or video of said woman

this is extremely dangerous to our democracy

no wonder my wife is a boss on the job

They need an update.
It's the current year for god sake.

Media Matters is the media megaphone for intelligence agencies across the (((Western))) globe. David Brock and his cronies. That's who


>white Christian kills Muslims
"How evil! We must condemn whites and show solidarity with our Muslim brothers! We need to protect them from the evil Christian!"
>Muslim kills whites
"Truly a tragedy. We need to show solidarity with our muslim brothers now more than ever!"

>star wars reference
>on a militant Siberian anti-soi awareness message board

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I don't think Soros is the master sith.
He's too conveniently public, almost as if he's trying to hog the limelight.
I don't have a single fact to back this up but I have a hunch that he's the pupil sith.

this, they aren't taking "orders" they have a dedicated PR team that disseminates talking points to news outlets and political figures to make sure everyone is using the same language so nobody steps on each other.
it's social engineering at it's finest

Yeah, because you're to blame. If you don't want people to hate you maybe stop bombing innocents.

Actually, Easter comes from East because rising sun, ressurection etc.

Historians nowadays agree Eostre never existed.
Also, we already have a pagan spring festival with bonfires: Walpurgis Night.


Please stop reading Harry Potter.


abortion is, like all satanism, a perversion.
it takes something pure (child birth, the gift of new life) and inverts it into something directly antithetical to the original concept.
this is why the satanists use the inverted pentagram.
it is an inversion of the original pentagram which represents wholeness and unity of the spirit with the natural world.
the inverted pentagram is a perversion of this which represents the worship of man as a god superior to and out of balance with nature.

Attached: 09_07_2001_wtc.jpg (800x1067, 306K)

War too huh?

They are all blackmailed pedophiles/child murderers. That's how the diaspora-anglo faction works.

Really inelegant and crude rat like parasites desu. The zionists are not any better though desu, use the same methods.

Fucking this. Good post.

And they say Trump is the Jewish puppet
