Us ambassador to Poland posted, in polish, a happy Passover message on good Friday...

Us ambassador to Poland posted, in polish, a happy Passover message on good Friday. We think it was intentional provocation

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>posts about jew shit
checks out

The pope may not like it, but pruchnik literally did nothing wrong. Based pruchnik

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I am suspicious that Jews celebrate on the anniversary on the death of Jesus. Just a coincidence?

Based Poles

Poles are such bitches. Americans spit in our faces yet we lap it up like sissies. To own da ruskies and the EU

What should we do?

Probably get murdered by russians according to this retard


never noticed a transparent bg id before.

all (((Americans))) with power are good goys, what did you expect?

fuck the kikes intermarium now

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I am conflicted as to who should I vote for in elections, because Ruch Narodowy seems the most reasonable, but they hate the idea of intermarium and want to build closer relationship with Russia. The latter would be great, but I don't believe it's possible.

You mean the full moon after the equinox?

Yeah who knows man...

Fuck off. My point is not that Poland is strong, but that Russia always hated us and wanted to destroy us, and just because we have the Internet and the globalization, doesn't mean it changed anything. I cringe at the retards who think that because they watched a video on YT where russians said they like us, they will not come to pillage and murder all of us when their government gives them a bottle of vodka, a rifle and an order to leave no stone unturned.

Rationality will not save us. Vote for the one who will introduce the most chaos into the system and nobody else. Beware anybody espousing reason in an unreasonable world.

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>vote for retards with no plan to save you from destruction
>dude chaos lmao

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Shut the fuck up lmao the faster WE end this world the faster we can restart

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Poolan stronk!1!1!

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Once the world is destroyed there will be no one to rebuild it you goddamn retard

They are amerimutts masters

>We think it was intentional provocation

only psychos think that. The rest think that it was, well, wishing happy passover.

intermarium to jest mem. Czytałeś 1984 panie kolego? To jest ten sam mechanizm co z loterią. Wszystko po to, żeby cię spacyfikować marzeniami o wielkości, żebyś grzecznie rano wstawał zapierdalać w kopalni pekabu

Why make the whole tweet in Polish, if your going to end it in English with "Happy Passover."

Czytałem, druhu. Różnica między światem przedstawionym w tej powieści a ideą intermarium jest taka, że ta ostatnia zakłada zacieśnianie więzi między narodami, które mają wiele wspólnych cech i interesów, żeby były one w stanie oprzeć się militarnym i ekonomicznym atakom ze strony wrogich mocarstw. Tymczasem w "Roku 1984" żadne trwałe sojusze nie były zawiązywane. Zawiązywano, owszem, krótkotrwałe sojusze i za każdym razen przepisywano całą historię, żeby lud myślał, że ten jeden sojusz trwał od zawsze. Mogę się też mylić, ale z tego co pamiętam, były tam jedynie trzy albo cztery stronnictwa, które de facto cały czas prowadziły ze sobą wojnę i nie miały ze sobą wiele wspólnego.

Isn't passover celebrating the genocide of some ancient tribe or something?

>The rest think that it was, well, wishing happy passover.
I didn't even know what the word "passover" meant until the bitch said it. It was a weird thing to say, at the very least.

>Once the world is destroyed there will be no
Humans left, only cockroaches and polak toilet plungers
And polkas- kurwa's to reproduce vermin

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every jewish holiday is a celebration of unspeakably evil acts they've committed throughout history.... they're monsters.

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Don't mention begging for reparations from Germany

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How many percent human were you again? Is it under 50 already?

I know it hard for and exslave to understand humanity and good manners. What polaks display by this behaviour means need to chase you back in to the banana tree

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Go back to picking cotton, as did your ancestors

Literally a non-story.

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In Sweden, maybe. In Poland, which is a sane country? That’s fucking retarded

What hour were each post added?

Just checked. She posted a jewish post on the 19th, 2 days before the Christian one (21st), despite the fact that Easter celebrations began on 18th. Definitely not a coincidence

Somehow, being a retard is seen as asset now. Go figure...

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It’s so weird seeing what third worlders wear

t. never read the bible

Do you kikes not realize that we have almost no border?

>wishing happy holydays is provocatio
i cant even fuckiing reply to this shit lmao

We will once you annex the rest of chocholand