I'm fucking tired of this, why did people betray my trust and lie to me saying I'll get a gf eventually...

I'm fucking tired of this, why did people betray my trust and lie to me saying I'll get a gf eventually? It still hasn't happened.

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patience.. don’t look for it, it’ll come naturally. You wouldn’t want to be with someone you dislike /can’t handle with just because u want a gf. good luck

I'm gonna contradict the tripfag a bit. It'll come more naturally than you think, but you shouldn't desperately pursue anyone. Don't expect a woman to just fall into your arms, that shit almost never happens. But at the same time women shouldn't ever be your ultimate goal, that's fucking retarded and your desperation will be a turn off.

When you see some of us talk about lifting and pursuing hobbies n shit, it's not with the goal of getting women. Self improvement is for the self, one of the perks is that it'll help a bit with women.

>why did people betray my trust and lie to me saying I'll get a gf eventually?
To keep the beta males producing and consuming.

>why did people betray my trust and lie to me saying I'll get a gf eventually
It used to be true for virtually everyone. Your computer ruined that. It's everywhere you went wrong in life

The only betrayer and liar here is you. You lied about trying. You lied about becoming a better person. You lied about leaving the basement and getting a job.

You absolute retards never learn, even though it's painfully simple.
Step 1: Clean your room
Step 2 (optional): Wash your penis
Step 3: A gf will materialize in the geometric center of your room

Don't listen to the people saying you have to ask anyone out or take risks, that's crazy talk promoted by the same vile ilk who spread lies about my snake oil not working.

>why did people betray my trust and lie to me saying I'll get a gf eventually
Who told you this? Girlfriends don't just come to you like some welfare check, you have to 'earn' that partner too you know.
Sure, women come naturally to you, even if you don't look for them, but if you aren't doing anything to make them know that you want them, they'll move on too.
When people say partners come naturally, it doesn't mean just wait.

Are you serious or is this a bait thread? I'm thinking it's a bait thread. If it's not a bait thread then I'll answer truthfully. Whether or not you get a girlfriend depends on a lot of things but really like some people might have told you if you saw 100 or 200 women around chances are unless you're really ugly that at least 1 of them will show interest if she's open to date. Higher numbers increases the odds but not by THAT much if you're not very interesting to them.

That's just the first step, then there's the actual dating process and if you don't pass that then you have to start over. You have to be patient if you don't have that many advantages, it can take weeks, months, or even years to click with someone that deeply.

sauce on pic?


Are you doing anything to find one?

This level of delusion is staggering.

>it used to be so simple
>what went wrong?

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>mfw on large college campus literally surrounded by fertile young cunny
>mfw literally never once have any of these girls shown interest in me

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Really convinced me there faggot. Let me guess, you're an angry incel?

How many of them have you talked to and shown interest in?

>Wash your penis
this t b h

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This unironically. The carrot on a stick.

>moving the goalposts
I don't engage women who aren't interested in me, which is all of them, so none.
>hahah u 'ave to tri incel loloololllolol
>women just aren't going to show interest in you! Lmao
>even though that's what I just said

How the fuck am I moving goal posts?

I've literally had past crushes admit to me that they liked me but I didn't show them interest at the time. I've literally had women not be interested in me until I talked to them. If you want a fucking girlfriend then go out there and start pursuing one faggot, don't expect one to just fall into your arms. If you insist on waiting for a girl to show you interest first then keep waiting and stop bitching.
>inb4 that retarded Reddit screencap

>but really like some people might have told you if you saw 100 or 200 women around chances are unless you're really ugly that at least 1 of them will show interest if she's open to date.
I guess I fall into the "really ugly" category lmao.
I said you were moving the goalposts because in the first post you said 1/200 girls have shown interest (unless ugly) and then you said
>How many of them have you talked to and shown interest in?
Which implies it isn't actually a probability of 1/200 that a woman will show interest in you... unless you're attractive, naturally.

*should have shown interest

>But at the same time women shouldn't ever be your ultimate goal, that's fucking retarded and your desperation will be a turn off.
>When you see some of us talk about lifting and pursuing hobbies n shit, it's not with the goal of getting women. Self improvement is for the self, one of the perks is that it'll help a bit with women.
>self improvement is for the self
What is the goal? Invariably attractiveness. Who determines attractiveness? Women. What is the goal? Women

I don't play guitar to make me attractive, I play because I find enjoyment in it. I don't read books because it makes me somehow more attractive. If they made me more attractive then it was a side effect of these activities in my mind.

Do men not also determine attractiveness? Do you not have your own concepts of attractiveness? I started lifting because I wasn't happy with how I looked, not because I wanted to attract women. I had a gf when I tried to get serious about the gym.

What's your point? Your own concept of attractiveness is ultimately inconsequential when it comes to women. You can find your sperglord hobbies the coolest shit ever but it won't make you hot or remove the need for companionship.

Your own conception of attraction is invariably tied to the woman's. You may find enjoyment in playing the guitar, sure, and the attraction here a byproduct. In every regard past hobbies, your idea of attractiveness is tied to the woman's. Sorry, spud

I guess it's a good thing I don't give a shit as to whether or not my concept of attractiveness is inconsequential to women. I don't care if they make me hot or not, that's not my intention in pursuing my "sperglord" hobbies. If one or more of them makes me more attractive, then that is simply a byproduct of the hobby. Whether or not a woman finds me attractive is ultimately out of my control. Why would I focus on that in which I have no control?

In the end it doesn't fucking matter whether or not my conception of attraction is tied to women's. The point is that I do them without the intention of becoming more attractive to women, and if they make me more attractive then more power to me I guess.