Danes are naturally based people so there is no way he will not be ourguy after this happened to his family, a man with money & the intelligence to create a large successful business has the ability to change the world. Once he recovers from this nightmare experience maybe we'll have a ally to our cause....
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What if he uses his money to further destroy the west.
Why would he retard
Danes are not a cucked people, he mite do nothing to be honest but maybe he will! maybe fund a few campaigns!
Hey, Scots: How does it feel that a Danish billionaire is the biggest land owner in your country?
Do you know a billionaire against mass immigration?
Not openly no.
It was a sacrifice to his overlords, his rewards is that he will be allowed to be kept as dog on short leash for some more time and not that he and all his senpai and his reputation are ruined.
Is he a globalist filth?
redbull ceo
cant wait this this guys cuck statement of tolerance and more migration for denmark and him donating to refugeee(sic) groups
Didn't redbull put up a stupid MK apologist message about women covered up not being anime copy pasta?
he's helping re-wild the land and make sure it doesn't fuck up so it doesn't bother me. especialy since he only really owns estates and shit.
most rich people are
Yes, but there's always the exception. I'd be sad if a already red-pilled billionaire got this, but if it was one of those globalist filths, then it would be okay.
Elon Musk?
Because globalism is the reason why they're rich.
That crony capitalist? LOL
Hes a billionaire only because he rubs shoulders with the international jews.
Even this personal tragedy wont make him go against the program.
now we know the reasons behind the attack. All such attacks are targeted on high profile people. Other deaths are just collateral damage. Wrong place, wrong time.
This attention is overwhelming, but the guy will probably cuck to the establishment and do fuckall.
He's south african. The only reason he doesn't hire from overseas is because it's illegal in the defense industry.
This is clown world fagt no saviors or salvation
His kids were probably on some fairytale journey to spread (((progressive values))) to Shit Lanka.
Nothing of value was lost here. Move along.
I will never understand why is Jow Forums worshiping this fraud.
hes gonna go full Tony Stark and put all his power and resources into eradicating all shitskins.
sadly a billionaire's kids dying is a bigger story than the 200+ literal who's
anyways does anyone have a quick rundown on this guy
elon musk is a bald loser, sponsored by deep state.
His daughter last Instagram post fucking sad
Lesson status: Taught
Depends on the age
If they were teenagers they were probably digging wells for dat Harvard application
not good
probably who wrote that is fired at this point
When will colleges stop to take volunteer work into account.
It might have been significant 20 years ago, but the system is hacked. Signalling only works for a while.
Wow. I always believed in Karma, but that's hilarious.
For 300,000 a year, I would join this man's mercenary army, no questions asked. I would kill and muzzie he points me at, so long as it's in another country and I'm guaranteed legal immunity like our troops are.
I guess that wouldn't be bad, so long as I also got to liberate their women from their oppressing ideology.
> a man with money & the intelligence
>maybe we'll have a ally to our cause
I doubt it
If he is smart he would donate to radicalized leftist groups.
quintessentially danish