What makes incels so unsuccessful sexually...

What makes incels so unsuccessful sexually? Can't be the misogyny because plenty of misogynistic men have lots of partners.

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Because they want to be unsuccessful.

Combination of looks, extreme autism, and lack of initiative.

Literally just this. Autism being substituted for extreme social ineptitude.

Social ineptitude.
Now don't get me wrong, most incels are also complete pieces of shit, but how good of a person you are and how attractive you are to the opposite sex are weakly correlated at best. And this goes for both sexes.

Being attractive to the opposite sex has everything to do with looks if you're female, and how exciting/interesting you seem if you're male.

The very fact that they spend precious time complaining on the internet about how it's impossible to get girls dooms them to stay single until they at least stop doing that
Seriously, can you possibly imagine any of those people getting girls? Because I can't. It's a mindset thing.

>It's a mindset thing.
This. If you think you're going to fail what chance to you have of success? Those who have succeeded know you only fail when you give up.

90% of them refuse to even try and bitch about not being able to get a girlfriend despite never having asked a girl out.

More like 99%.

They cant make a girl laugh.

They are closeted homosexuals and don't want to approach girls.

Lack of bbc and melanin

100% this.

Being 'successful' with women really just comes down to being attractive and social. If you lack both these things in combination with some kind of autism/anxiety/depression you're screwed.

All these incels are people who didnt bother trying because they initially believe they are ugly since girls dont talk to them.
This coupled with the negative attitude creates an unwillingness to try anything.
They get depressed and no one wants to be around them.

Woman can't fail at being attractive, men can. This is the most important factor, its unrealistic to expect everyone to have their shit together at the same time, but even if a woman has all the flaws of an incel she will still get laid with ease.

Here we have an example of an incel: extremely delusional and a pathological liar. Nothing he says is true but he believes his own lies.

the thing is though the incel isnt given any evidence to say otherwise, and i think its because women arent communicating this clearly. You know incels also have to be literal all the time.

Incels are given facts and evidence all the time but they refuse to look at them. Incels are even told how they could get a gf but they refuse to listen.

I know i know, but the thing is they arent taken to the field of play and taught. I know incels are a creation of their own, thing is they simply over think everything.
If they stop that there would be no problem

>ugly women don't exist

>Woman can't fail at being attractive, men can.

Women can definitely fail at being attractive. There are plenty of fat, ugly women with nasty skin and hair. Only difference is, there are guys out there who are so desperate for a girlfriend, that they're willing to accept a 2/10 woman as their girlfriend.

Be attractive isn't advice any more than telling a basketball player to be taller is.

>desperate women who are willing to settle for a 2/10 boyfriend don't exist

Attractiveness is largely within your own control. Incels choose to do everything possible to minimize their attractiveness.

They don't? Any woman is gonna have a decent boyfriend just by being young and not fat.

its just you dont want to do it. all you fucking need is a wardrobe update, a facial, good hair and good teeth. Then just shut the fuck up on anything nerdy and or politics and you will be fine.

The things you have control over are your clothes, your weight and your hygiene. Which is a decent part of attractiveness but not "largely" in control.

So basically "just don't be yourself"? And by the way I'm not fat, wear decent clothes, have good teeth and smell nice.

Closing your eyes and chanting in denial won't change the truth. You are a desperate bottom of the barrel man but project your insecurities onto all males.

And personality. Incels are angry psychopathic shitheads. Which makes one unattractive.

I'm neither but considering how you seem to be in every single thread saying the exact same thing it sure seems like you have some self esteem issues you're projecting on others.

Its the lack of personal hygiene and their ugliness paired up with the misogyny.
If women only get a choice between an ugly misogynist and a handsome misogynist, then might as well pick the better looking one

The misogyny plays no role desu. You can hate women and be charming.

They exist but can still get laid with ease. Guys don't even have to be ugly to remain virgins, just be too afraid to approach, because girls won't come to us.

You just proved my point. Guys are desperate enough to settle for the worst of woman, while even gross woman have standards. Woman cannot fail, men can.

Are you stupid or gay? Why do you keep telling lies?

>You just proved my point. I'm desperate enough to settle for the worst of woman, while even gross woman have standards. Woman cannot fail, I can.
You're projecting.

Not that guy. I'm a volcel that puts effort into grooming and frequently gets looks and comments from gay dudes but never have from a chick. It could be I don't know how to see looks from women as well as I do men but I know I've never been hit on or even complimented by a female. I'd say men are much more proactive in getting a partner than women, and they're (rightfully) expected to be. A man that needs to be met halfway will probably stay alone indefinitely and should change his personality to be more proactive.

the problem is you arent being the guy in any of your attempts. You are being the the woman who is too shy to talk to people.

>and they're (rightfully) expected to be.

This is bullshit. it has nothing to do with whats right and everything to do with value. The only reason woman don't hit on men more often is because they usually have more value than us by default and get to enjoy men throwing themselves at them, but if a fucking rapper or actor crossed their path they would trip over themselves trying to get his attention. I've had a cashier literally follow me around the store every time I walked in just because I was significantly more attractive than her. If you have to chase woman more than likely you are just average or low value.

Sure I'm not rich or famous or a 10/10. But why is it that women have more value by default? Because there are more men aggressively pursuing them. It's a chicken and egg scenario and I think the correct perspective is that men are naturally more aggressive due to testosterone and evolutionary roles, and today's gender roles which include men being the pursuer in a relationship aren't just arbitrary bullshit.
If all you need is to be met halfway but nobody tries, don't be surprised. But hetero men should be less surprised than women because their counterpart is generally less aggressive by nature.

What even is your point? That life is unfair? I'm sorry it took you so long to figure out

Maybe its the medication incels take. I know adderal makes me angrier and over think.

Man I love adderall

This and women's unrealistic standards

wish i didnt need it to be productive in life.


Check the comments. Women absolutely do aggressively pursue valuable men. You don't fucking need testo to want things and attempt to get things. It's the most basic human thing ever.

And sure this guys gets more due a larger platform but basically any slightly tiny bit above average dude gets a lot of woman going for him. Get rid of stupid gender roles and even totally average men will have an easier time.

General wrong view of the world and women alike.
Also bad companies may be a defining characteristic, becasue if a friend gets to this level of retardation a firend would surely be there to deliver a wake up slap. Either that or the incel in question is way too much of a knucle head.

So you just need to be a doctor with blue eyes, 10/10 physique and 4 million subscribers on YouTube to get girls to move their asses? Wowie, seems completely easy and within reach of average men!

>Women absolutely do aggressively pursue valuable men. You don't fucking need testo to want things and attempt to get things. It's the most basic human thing ever.
Sure, but men are more proactive, and since human personality traits map pretty well to a normal curve highly aggressive and proactive people will overwhelmingly tend to be men. Aggressiveness has one of the biggest differences on average between men and women among personality traits.

>any slightly tiny bit above average dude gets a lot of woman going for him.
This is where I'm highly skeptical if only because my anecdotal experience doesn't match up. Though it's certainly possible my "value" self-estimate is way too high and I just getting comments from gay dudes with low standards.

Maybe I can considerar myself as a incel.
>have a girl a bit interested in me
>add to chat
>she likes vg
>I don't
>she likes movies
>I don't
>she likes memes
>I don't like talking about them
Maybe I'm made to be alone

Yeah, I'm sure he was born a doctor with 4 million subscribers and 10/10 physique.

>Aggressiveness has one of the biggest differences on average between men and women among personality traits.
More in the sense of physical aggression. AFAIK there are quite a few studies suggesting that women are actually more aggressive in less direct form. No clue about proactive, at least from my experience it does seem like the case but who knows how much of it is down to gender roles and how much down to hormones.

> if only because my anecdotal experience doesn't match up.
Well, how often do you get in situations where you meet loads of new people and spend enough time for them to make any attempts from them realistic? Gay dudes with low standards are kind of an exception as the most ONS friendly community.



He wasn't, but that doesn't mean everyone can get there. You were talking about average men then used as an example an attractive internet celebrity.

>socially respected job
>good physique
Pretty much everyone can get there. Obviously most people will never have such a large platform and as good looks overall, but most people wouldn't be able to deal with hundreds or thousands DMs from thirsty women either way.

Their desperate personality and lack of charm. That's it. I talked to reasonably good looking incels but they just oozed out... desperation, bitterness and edgy anger.

Looks definitely play a role but they aren't as important as charm, intelligence, playfulness. That's what 100% made me attracted to my boyfriend. He's like the opposite of desperate when it comes to women.

can confirm it's this

Yeah, and there are plenty of chumps with a socially respected job and a good physique that don't have women on their DMs thirsting. Almost like fame plays a part in it.

>Yeah, I'm sure he was born a doctor with 4 million subscribers and 10/10 physique.
I can guarantee you his life, starting with his genetics, set him up for success.

You're probably the type to tell a childhood rape victim to just suck it up.

>no-one here is able to refute the blackpill
I guess it is true

Pretty much

>That's what 100% made me attracted to my boyfriend
I've learned never to listen to women when it comes to social relations.

It's sad that it has to be this way.

I can make anyone laugh and it doesn't really help lmao

The more people know about you, the more can spam you, no shit. At least based on my experience (and from everyone I know) 5-10% is the most likely number for a slightly above average person and it's easy to double it. Having 100/200 casual acquittances aka. 5-20 DMs isn't too hard in 2k19. And keep in mind, these are just thirsty people you get without trying.

By being born in the first world (and he wasn't) you're set up for success already. Now obviously genetics and environment make it even easier but we're not talking about pro athletes or some artistic/scientific prodigy.

How did that work out for you?

>and how exciting/interesting you seem if you're male
wew lad

That guy is fairly attractive (no homo) and anybody who manages to be a doctor is guaranteed to have above average genetics. He was blessed to be born as he was.

It shocks me that you'll deny something so simple.

But you listen to what basement-dwelling khv incels say about social relations instead?

I'm not attractive or social, and I've definitely got anxiety and depression, yet I'm still more successful than an incel.

If you take advice from women, I feel sorry for you

Good job avoiding the question faggot.

Lmao do you really think most men get 20 DMs of girls who want to smash a month? Or hell a year?

How do you even meet women if all those apply to you?

Your unserious post received an unserious reply. Next time, try harder.

Most slightly above average men aged 16-30 do.

>a month? Or hell a year?
Depends on the exact phase in life and how outgoing they are.

As a man aged 16-30 with a lot of acquaintances in the 16-30 range I can tell you that just one girl wanting to smash is pretty much newsworthy among my social group.

And no, I'm not an incel, and my friends are from all walks of life.

Maybe it's just an American thing.

He lives a very different reality than you do. To him, "just be yourself" is legitimately good advice.

Because they're retarded. They think they should be able to get a gf without trying. Then they come up with all these shit theories about lookism and society that basically remove any semblance of responsibility from them.

Girls don't talk to you first? Must be your looks, therefore your genetics which you can't control, therefore not your fault. Think you're attractive enough but women still don't talk to you? It's because all women are roasties who only go for 10/10 chads who are 6'8" and have 12" dicks, which you can't achieve, and therefore not your fault. The blame is always on someone or something else. It's a defeatist philosophy. Why try to ever improve yourself in any way?

They honestly think that they're predisposed to never get a gf, blame others, call women whores for not dating them, yet desperately seek them because they think sex is worth something. It's all just sad

>Most slightly above average men aged 16-30 get 20 DMs of girls who want to smash a month
Please don't tell me this is true.

Attached: 1484284328664.jpg (256x256, 8K)

ignorance: the post

So you don't deny listening to khv incels for social relations advice?

Also wasn't my post.

Why were?

What's the real reason they don't talk to you, then?

Really convinced me there with that hot opinion incel. What's next, are you going to say I'm coping? Maybe call me a normalfag? Gonna post some Reddit screencap of how if women don't approach you then you'll never make it?

>just one girl wanting to smash is pretty much newsworthy among my social group.
Do you only consider "GIVE ME THE D NOW" or does obvious flirting and invites for dates qualify as "wanting to smash" for you too?

>And no, I'm not an incel
Doesn't quite translate into slightly above average. Most people aren't incels.

>Maybe it's just an American thing.
Eww, I'm not an American. Although doubt the situation there is that different based on experience of my e friends there.

I don't know a single khv incel to take advice from, so no.

These threads are extremely illuminating as to the nature of low-tier normies like you.

Because I can manage socializing when needed. Being an introvert isn't an excuse to never meet people. My last gf unironically liked me for being myself.

You're missing the fucking point nigger. I'm not going to pretend to know, maybe it could be because we're not 10/10 chads, mayeb it's societal norms. But that's not the point. The point isnt that women don't approach first, it's about how they don't ever try.

Women don't talk to you because of your awful incel personality.
Pic related is a man with a good personality, he got women to sign a petition to get him out of jail because of his amazing personality. Now he's a millionaire who dumped his ex wife and married a daughter of a billionaire because of his great personality which is all that matters.

Attached: 220px-Jeremy_Meeks_Mug_Shot.jpg (220x270, 14K)

>Do you only consider "GIVE ME THE D NOW" or does obvious flirting and invites for dates qualify as "wanting to smash" for you too?
No, I'm just saying I very rarely see girls being that forward.

>Doesn't quite translate into slightly above average. Most people aren't incels.
Some of my friends are pretty good looking and outgoing. They still have to do most of the legwork.

>Because I can manage socializing when needed. Being an introvert isn't an excuse to never meet people. My last gf unironically liked me for being myself.
You didn't answer the question.

>in jail for armed robbery iirc
>great personality
Bullshit and that's not even coming from an incel. Shit like that just justifies the "all women like assholes and bad boys" narrative.

>that's not even coming from an incel
You're not fooling anybody loser


You want to meet women? Fucking talk to them faggot.

His post was ironic, he's talking about that guy's looks

Criminals generally aren't good people.
Armed robbers are REALLY not good people.

Sorry if it flies in the face of your weird cuck fantasy. "OH GOD HE'S SUCH A MELANIN ENRICHED HUNK SURELY HE'S A GOOD PERSON!"

>You want to meet women? Fucking talk to them faggot.
Not him but how? The fuck do I even talk about?

>armed robbery
Sounds like a goal getter. As long he didn't kill or permanently injure anyone, it's based.
>who dumped his ex wife
Doesn't let mediocrity stop him from looking up. Based.
>married a daughter of a billionaire
Big dick energy. Absolutely based.

If I were gay, I'd totally be in a guy like that. He isn't even that attractive look-wise either way but he's clearly ambitious, forward looking and makes the best of his circumstances.

Do you just talk to women that walk by?

I talk to women and it never gets to the point where they show any interest.
Yes I'm being myself
No I'm not dirty or particularly ugly

Having friends is a requirement. The psychos in these threads forget this part.

you're too desperate. Try talking to obese single mothers with mulatto babies next time.