Happy Birthday Lenin

Comrade Lenin was born on April 22nd, 1870. Today is his 149th birthday. Press F to pay respects to the greatest revolutionary of our era.

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Also know that I ask the utmost respect from the replies in this thread and disrespect will not be tolerated.

Press S to spit on the Jew Lenin.

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do you have nothing better to do chris

Go back to hell right wing retards.


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Go away.

I pray you get raped by niggers.

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I hope you get gassed after the party realizes what a useful idiot fatass you are.

fuck Jow Forumsyps disrespecting Lenin

bumping to keep thread afloat
we need to pay our respects

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A few years I was quiet skeptical of Lenin and considered him merely a propaganda figure propelled by the Soviet Union. However, the more I studied him, the more I got fascinated. Vladimir Lenin is probably the smartest man that ever lived.
Rest in peace, comrade. Your good deeds shall not be forgotten.


Heil Hitler

His ideals killed a shitload of commie faggots, so have a point.

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Thread theme btw

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If he was still alive I would rape him so viciously he will wish he could have spit on his own ass.

shut the fuck up welfare queen

There is no actual welfare in Russia though.


Death to America, long live the communist international!

The biggest (((rat))) in the history of Russia deserves no praise
To the gulag with you тoвapищ, our state is an atheist state


lenin was a shithead jew who alongside trotsky is responsible for the deaths of many white people. S to shit on lenin and all the other kikes


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Quiet filthy reactionary.

This faggot is a descendant of ukrainan jews and in no way a russian

Based and muttpilled.


>responsible for the deaths of many white people
based desu


Press S for this mistake of a government to never exist again

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>east germany


B-but it wasn't real socialism, right, right?

You niggas gonna starve.

SS to spit and shart on him

>muh venezuela
all the communist politicians got reelected in east germany a few years after it fell desu

So what does it change that he is presumably one quarter Jewish? Furthermore, what could it possibly change if he was an - what a disgrace - an Ukrainian? I honestly can't give less fucks about his nationality as long as he did good for the mankind and Russia.

Reminder nutsacs, the """inferior""" Soviet Union did this to your precious """superior""" German Reich and turned your "empire" into the envy of the West. Stay mad retards.

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Press G to murder millions of Christians and sent hem to gulags


>lecturing gommies about murder




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Disgusting jew rot in your glass grave

Your right I shouldn’t be lecturing about murder, commies do it best.


This communist trash is nothing compared to a true leader like Adolf.

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Rim my Federal bank.

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But no one like commies so..... also you lost too retard

F as respect to the Russian People,

Commies however get the sword.

If I could put all commies on a single island and all I had was a nuclear weapon that would poison 80% of the earth when used, I would not hesitate.

May all of you communist shitbags slow roast in the depths of hell and be reunited with the banker-in-chief.

Of course it is was not. Venezuela was and is a capitalist country where the government at some point of it's existence did a few steps towards nationalization of some part of industry/resource production. It's no where close to being socialist by any definition. The USSR and DDR, on the other hand, were indeed socialist countries at least by some of definitions of socialism.


>lost great patriotic war
stay mad german
>good leader


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That's not Lenin, Lenin looked like an Elliot Rodger tier blonde gook

With the help of Britain and America. If Hitler didn't declare war on America so soon, Russia would've been at his heel.


You first, communigger rat.

At least neo nazi degenerates aren’t fags

stay mad

>i-if we did something different we could've won!
cope harder retard
german command was retarded and gay (literally)


U too, faggot. Go to venezuela and have a nice trip

But that is the thing, he did not actually do anything. He had power for 1 year. Trump has had power for over twice as long as Lenin by now. He is an insignificant figure. He started a revolution and then did not really participate in the aftermath. He is nothing more than a rotting mummy that the Church wont grant a proper burial too because he was a worthless shit who couldnt come to terms with the idea that people worshiped God instead of him.

>neonazi degenerates aren't fags
user i got some news for you

Real painting of Lenin

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>muh venezuela
>leaders are as good as how long they reign


Happy birthday bro

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S - hope his shitty mummy gets repurposed into toilet paper then he would finally have provided a use in his otherwise worthless existence.

I think we need to ask if the work of Lenin, as a privileged white male, was overemphasized.

We need to unearth the compelling and real stories of black, LGBT, and disabled comrades who did the real work of enacting the Revolution.

nice bait

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ebin reddit tier maymay

More respect than he deserves.

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Fuck that dead commie, and fuck Hitler too. I wish they both got the rope and hung from light poles to rot.

Eternal reminder

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have some more

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>Came here just for this.

You... put a Jew head over Stalin? Of all people?
This is some prime cope.


He did tremendous job during his lifetime. He was a brilliant marxist theoretic, a genius organizer and debater. The man did so much shit prior to revolution it is barely imaginable. His entire life was a struggle, every second of it.
As of reign time, well, it is true that Trump ruled for more time than he did, yet both are deeds of one's reign and consequences are not comparable. He ruled Russia in it's most difficult time and managed to scramble a mess that was left after tzars into a progressive, effective state. Bolshevik's actions were the biggest formative force of XX century and they are their echoes are resonating.

I am sorry to sound like a fanatic, but Lenin is truly a goddamn genius. I was holding somewhat similar positions years ago as you did before I dived into history. I would advice reading at least some biographic book on him by some historian (you are free to stick even to openly fascist ones if that makes you more comfortable) and read a basic course of RSDLP/CPSU (prior to revolution) to see what a giantic figure he was. Think Kolmogorov but in the world of politics and philosophy.

>Nazi complaining about terrorism
Every revolution has some form of terrorism. The country you live, I can guarantee, wasn't formed through peaceful means. It is naive to think that peaceful measures lead to our societies being created. Also, ignoring the fact, The British Empire, and the United States, have killed more people than country that has ever existed, yet , you savages defend them without criticism. Also, the majority of the communist government, in Russia, wasn't even Jewish.

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Lenin was a lazy psychopath asshole, just like all communists

Keep the commie essay to yourself loser

>”B-but that’s my birthday!”

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=Nazis get the wall

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This, it's insane that how barren Marxist polictical landspace was in Europe after Engels dead, let alone talking about Russia, but that madman revived the whole scene. He was truly our madman

Ftfy, kike.


Lenin and Stalin didn't send millions of Christians to the gulags you fucking idiot, and plus, the gulags had very low morality rates.

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My chopper beats your wall, kike.


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