How weird is it that my gf wont let me touch her vagina with my hands? I used to be able to...

How weird is it that my gf wont let me touch her vagina with my hands? I used to be able to, but now she says "i dont want fingers". And i tel her that i just want to touch her. she basically just wants me to stick my dick in there dry i guess.

How to get girl wet without foreplay?

Attached: just one more line.gif (500x280, 963K)

Trim your nails user

Suck on her nipples, bite/suck on her ear, kiss her neck

nails are constantly clean and cut

she really just doesnt seem to get aroused by any foreplay.

>fingering as foreplay


Foreplay is more than touching a vagoo, user
Maybe she's just turned off by you

she doesnt know how to foreplay. She doesnt want to. What do you suggest?

I know that. But at some point im going to touch it. but as soon as i put my hand on her inner thigh she already says "i dont want fingers".

She doesn't want you to find out about the other guys' creampies.
Enjoy your sloppy seconds nigger.

>i dont want fingers
She wants tongue. Time for some furpie user

id find out regardless if i stuck my dick in her.

she doesnt want me doing that either.

>What do you suggest?

ever asked what turns her on? what she gets off to when she’s alone? tried toys?

she claims she doesnt masturbate. I ask her and try to figure out what she likes, and toys.

alright, my gf and i broke up at one point. she got a new boyfriend and all that then we got back together. one day recently I asked her one time if she has a vibrator. She said yes. i asked her where she bought it and she said it was when she was living with her ex. then she said she was just joking. Based on the conversation we had which you really would have had to been there to understand, im assuming she used it with him or he used it on her or whatever. Ive tried to get her to masturbate and play with vibes since the first time we were dating and she never did, in fact she got mad at me for talking about it. Next time i see her im going to use a vibrator on her. If she rejects it...what would you do? she says she "grew out" of fingers so im assuming she "grew into" something else, which could be a vibrator.

Tie her up. Some bondage and touch it

i was considering tying her hands up, but she'd probably just end up kicking me in the face.


She tried telling me that we bought it together, and it was actually my vibrator.

Lick her cunt you fucking pussy

OP maybe she is scared of germs and things? I had trouble for a while with mt bf because I'm a terrible germaphobe.

>Stopped masturbating
>constantly washed down there
>panicked at the thought of unwashed hands causing a UTI or infectiom
>shave constantly

I hope it isn't that, user, because it is painful and really hard to break. But, maybe just asking her why she is uncomfortable with fingering will help you.

Go at it with care not an attitude of "why wont you let me?"
Show her you care more about her than fingering her pussy.

not very, you cut your finger nails? Its sensitive dont there and dont scratch it.

she doesnt talk. she says things like "i just dont like it" or "just because". No real explanations about anything. And yeah, its not even about the act of fingering her, its the fact that shes withholding from me a very normal aspect of sex, and this isnt the only thing she holds back on. So its confusing and frustrating.

got my nails nice and trim.

Hold her down and do it anyway. She's testing you and wants you to basically rape her. She hates how easily she can say no and have you accept that

Make sure you wash your hands, and keep your nails well clipped and filed. Nothing is going to take a girl out of the mood faster than salty sausage fingers, and death by 1000 cuts.

I know but if you knew her, she complains about everything and says "ow" if i so much as bump her. I mean there isnt much of a prize if i rape her. And i cant do it anyway for reasons.
you're 100% right. But get this. The girl doesnt even spread her legs wide. she has her knees pointing straight up and says they're spread. I forced them open yesterday and she got really mad at me. Maybe im supposed to ignore her when she gets mad and just keep doing it.

also what do you think of this

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Your fingers probably gave her a yeast infection last time. The natural bacteria of the vagina is EASILY thrown off balance, leading to an infection. Even something as simple as using scented toilet wipes versus unscented ones can result in a yeast infection. She just wants to prevent that from happening again

you want back to her after she fucked another guy? YOur relationship will end soon enough. Beta move my friend

is it any more beta than giving a fuck about it?

a lot of guys are just way too rough with their hands and they don't know gentle.

You're lucky friend you dont even have to work for her to allow your sewermonkey to split her yeasty creek

i can be gentle and rough.

maybe you think you are gentle but bet you aren't. Not trying to beat on you but its possible you aren't gentle enough

Dude, your girl is trad af. She’s a keeper.

My GF is similar This is how I solved it.

> puts hands in the way of my mouth getting to her vag without ever saying anything
> Complains I never go down on her
> Complains I don't even like going down on her
> Dude I go down on every GF I want to impress, you literally put your hands on there.
> Unfold logic for her and call her stupid
> Schedule date for today
> "user I can't wait for you to eat my pussy tomorrow"

Foreplay starts the second you both are awake. Not touching genitals. Idiots. Lots of touching elsewhere, because skin (the whole body you stupid fuckbag) is an erogenous thing. Positive affirmations, look some up. PDA is good. Out-sexying/being able to bro but not get carried away with her male friends is good. Making food together is an excellent bonding activity. You want her to see you as a great person to have around, not a great penis, because there is no such thing. To women your dick is replaceable. You as a person and how you treat her and others is not, if you try hard enough.

Holy kek. Why is female biology so fucked?

you some kind of weird fuck who likes to fuck with their fingers more than your crooked dick?

its possible your finger nails are dirty as fuck

im my gf had it her way id be sticking my dick into her dry vagina every day. Its not only painful for her but its painful for me.

>my gf wont let me touch her vagina with my hands
>I used to be able to, but now she says "i dont want fingers"
>she basically just wants me to stick my dick in there dry i guess.
>nails are constantly clean and cut
i have bad news for you user. she doesnt find you attractive. she only has sex with you when she is horny and she is imagining someone else the whole time. if your hygiene is as good as you say, there is no other possible explanation. women love foreplay, teasing a man and having him "work" for it. your gf finds you repulsive

im pretty much a finger master. i can make girls squirt. the girl im dating is just too sensitive for fingers. its a bummer because i like doing it a lot. its probably biological though i wouldn't worry about it. just use your tongue or whatever she likes. every girl is different

why is this so hard to read

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yeah, ive come to that conclusion now. But she'd never admit it. And i have no doubts shes thinking about someone else. I HATE working and putting in all the effort to have sex though. She does, and never has done anything to contribute during sex. I had to teach her how to ride cowgirl. Like she cant articulate her hips at all. Which leads me to believe that shes just bad at sex all around. Unless shes lying to me about that just like the vibrator bullshit.
I really hate females regardless. Too much fuckin effort and no reward.

OP my ex in the second month made up that her asshole was hurting, it took a couple of months and we only did anal when she wanted and i knew something was fishy about this "pain" out of nowhere, mind you before that we used to have anal sex all the time. Turns out that later i found out she was with me to forget some guy, and she tried cheating on me and also that before her pain in the ass i laughed when she hit her toe, it even bled (but i saw it after i laughed).
So yeah, this shit might be due to one of the things above.

you forgot the part about the chlamydia el oh el

he's an ESL

his girlfriend blocked user from going down on her. she is self conscious that user only does it to please her. user says he geniually enjoys. now gf wants user to eat her out.