Why do catholics say things like "i'm a catholic" or "be a good catholic".
Why not christian? You don't hear protestant say "oh i'm such a great protestant!" no, they say christian, they call themselves christian, same with orthodox i assume
also, whats with the pope stuff? where in the bible does it say anything about a pope? feels kind of odd to have a middleman there...
Because good Catholics understand that Catholicism is the only legitimate form of Christianity, and indeed the only legitimate religion in the entire world.
Joshua Brown
Explain the Pope, what passage in the bible or quote claims that one should exist
Also what's with the pedo rapists in the catholic church?
Explain the didache, the first apostolic document of 70AD , where it explicit explains: the eucharist, saints veneration and the apostolic sucession
Aaron Clark
Because we know you hate us so why would we want to identify with you?
Samuel Evans
17Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah! For this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by My Father in heaven. 18And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it. 19I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”…
But the devil has prevailed against it. The catholic church has been taken over by satan. It cannot he God's church and be so entrenched in pedophilia. God would never let that happen to His church. Period.
Brayden Murphy
The Vatican controls nothing. If it had any power whatsoever Obama wouldn't have been able to force Ratzinger to resign and Bergoglio to become the next Pope. The Catholic Church is 100% subverted.
Dominic James
Christopher Perry
>1. Empirical studies on this matter of sexual abuse in the Catholic Church shows that it is no more common than in any other institution that works with children, whether that be Protestant churches or say public schools.
>2. God would absolutely let it happen to his Church, to say otherwise is presumption. He didn't not promise us his Church would always be filled with faithful and good people, but indeed he choose Judas Iscariot as one of his disciples to show us otherwise.
Leo Wilson
I don't disagree about catholics, but there are direct versed in NT that say to confess to each other your sins
Bentley Russell
Because Catholics are pagans, not Christians.
Cooper Jenkins
The Church was founded to guide people to Christ. Sola scriptura itself, as a concept, isn't even in the Bible. Furthermore, Protestants don't even follow the Bible they claim to govern their lives by. At the last supper, Christ didn't say "this is a symbolic substitute for my body." He also didn't say "this is just a symbol of my blood. But use grape juice instead." The Bible warns against schisms and heresies. EVERY SINGLE PROTESTANT DENOMINATION is the result of heretical schism. AND the Bible itself was compiled by Catholic Church Fathers in the first place. Not to mention Protestants leave out entire books from their version of the Bible
Nolan Reyes
This. If you use the word Christian it could be interpreted as one of the fake sects. When you use Catholic it is 100% clear you mean "the real one."
Robert Gomez
traditionally reading of the bible is by priests not lay folk so a good catholic would never know what is or isn't in the bible
Eli Turner
Their handling of the pedophilia is evil.
The Paul VI audience hall is evil.
The Catholic Church is no longer God's church.
James Davis
He promised that the gates of hell would not prevail against the Church. Meaning in the end, the devil will not finally defeat the Church totally. He never said no evil will ever befall the Church, and He never said evil men would never be in the Church ever. Remember the Devil managed to turn some of the angels against God. That doesn't mean that the Devil prevailed over God or Heaven. The Devil loses.
Nathan Stewart
Because Cathocucks still try to cope with the fact that they got obliterated for eternity with scripture by some german peasant monk.
Also there were heretics since forever. Proving people believed that in the first century proves nothing
Gavin Sullivan
The Holy Spirit chooses the Pope. Are you claiming the Gid put evil in the highest position known to man?
Eli Ward
Except that for more than 1500 years the Catholic Church was the only power keeping jews in check, whereas every single protestant country ever has immediately become dominated by kikes.
Dylan Green
Catholics are a Satanic baby-raping cannibal cult. That's why.
Leo Wood
We ask Mary to pray for us just like you would ask your congregation to pray for you. Huge difference.
The Catholic Church, founded by Jesus Christ Himself on St Peter, is THE historical Christian Church. The Orthodox who also have traceable Apostolic Succession can also make this claim. Believe it or not, Christianity starts with Jesus and His Apostles, not with some heretic from Medieval Germany.
Cameron Martin
>The Holy Spirit chooses the Pope Nope, men do
Owen Jackson
Nope Jesus is the rock, not Peter. Literally everytime "rock" is mentioned, aside from a literal rock, it's talking about God.
2 Samuel 22:32 For who is God, save the LORD? and who is a rock, save our God?
Psalms 18:31 For who is God save the LORD? or who is a rock save our God? >who is a rock save our God? Is Peter God then?
Psalms 94:22 But the LORD is my defence; and my God is the rock of my refuge.
Psalms 95:1 O come, let us sing unto the LORD: let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation. >sing unto the LORD... rock of our salvation Not Peter >b-but that's o-old testament
1 Corinthians 10:4 And did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ. >that Rock was Christ
1 Peter 2:8 And a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence, even to them which stumble at the word, being disobedient: whereunto also they were appointed. Even Peter is saying the rock is Jesus
Nicholas Cook
>love thy neighbour >Fuck Catholics lol
Dominic Adams
>An Italian saying something so stupid. Secularism is the death of culture, it is the true mindkiller. Everything we suffer today is because of our societies choosing secular republicanism.
If it was once God's Church, and God promised her that the gates of Hell shall not prevail, and it is
>no longer God's church
then you make God a liar.
Parker Cox
The reason why the Vatican has an Obelisk is because it is built on the ruins of Nero's circus which is where St Peter was martyred. It's a "witness" to his martyrdom and out of the three, it has a visible cross on top.
Can someone tell me what fucking version of the bible to read? There's like 30. I was only told not to read the Message for some reason. Is DRB any good?
Kayden Hill
Not according the Church's doctrine.
Henry Bennett
My Nordic relatives are all prodestant and that shit is based sometimes
It's the rest of the heretics that need to make a distinction between being Catholic and Christian, since that's the only way they can justify their existence.
When all non- Catholics accuse Catholics of being papists, non-Christian, pagans, whatever, all they're doing is attacking Christ himself.
Aiden White
How do those verses contradict the verse about Peter being the foundation of Jesus' church? You are just confusing metaphors.
Julian Foster
We don't want to be lumped in with you degenerate protestants
Evan Davis
Or the part where it was God's church was wrong.
Adam Foster
>Why not christian? So people don't think we're Protestants. Ewww.
Jacob Sanchez
>Also what's with the pedo rapists in the catholic church? It's a meme. Protestants are literally worse.
Kevin Gray
The only reason prodestantism is a thing is bececause a couple hundred years ago the obese britbong kings dick didn't work right.
The rosary is just a bunch of hail Mary's. Hail Mary's are asking Mary to pray for us.
Tyler Parker
>Also what's with the pedo rapists in the catholic church? Meme by leftists, Jews, greens, muslims and protestants. Coincidentally, all of them are worse when it comes to child fucking even by their own, official numbers.
Jordan Gray
>The Catholic Church is 100% subverted. Not even 50% in all probability, but Francis was the big one. Best thing that ever happened to Freemasons (they also celebrated his inauguration).
Now, it could still all be smokes and mirrors - Jesuits are pretty good at 5D chess. But on the other hand, Ratzinger would've probably really, really resigned if there was nothing fishy to Francis. But he didn't.
Julian Anderson
>Also what's with the pedo rapists in the catholic church?
Natural consequence of a strongly patriarchal culture. You see the same in Protestant denominations.
>You don't hear protestant say "oh i'm such a great protestant!"
Because 'catholic' is a specific denomination, while 'protestant' is basically everyone who thinks the pope is irrelevant for some reason and isn't Orthodox. You'll see plenty of Protestants referring to their Lutheran, Baptist, Anglican, Mormon, Witness, Quaker, or Pentecostal values when discussing something - it's just less visible because the individual Protestant denominations are smaller.
Cooper Thomas
They don't. One thing that Hitler understood and was absolutely correct on is that most people don't know how to read. Meaning they don't understand and the deeper meanings of words or phrases. Many protestants, specifically those that rely heavily on the scripture will throw their own interpretations, which are often faulty, into the equation. The lord is our rock? Well that means that Jesus didn't tell peter he was the rock of the church, even though he was. This is how you get snake handlers and other wack jobs who read the scripture and apply their own subjective BS too it or take it literally. This is also part of the reason fedora tippers criticize religion the way they do.
>he thinks the rosary is just for prayer 15 seconds on the search engine of your choice and you'd discover you're a complete moron.
Your second point is 100% correct. There is absolutely no reason to believe that sinful creatures will act in ways opposed to their sinfulness just because they participate in a spiritual institution.
You can not, however, continue to try to use whataboutism in the rampant homosexuality and pedophilia among the Catholic clergy. There is a clear and obvious difference in how the church responds to accused and proven molestations compared to other institutions. When teachers, protestants, etc. are discovered to have abused those in their care, they are tried and convicted in a court of law without any sort of support from their institutions. The schools/churches do not seek to defend or protect the accused. It has been proven that the church hierarchy was aware and willing to aid in burying the victims accusations and providing priests new opportunities to continue their evil behaviors.
The theology your church espouses makes it infinitely more difficult for the lay practitioners of your faith to combat predatory priests. When the bulk of God's grace is said to be administered through the sacraments, and an essential concept for the reception of the sacraments requires you to look to these vile clerics as acting in persona Christi--as Christ himself--you have a people enslaved to the whims of sinful men from fear of offending Christ. If you've ever heard victims speak about their abuse, they will almost always talk about how they felt that they could not say no because it was like God himself was asking them to do it. The abuse will not disappear as long as the theology your church proclaims retains the overriding importance of men in the work of God's grace and your church hierarchy continues to aid and abed abusers in their evil actions and desires.
I pray for you and your church daily. May God deliver over to you a polity that seeks to rid themselves of the cancer that is currently among them and a will to seek righteousness in their teaching.
Logan Morales
>You don't hear protestant say "oh i'm such a great protestant!" That's because there are more that 30000 different flavors of Protestantism. Nobody would know what exactly you meant by that.
William Collins
That document existed before the bible. And why should you believe the bible if it was Catholics who were the ones who put it together in the first place? Apostolic succession was commanded by Jesus because he knew they would spread his untainted word and that the Church started BY CHRIST was the sole authority on dogmatic doctrine.
Its basically like saying your coke while the pretenders have to say cola. Ones the real deal and the best. Then there's the rest.
Jose Barnes
After spending so much time on Jow Forums I've concluded that any power will be abused sooner or later, so good system design is about dealing with, not preventing, abuse; as well as giving people the minimum amount of power needed to do their job. Also they think they're the true Christians and a political movement from the 16th century isn't a core part of their identity.
Leo Phillips
The Catholic Church is the result of a schism as well.
Ryder Walker
cuckolics are heretics
Julian Baker
Protestantism was the normative from of Christianity historically in the english speaking world. So Catholics always say Catholic because people would assume you were protestant otberwise. In italy, spain, or other non english catholic countries christian is always assumed to be catholic. In brazil protestantism is usually reffered to evangelical as i understand it.
Ian Brooks
Douay-Rheims is about as accurate as they come. According to many that is.
Aiden Young
Get the Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition or a Douay Rheims.
Dylan Stewart
Because they are haughty and honor God only with their lips, for they think themselves to be holy, but they have not been set apart by God but by themselves.
Zachary Lewis
There ought to be no church other then the heart, for you cannot enter goodness lest goodness has entered you.
Yeshua warned the people for decievers who would come in his name, and said:
>Matthew 23:9 >"And do not call anyone on earth 'father,' for you have one Father, and he is in heaven."
Aaron Lewis
Do not argue about wich translation is holier then others, for the written word came from men and not from God.
Uphold the commandments and produce good fruits, for so it is written in the heart.
Brody Parker
esus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah! For this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by My Father in heaven. 18And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it. 19I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”…
the other question look into theosophy and c.w Leadbeater
Henry Perez
My heart expects too much. My brother’s heart just tells him to work fast food and play vidya. It’s not fair.
Chase Thomas
To emphasize we're not filthy protestants.
Jaxon Carter
The fire has no fence or gates, for what is thrown into it shall not come out of it, for what is burned cannot be unburned, it is finite.
Gabriel Jackson
nope, the church isnt the building its the faith
May God comfort you. I know moreover that not only this thing saddens you, but also the fact that while others have obtained the churches by violence, you are meanwhile cast out from your places. For they hold the places, but you the Apostolic Faith. They are, it is true, in the places, but outside of the true Faith; while you are outside the places indeed, but the Faith, within you. Let us consider whether is the greater, the place or the Faith. Clearly the true Faith. Who then has lost more, or who possesses more? He who holds the place, or he who holds the Faith? Good indeed is the place, when the Apostolic Faith is preached there, holy is it if the Holy One dwell there. (After a little:) But ye are blessed, who by faith are in the Church, dwell upon the foundations of the faith, and have full satisfaction, even the highest degree of faith which remains among you unshaken.
Protestants call themselves Christian for the same reason Jews call themselves white.
Nicholas Miller
Man was made for both work and pleasure, that we may sustain our bodies and our spirits, for the impoverished spirit produces bad work, as an impoverished body produces a bad spirit.
Luke Gonzalez
Catholic is a christian trademark. When someone says he is a catholic or orthodox you at least can be sure that guy is more or less a classical christian. When we talk about protestants and whatever strain of pseudochristianity that is currently popular in US midwest...well lets just say you are not allowed to a common table.
Robert Allen
The Hail Mary is literally the words of the archangel Gabriel at the Annunciation, followed by a request for Mary to pray for us. Gabriel wasn't worshipping Mary. Neither are we. The other prayers of the Rosary are all giving worship to God. Protestants talk nearly as much shit on the Blessed Virgin as the jews. Muslims literally say less negative things against the Mother of God than many Protestants.
William Morales
I hereby proclaim this post, which is the first post in this thread, to be of the highest quality of all posts contained within the thread
Jaxson Kelly
Childhood is believing that people are moral because it benefits society and that religion has nothing to do with it
Adulthood is realizing that people are pieces of shit by default and religion is the only reason people have morals, but choosing to lead a life of sin anyway because it benefits you in the here and now
Where God provides his bread you make your own, for you say to yourselves that your bread tastes divine for it is sweet, but if the truth be bitter you it eat not, and so you have denied him.
Jayden Morales
Is Jow Forums turning me gay? I get a lot of hentai from here and emote with anime girls and last night I had a dream I got turned into a trap and fucked by a man. Or is this unusual and some type of demonic possession. Figured I’d ask Christians since they’d probably know.
The name peter is a grecization if the Aramaic word for rock. Christ literally said you are the rock, and on this rock I will build my church
Angel Foster
really? It's the other way around.
Always those american protestants with their durrr catholics bad we da true christians.
Hudson Davis
Greens are euro eco commies
David Long
Ah the thing Catholics put together? Interesting you choose that as your one and only document to go off of since it was written and assembled by Catholics who you think for some reason don't follow it.
Anthony Harris
You are seriously calling the Apostles of Christ, about 40 years after his death, heretics? Are you fucking listening to yourself think these thoughts right now?
Nolan Bennett
its a common belief among Anabaptists and Puritans
they used it to justify their the end is nigh shit because the great apostasy hadn't happened yet
Connor Wright
Give me one (1) church father who believed in the assumption of Mary.
Your spirit is like a cup, for when you were born it was clean. As you grew older you poured many unclean things into it for you desired to experience what is forbidden. Now you prefer the content over the cup for it pleases you, yet it serves you not.
You become what you hold within yourself. If you harbor evil then you shall become that evil, for whatever is in that cup flows from the heart to the mouth and the hands.
Demons are unclean spirits, if you offer your heart as a house to them, they will destroy that house. Therefor cast them out and clean up those rooms, so your spirit may be content in having a clean house wich it can call its own.
Leo Morris
Christianity is the Faith. Catholicism is the doctrine. Jesus is the Light.
Is Paul not a heretic? For he shapes the world of Christians moreso then the Messiah himself. For whoever enters a church enters into Paul, but to whoever the church has entered into them has recieved the Messiah.