Redpill me on 5G!!

Does Microwave radiation really cause cancer like the autists say?

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yes. go look at the electromagnetic spectrum. its about the same as keeping your microwave on low all day everyday pointed at you, and theres nothing you can do about it.

go to work and pay taxes goy.


muh wave lenghts muh ionized radiation.
put your balls near your router while watching jewflix and see as your balls consume all your bandwith.

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You can get cancer from the sun.

What makes you think humans are supposed to be here?


Waves of what?

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Every type of radiation is bad, including sunlight. But how much exactly is too much? Hard to tell.

Yes, it's 3.6GHz, your microwave oven is on 2.45GHz. The wave length is roughly 8.12cm, usually shorter than your head width, therefore cook your brain.
The highest frequency on 4G is 1.8GHz, which the wave length is roughly 16.33 cm.

of micros.

tumors are good. stop being a cancerphobe

Oh of course. My mistake. Ban assault micros.

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I haven't seen not conclussive proof to this day.

You can pop an Orville Reddenbaucker's Microwave Popcorn packet with your phone, which is going to be handy.

You'll microwave your brain too, but it's a small price to pay.

>conclussive proof
Nigger, do you think they would actually allow those studies to be done, much less publicized?

It kills small animals quite effectively.

God removed the mist dome that filtered out UV radiation and allowed us to live 500-800 years because people are too evil to be allowed to live that long.

I think the truth would find a way, I've seen some major city banning it mentioning the health of it's people and that was kinda hmmhhh

T-Mobile just installed a 5G antenna on top of my building... my office is on the top floor... I asked the tech about possible health risks he just said "i sure as heck would not stand in front of the thing"

Good to know I will have a 5G antenna 10 feet above my head at work every day now. Thinking about finding a new job.

Here are some good links.

You know that most people hold microwave technology right next to their brains hundred times a day. Their brains haven't been cooked. Relax.

yea, but not 5G antennas 10 feet away from their heads, this shit has not been tested to be safe on humans or not since early 2000's when we didnt have near the type of tech we have today

2.4 normally isnt bad but if you stand next to an anttene you brain cells get warmer and that can kill them and 5 g cant just be deflectet by an thinfoil hat

isn't 5g penetration shit

i'd be more worried if you had direct line of sight exposure