I guess brown people can be racist after all
I guess brown people can be racist after all
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this is what came OUT. this means she must feel much more entitlement and behaves much worse in private
Tbf sacking people over words they said ten years ago is pretty stupid. Hopefully she'll be forced into porn.
>Tbf sacking people over words they said ten years ago
She obviously felt comfortable saying them in public back then, so what makes you think anything has changed?
She's just an entitled little racist.
Good for her.
Ya but no one really likes niggers.
That was a never a question, the (((meme))) is that you can't be racist to white people.
They’ve always said brown people can be racist but of if the object of their bigotry isn’t white.
>British Pakistani
No such thing.
Who cares kill all brown "people"
Why do pakis think they're above niggers?
They're both subhuman trash
Not even arabs can tolerate them
The progressive stack is old news.
Just use this to btfo universal world baby utopia retards
That was satire btw.
>t. deshawn marshal
I agree
Not from me. I want to exterminate all niggers, kikes, muslims, brown/black/non-white """""people""""" unironically
What an incredibly beautiful woman.
>t. mehmet salim
Go shill for more censorship laws you buttsore pakislime
Then what else can you pathetic Brits call a nigger if the word nigger requires a licence?
LOL why and how the fuck is she implying that paki pukes are any better than niggers?
Yikes, lot of triggered nigs in this thread
she is adorable
i worship her
How did the correct post take this long to get to?
She is a nigger
She is rather pretty for a poo.
Don't fall for these paki crocodile tears. these fucks are some of the most pretentious and bigoted people to walk God's green earth. I thought the Brits were smarter than to let these pakis run around unchecked.
/Our Pajeeta?
This is the future... you won't even be able to shit in the streets while saying nigger. How have we sank so low, pol?
T. Subhuman who doesn't belong in the country he lives in.
Brown people are a biological weapon.