Isn't it heretical to hate God's creations...

Isn't it heretical to hate God's creations? Is jew-hating and racism tantamount to saying that God can create an inferior product?

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But God can't make mistakes. Until he does & somehow we're the only ones that can correct them.

You assume that everyone on Jow Forums hates foreigners, but that is not the case. Quite the contrary, the reason we don’t want Jews and blacks living among whites is because we know it is dangerous for all races involved. Jow Forums is a board of peace that wants a separate place for every race as a method of preserving diversity.

I agree with both of these statements. I just have found this recent trend of jew-hating christians to be a little ironic.

It absolutely is. Given that one of the most often stated lines about the whole jewish thing is that you can't trust any of them, ever.
But not THAT jew; THAT one Jew is totally /ourguy/. And nobody can ever give a good logical reason for that.

God didn't create Jews. They decided to be a bunch of lying faggots all by themselves.

Even God hates Jews you retarded nigger.

Synagogue of satan, sons of the devil. Why does the devil exist? Why does evil exist. Kys kike shill.

They aren't God's product. They are the devil's.

>Why does the devil exist? Why does evil exist
...because God invented them?
You can't have omnipotence, omniscience, AND pure benevolence. Somewhere along the line you have to assign blame for even the concept existing to God, creator of ALL.

God created the devil too.

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so we should gas god?

the jews killed Jesus so he made the gentiles into God's Chosen instead, anyone who still called himself a jew belongs to the synagogue of satan

So its a choice? A choice that all jews make individually? That's hard to believe.

Reason #847838955855 why christcuck ideology is fucking cancer

Isn't the whole concept of Jesus about forgiveness? Weren't all of his apostles Jews?

It literally is. You can wake up one morning and decide not to be a filthy Jew, but they refuse with every sunrise. It's why they lose their personalities as they age, and become the same old, unfunny fuck with the same exact jokes. To be Jewish kills your soul and replaces it with a predictable algorithm.

Welp, considering that i'm a jew it looks like I've got a miserable existence cut off for me. Guess ill just go back to trying to destroy the white race. Lol.

In the same way that all the founding fathers were a part of the British empire.

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"if race == "white"


Destroying yourself is the only thing you know how to do. Your daddy told you it's a beautiful cultchya.

Yeah fuck the demiurge and fuck you triple nigger

The entire pajeet and (((abrahamic))) faith is just a LARP to keep Cletuses in check, but you are fucking stupid and will die masturbating this bullshit.

cannanite/khazrian rats larping as biblical jews are born of the serpent seed, they are the furthest thing away from god's creation

anti-semitism is not a thing that's taught, it's purely instinctual to be repulsed by them, even children and brain-dead brown people know right off the bat that there is something terribly terribly wrong with these "people"

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Serpent seed? Is God not responsible for all of creation. Sounds like heresy.

serpent seed = chimeras
chimeras = not created by god, product of corrupted men

Dude, u sound like a fucking Jew. I would know, I am one.

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No one ever said God made everything perfect. It is within his capacity to make some races better than others.
As for Jews, they make the conscious choice to subvert their host nations. They don't deserve our pity.

In't the mere mention of heresy heretical? If it's possible, does that denote the existence of an imperfect creator?

Are men capable of recognizing perfection?

Generally speaking, spanking children is bad, yet we can conceive of circumstances in which it is better to spank children than to not.

Post pic of nose and timestamp or larp somewere else faggot.

I don't hate jews.
I just realize they are subversive parasites and need to be eliminated.

Evidence that this is a Jew?

I don't hate Jews, I just don't want to give a single cent of my tax money to Israel.

Would you accept the jewish messiah as messiah?

Slide thread be gone shoo! Sage

bump cause i want ppl to see how much of a faggot you are

I mean there was a flood so He hated at least a couple of His creations

The Jews rejected and crucified the Son of God, and 2000 years later refuse to repent. They deserve what's coming to them

The Jews refused to worship a human being. Christianity is literally about worshipping a man. What kind of faggotry is this.

Love your God, and love one another as you would love yourself. Forgive one another that you may be forgiven.

To be human is to be a child of God, but those who disobey shall not partake in his household regardless of their ethnicity or nationality.

A good Jew is greater then a bad Gentile, as a good Gentile is greater then a bad Jew. Be a brother unto your neighboors, that is all the Father the requires from us.

What sins did your ancestors commit and how will you be punished for them?

Checked. Correct m8.
The Parable of the Tenants of the Vineyard.