@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
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>SoS Pompeo/ActDefSec Shanahan @US-Japan 2+2 Ministerial 4/19/19
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forgot previous fug MAGA!
new baker needed please!
>no prev
>not an easter egg edition
is this the shill thread?
Trump is a zionist cuck.
>go to gun store
>white people ask for 22LR and glocks while the blacks want AK's and revolvers in the biggest ammo size possible
>go to parking lot full of food trucks
>whites go to the tofu and vegan trucks while blacks go to seafood and BBQ trucks
>go to second hand comic store
>basedboys getting some captain marvel funko pop while the black guy asks point blank the employee "which comics you got that has women with the biggest titties?"
I know you guys hate on niggers but honestly they still have better taste than white guys these days
domo arikoto
As a Jew, fuck Trump
things have gotten so ridiculous over the past few years that you can just make shit up, and people believe that its real
All of you need to watch this to understand the political changing landscape in japan.
AK's and 7.62 are shit
fite me!
Is Dunkin Donuts a redpill job for a Wagie?
They are anti Starbucks and Anti Democrat
>no prev
Butthurt tranny jannies 404'd my thread for posting this image so I'm posting it again kthx
>I'm so poor here in Honduras, I just want to go to the U.S. to work
>BRB, gotta pull $13k out of the bank to pay the smugglers
Any fellow Easter worshippers here?
How do you do, fellow Easter worshipers?
Thanks for baking, see you soon.
Guess on who the Easter Bunny is this year? I'm saying Stephen "Immigration Killer" Miller.
They dropped the donuts, it's just Dunkin now
>living around niggers
nn kot sleep comfy
I don't believe this post, because I know too many black people who don't eat seafood.
Aloha, brother.
this, and he wonders why onionboys are around as well.
the two go hand in hand.
>doesn't mention that most of the smugglers are also part of the drug trade
>literally giving billions of dollars to drug cartels
fuckin shame that is
the majority of blacks love almost anything non-fish, but yeah fish is something most seem to stay clear of
Vote Marxist-Leninism! V put, amerikanskie tovarishi!
anybody else watching THE VIEW ?
That sucks, the donuts are good though
>t. New Englander
and then everybody on the bus clapped
red lobster is populated almost exlusively by niggers and spics, but that's only cause they got the cheddar biscuits
Everyone (on both sides) has had it with her
Unless its at red lobster clearly
>millionaire in new york opposing AOC
I wonder who........
>anybody else watching THE VIEW ?
older ladypede tits or GTFO
>When the CPUSA officially show it's Red Face
Im not surprised
Kek. CNN suck so much. at this very moment trying to convince brainlets that Sri Lanka wasn't muslims
This is a good post. I feel enlightened.
Predicted by Jow Forums /ptg/ months ago. Jow Forums is always right.
Either fight Antifa, or use them as a useful idiots? What will it be, /ptg/? Be Commie!
>watching tv
>watching the view
Pull off that mask
If Trump was a Jewish puppet, why:
>Are we winding down operations in Afghanistan and Syria, as well as pulling troops out of Syria
>Pompeo admitted we're not going to war with Iran
>We're not at war with Venezuela
>There's no regime change in Syria
>That $38 billion that was Obama's money hasn't passed the House and is just sitting there with no mention from Trump
>He's Christian then Obama
>Is actively trying to make peace with North Korea and in the middle east
Oh and for those who say "BUT MUH GOLAN HEIGHTS AND EMBASSY"
>The embassy move wasn't even Trump's original idea. Clinton and Bush we're supposed to have done it.
>Golan has already been controlled by Israel for 50 years now
Because Stormfront, dont question them
Have sex
who else watching Hoda & Jena ?
All add business should completely move online.
If you pull off the mask, will he die?
Bist du jetzt zufrieden? Being commie in *current year* is playing 4d chess, fren.
>He hasn’t done anything though!
>jew jew cum cums
>That is a fence!
>his base is abandoning him in droves
>muh 338 billion to Israel over the next 10 years
Holy shit they actually believe this
>East German
you too buddy
you're going to make a certain spammer show up
And then everyone installs adblockers and the industry dies.
alright MIGA spammers
i admitted a few weeks ago that it was a funny joke.
the MIGA spam was actually getting a lot of the head-in-the-sand trumpers really mad, but now...
its getting stale.
can you go back to posting Amnesty Don now?
>290+ dead christians in Sri Lanka
>at least half are female
>all the terrorists identified so far have been male
Where is the feminist outrage? Or is murder less serious than rape?
And where are all the anti-gun people? Gun ownership in Sri Lanka is basically impossible, you have to apply for a license which they don't give to anyone except like politicians. I guess they avoid events that conflict with their agenda?
I really hope they keep going with this crap. It hurts them more every day.
no stormfags are pretty much dead at this point since anyone with the capacity for reason realized they were controlled oppo and a honeypot for useful idiots
Neck yourself
nice try, shlomo.
>And then everyone installs adblockers
There will always be dumb asses that don't.
Also you can include the ad in the video or as first party so it can't be blocked so easily.
>or perhaps I am wondering, why someone, who wants to overthrow western (((governments))), wouldn't join Marxism-Leninism?
Oohhga booga... let more refugees in Zion don!
Hundreds of migrants have been camped out for weeks in Mapastepec, where locals say six migrant caravans have arrived since last Easter. By far the biggest was a group of thousands in October that drew the anger of U.S. President Donald Trump.
Ana Gabriela Galvan, a local resident who helped to provide food to migrants in the October caravan, told Reuters the small town in the impoverished state of Chiapas, which borders Guatemala, felt overwhelmed by the number of Central Americans.
“It’s really bad, because they’re pouring onto our land,” she said, noting that some locals were reluctant to leave their homes. “They ask for money, and if you offer food, they don’t want it; they want money and sometimes you don’t have any.”
Trump's threat to close the border last month has stirred the Mexican government to action. They are detaining more migrants and limiting the number if humanitarian visas given out. These visas allow the migrant to stay in Mexico and get a job.
But it brings little comfort to many Mexicans living in towns that have been inundated with migrants.
Don't get a minimum wage job unless you are going to school as well.
Economy is good enough you can get a real job with benefits and promotion opportunities
Gruxifix, Ami, a Bayer spricht zu dia!
can they name one thing he "obstructed"?
ill put you down for Hoda & Jena
Hans don't, there is a Third Way
>everythings hiring
>for less than I currently make
>if he committed that crime he is a criminal
So if i commit a crime am i a criminal or is that just trump?
>All of these people
>Loving the POTUS
B-But CNN told me everyone hates Drumpf
>can they name one thing he "obstructed"?
Hillary getting elected.
Take it back yourself, or join an Orthodox one.
Except he's cut the amount of refuguees
Hence it comes about that all armed Prophets have been victorious, and all unarmed Prophets have been destroyed.
Islam's militancy will see it grow to be the largest religion in the world while Christianity becomes liberal socialist.
>can they name one thing he "obstructed"?
Globalist take over of the United States
>Nobody disobeys my orders
Communism will prepare the ground for the 3th alternative! Join today, accelerate! Prisoedinjajtes k kommunismu! Davajte uskorim!
Guys, Trump is playing 4D chess by supporting Israel to appease the Jews! The secret is, he actually hates them and is planning something big!
We need to help Trump succeed in his plan! Help him support Israel and further his game of 4D chess!
You can donate to Israel with this site right here:
It is necessary, therefore, if we desire to discuss this matter thoroughly, to inquire whether these innovators can rely on themselves or have to depend on others: that is to say, whether, to consummate their enterprise, have they to use prayers or can they use force? In the first instance they always succeed badly, and never compass anything; but when they can rely on themselves and use force, then they are rarely endangered. Hence it is that all armed prophets have conquered, and the unarmed ones have been destroyed. Besides the reasons mentioned, the nature of the people is variable, and whilst it is easy to persuade them, it is difficult to fix them in that persuasion. And thus it is necessary to take such measures that, when they believe no longer, it may be possible to make them believe by force.
If Moses, Cyrus, Theseus, and Romulus had been unarmed they could not have enforced their constitutions for long—as happened in our time to Fra Girolamo Savonarola, who was ruined with his new order of things immediately the multitude believed in him no longer, and he had no means of keeping steadfast those who believed or of making the unbelievers to believe. Therefore such as these have great difficulties in consummating their enterprise, for all their dangers are in the ascent, yet with ability they will overcome them; but when these are overcome, and those who envied them their success are exterminated, they will begin to be respected, and they will continue afterwards powerful, secure, honoured, and happy.
Ready to die, drumpfoids?
don't forget he kill the white house passover official dinner made by King nigger and the embassy costed just a fraction of what was originally planned
um where does it say that?
it's ogre for flimpf based Hilldawg will be sworn in any minute now
>thinking they will stop
this is the general now
we have 6 more years of this
>millennials want authenticity
>so let's manufacture cringy "viral" content to appeal to them