Learning korean

Did you know they have the most beautiful girls in the world and their bodies evolved to get rid of the B.O. gene?
I'm tired of living in this shithole filled with ugly people and criminals, is anyone else planning to move to korea? are they racist?

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They all have plastic surgery lol. Theres even a thing called lunchtime surgery or something like that where they get an operation done in 30min.

Koreans also plaster themselves full of make-up. The moment you are close to them you can actually see it like cake plastered on their face.

t. Someone who spent 6months in Korea

Yes. They are racist. Just like you and me.

That not how you spell Columbia


>They all have plastic surgery lol
keep gaslighting yourselves with this meme

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Being racist is not necessary bad. The better question is. Are they rude to foreigners or not? I don't know.

They either radically hate you or radically love you and want to suck your dick, but mostly hate. That was my time in Okinawa I assume it's the same in korea, but maybe not.

Lie much?

SEOUL -With the highest rate of cosmetic surgeries in the world and nearly 1 million procedures a year, South Korea is often called the world's plastic surgery capital.

Some estimates have suggested that around one in three South Korean women between 19 and 29 have had plastic surgery. Others have put that number at 50% or higher.

By far the most common surgery that Koreans do, according to Dr. Choi Min of Answer Plastic Surgery in Gangnam, is a blepharoplasty, or double-eyelid surgery, where they insert a crease in the eyelid to make the eye look bigger. The two other popular procedure are rhinoplasties, or nose jobs, and glutathione injections, which slows pigmentation in the skin, thus giving a fairer skin tone.

Koreans are genetically hideous. The thought that Korea is full of supermodels is even more delusional than going to Japan and thinking everyone watches anime and their women act like anime characters. Being a weeaboo/koreaboo is a mental illness.

I wanna learn Korean so I can translate Starcraft: broodwar guides.

Mate just saying. No need to get all mad. If you want to have children looking differently than you expect be my guest.

Just saying they have the highest rate of plastic surgery in the world. And pretty much every woman undergoes double eyelid surgery.

>and their women act like anime characters.
they do. just go to a shrine and watch the high and middle school groups to see it

Korea expat here, ask me anything.

Do dream of acquiring that gene ABCC11 coz it's recessive like blue eyes.

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> evolved

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how can the "leaving ordinary electric fans on overnight will kill you" myth be believed by an entire nation?

>Did you know they have the most beautiful girls in the world
it's literally all cosmetic surgery

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Confirms it, having been to all 3, Korean girls are much overrated. Japanese are cuter and act cuter and north Chinese are prettier. Koreans are also plastic as fuck, so much surgery there.

It isn't, although it is widely enough believed that you can keep making fun of them for it.

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Lol falling for the Asian waifu meme, your kids will be even less White than you are now. Nigger.

Oh, hello there Elizabeth.

how did you move there? I wonder if i can earn a diversity hire or something, maye i can pose as a mexican and sell tacos locos.

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keep lying to yourself faggot

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If you don't look too indio, they will love you. if you look really indigenous they will think you are filipino , and they hate them/ But if you are the perfect mix of mestizo, they will love you. They find us exotic looking, we just stand out more than the whites. Again only certain Latinos can pull it off, you have to be brown enough that they know you are not white, but light skin enough that they know you are not coming straight from Thailand or some south Asian shithole. The way you dress also plays a role. Well dressed mestizo will have Korea girls heads turning, they are not really used to seeing us there.

Beautiful family desu

Jow Forumskorea. you can find fellow latinos there

Only one White person in that picture and he's a race traitor. The West is lost.

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I did the English teaching meme, which is probably not an option for you. You could try the foreign student route, unfortunately the horde of K-pop fangirls is making that shit more competitive.

As little as 10 years ago when noone gave a fuck about Korea it was pisseasy for the average layabout to get a scholarship to study here. Now because so many people actually WANT to come to Korea, if anything the Koreans are starting to think everyone should pay for the privilege.

jokes on you, i'm dating the before

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I feel sorry for people who fall for the Korea meme, but whatever. Japanese and Nothern Chinese are both far superior and as the Korean poster here mentions, Koreans are starting to think people should pay for the privilege to enter their overrated country. They're getting uppity. It's kind of gross.

But yes, Latinos, go muddy up their race. I urge you forward, brown legions! Infiltrate!!! I don't like Koreans anyway.