The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend
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I would literally such off a space predator creature if it means destroying the Jews
the enemy of my enemy can get fucked by a wild boar as i hum the nasheed of allahu akbar and bleach the shit out of the skin of vuluptous arabian whores
We are already allied with Israel.
Go home Muhammed
All your information about muslims comes from jews and jew controlled media. You pathetic little cunts.
Fuck jews and fuck christians who die and kill for their jewish masters.
nice try shlomo
God i wish it was we
>The enemy of my enemy is my friend
Not this enemy of an enemy. They literally want global sharia. Not just in their undeveloped shithole countries where fun is punishible by death, they want it everywhere. Stop masturbating over goat fucking paedos because they share ONE of our goals. Faggot.
worshiping an effigy of Satan cube = 6x6x6
the Moon and Star represent their true gods
Moon = Sin a false god more than likely Saturn after he was banished
Star = Inanna associated with love, beauty, sex, desire, fertility, war, justice, and political power also Ishtar aka Easter strangely enough
As much as I hate mudshits I would go into a temporary armistice with them for that
Especially if they decided to go back to their dunes and we could just fucking ignore each other
there's a reason why jews push for islam when it is diametrically opposed to them. it's the same reason why the media frames nazism as the only alternative to globohomo. nazis and muslims are enemies they can conceptualize and handle.
They work for the same Goal one wants brown retards to rule over from New Jerusalem the other are brown retards
the cube represents physical reality. the muslims bow before it, for they are completely subject to the physical, and this is evident in their animalesque nature. jews worship the hexagram, which is a tilted cube, which means the subversion of physical reality. christianity, however, uses the image of jesus, suffering on the cross. the cross being an unraveled cube, it means embracing the truth as is, regardless of struggle.
Exactly They are quite literally OUR DIVINE ENEMIES they would plunge the world into their Sharia Ignorance beating and raping women and children killing anyone who disagrees
>religion of peace
what fucking faggot made that meme up the only religion to regress but after silk road was dried up who gives a shit about some desert niggers its entire legacy is war and the Indians they got the brunt of it and probably thirst for revenge
muslims will never be your friend
my information about muslims comes from growing up in a city that had a load of them and seeing what pieces of shit they are
islam is filth and muslims are pedo rapists
Fuck you Paki.
Sure, once they fuck off from Europe.
not even basic fact checking. discarded
>islam is filth
Bet you even haven't studied the holy Quran
>and muslims are pedo rapists
Do you mean low IQ Pakistanis? Yeah, we don't like them either.
Also you can say the same about lots of catholic churches and their priests. But you know that not all are like that.
these are bullshit
Thats why i support anyone who kills the muslim dogs
They say the same thing. Enemies aren’t friends. And Jewish slave owners and better than Muslim slave owners. It is sick to say, but better to be the slave to the Jew than the slave to the Muslim. Glass the lot, but when no option “C” the choice is clear.
This is a fact yet nobody is condemning this.
Where is the sadness?
Where is the anger?
Where are our political leaders?
Why isn’t the Muslim community standing in solidarity with the church?
>Bet you even haven't studied the holy Quran
there's a copy on the bookcase behind me along with all the other bullshit holy books.
>Do you mean low IQ Pakistanis? Yeah, we don't like them either.
no, i mean muslims. all of them. inbred goat fucking pedo rapists.
my wife grew up as a non-muslim in a muslim majority country. she has seen enough of their shit her whole life. in the city i grew up, muslims tried to firebomb the local bookshop when the satanic verses was published. filth, all of them.
>Also you can say the same about lots of catholic churches and their priests
yes, catholics are filth too. we don't like them here and haven't done so for hundreds of years.
>Takes some of our money
>Islamic World
>Wants every nonmuslim dead or enslaved
Wow I'm so threatened by a country with 8.7 million, of which isn't even 100% Jewish compared to the multiple 100% Muslim countries which murdered anyone who wasn't Muslim to get there
Stop shilling for that memri channel you muslim faggot, we wont convert
Alright then. What about jews? How do you feel about them?
and this jew right here
Same for white nationalists rednecks, christcucks or anything that worships the state, economy and society as it is. Any attempt to decentralized, (re)distribute, audit or attenuate their power is simply ignored.
No you just have two enemies.
How so please explain? i know what the Esoteric meaning is as well as the Moon and Star
Inanna / Sin two false Gods lol and were not monotheistic
They’ve been talking about it forever but never will, the biggest problem with ragheads is you can’t believe anything they say, it’s a Semitic trait that the Ashkenazi Jews learned and honed over centuries but they were born into naturally.
Double enemy, faggot.