Why do people join the Military when there is a high chance they will come back from deployment with PTSD?
Why do people join the Military when there is a high chance they will come back from deployment with PTSD?
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A paycheck
pretty sure it's mostly 17-23 year-olds. They're not really known for thinking ahead. Just be glad someone's doing it so you don't have to.
Only poorfags join
Welfare 2.0
they get a dopamine rush from joining the military and fighting.
but that dopamine rush also imprints memories and behaviors into their brain which, when they return to civilian life, torment them incessantly.
So it's like a drug addict suffering from withdrawal.
I was broke, misguided and needed a way out. The Marines helped me attain a college education and a job.
Because the kike indoctrination runs deep.
None of them even question why they go to war. They just obey like the good goyim they are.
this, amerigoyim deserve to die for the jews, all of them.
Love for the jew is to strong.
> Just be glad someone's doing it so you don't have to.
Yes, dying for Israel because Shlomo wants to print money and supressed nuclear power in the 50's is something YOU HAVE TO DO!!!!
My guess is mostly because they think they're Never! going to die.
Get permanent damage and you get a nice check every month. I've known people who get 6k a month.
Aren't most positions in the military noncombat roles?
You don't get PTSD that quickly. Only when you are forced to go outside your comfortzone and see yourself do something you didn't expect you see yourself doing. I absolutely comfortable with shooting or blowing up some dirtmonkeys.
Paid to be in top physical condition, interesting job where I get to be outdoors alot, lots of course get ran every month, some that translate well in civie street, others just good to knows and good for possible shtf prep. Also get to shoot guns and do stuff you'd pay top dollar for outside.
It's probably guys who can't handle seeing their friends get hurt or killed. I don't think a loner like me would have that problem if I joined. Then again I bet their training is meant to weed out guys like me who just want to shoot at people. They probably want normies with a strong social focus on bonding and brotherhood and all that stupid shit.
LOL. Military pay is garbage
To serve their master
i just wanted to kill, didnt matter if it was a sandnigger or a kike or a liberal american or a fucking chink canadian, i joined to stack bodies, dont care about the politics of the game, i have a little PTSD, its no big deal...im ok as long as i can see the entrance to the restaurant when i sit.
Not to mentions seeing your buddies get shot in the face and washing parts of their brains from your uniform at the compound. That's what really gives you ptsd.
PTSD usually comes from watching a comrade get blown up, not from decking sandniggers
It's more than zero or prison
Cause you can get a job outside a combat role if your not a complete retard.
Kike brainwashing aside?
You see all people are born into a caste system biologically, this is demoralizing which is why Christianity over took Paganism. People want to pretend they are better then they are for social-sexual hierarchy implicit in our biology
As a result there now exists no priest caste people can turn to for moral guidance, Instead only finding mindless trained conformist indoctrinated into moralization and not possessing wisdom only a small percentage innately posses from birth.
This is compound as the now morally vulnerable societies are easily exploited (back to the Kikes mentioned at the beginning whom finance still existing rulers and oligarchs) and you get societies easily manipulated by outside forces
I was similar. In middle/high school I did a bunch of stupid stuff. No discipline, didn't really care about anything.
While you're in you have a sense of belonging, which turned out to be what I and many of the guys in my units needed.
Everyone has their reasons
Bullshit. PTSD is far more often a result of the sufferer's anxiety with something they have done, not something that has been done to them / someone close to them
Im a massive introvert, army done wonders getting me out of my autistic ways, I'm actually able to hold a conversation and have interesting shit to talk about now. As for the bonding thing, yeah I guess, it's less of a social thing more of a function thing, they teach us that if you let your buddy's down you die too. Also making great friends comes natural in training, 6 months with the same guys and your bound to get along, atleast with a few of them.
>Military service is a risk factor for developing PTSD.[55] Around 78% of people exposed to combat do not develop PTSD; in about 25% of military personnel who develop PTSD, its appearance is delayed.[55]
>It’s official: the Harry’s Masculinity Report shows that being a member of the US’s armed forces – both past or present – is related to a higher Positive Mindset Index [PMI].
>Men currently on active duty have the highest PMI, and even those on active duty in past but not now have higher PMI than those with no service history.
>Our sample included men with various amounts of experience of military service. Some 22% of our respondents had previously served active duty (1,045 men); 2% (94 men) were currently on duty and 3.6% had undergone basictraining. Some 3,863 had never served in the US or other Armed Forces.
>Overall, military service was the seventh highest predictor of PMI, proving military service is a significant determinant of positivity. It’s especially valued in the Midwest, where it ranks sixth as a predictor of PMI.
>Civilians don't miss war. But soldiers often do. Journalist Sebastian Junger shares his experience embedded with American soldiers at Restrepo, an outpost in Afghanistan's Korengal Valley that saw heavy combat. Giving a look at the "altered state of mind" that comes with war, he shows how combat gives soldiers an intense experience of connection. In the end, could it actually be "the opposite of war" that soldiers miss?
Anxiety suffering pussies have no business being in the army. PTSD is got from seeing your friends get KIA. By and large.
Also, I might add that in the US, joining the military seems to be a good way either to acquire a college education without accruing debt or to learn skills that can be carried over into subsequent civilian life.
Talk to some jarheads about it sometime.
Many will tell you the usual "it was either them or me". Sure you might be a little messed up knowing you killed. This isn't as bad as watching a dude you trained and grew with get shredded, or being caught in a hmmwv after an ied lifts it with you inside 6 feet off the ground
A private currently makes $19,000 and change per year. In 2005 when I joined it was $15,000 and change. Plus they chisel it down with weird shit they forgot to mention at the recruiting office. The so-called benefits are a flop and exaggerated. I thought it sounded like a living wage at the time but now I want to get in a DeLorean, put it in 14th gear, go 88 mph back in time to 2005 and beat the shit out of my worthless ass.
Me to the interviewer: well I can probe for land mines really good.
Interviewer: that does not help us.
I've worked with guys my age for the past 13 years and I still don't have conversational skills. Unless the topic turns to politics or video games, I have absolutely nothing to say. And when we do finally talk about those things I usually scare people off by being too opinionated/openly judgemental.
The Jewish propaganda machine incited hatred into a generation of Americans through a series of false flag attacks. This in turn caused an explosive rise in young men wanting to join the military to “fight for muh freedoms” when in reality it’s just a means of destabilizing the Middle East in order for israel to grow its influence and land mass. Meanwhile anyone with a shred of critical thinking can see right through this facade for what it really is and that is serving our societies elites interests.
I think I have PTSD from working a sales job as an introvert
Why would anyone join a western military nowadays? If you're a foreigner you're indifferent to the fate of your host country. If you are a native, your leaders demonize you to win the vote of foreigners. I cant see it being an attractive thing for anyone to want to do. You dont even need a military background to stepstone into a political career anymore.
It's really not that high chance.
It’s due to low economic opportunities at home, teenage mind being influenced by recruiter bullshit artistry, CoD making them think war is sweet, or because they’re in a multi-generational military family that knows nothing else.
Last and first reasons are most common. Enlistment rates have plummeted now that the economy has improved, and two decades of perpetual war for Israel and oil has dashed all but the the stiffest of corporate Jew propaganda. All that is left are the truly destitute, those being offered military service for citizenship or in lieu of a jail sentence, or those who have been subjected to a lifetime of military programming.
They want to feel like a real man and believe in recruitment propaganda that suggests the idea that military life will make up for having a weak or absent father during childhood.
Lmao this. My stepdad could be making almost $40,000 a year from """hearing loss""" and other """disabilities""" if he decided not to work any more. Military benefits outweigh the disadvantages
These threads are always people who pretend that they have been redepilled on the ZOG since they were 13, or that any of the Kike stuff is common knowledge. You didn't join because you're a pussy and now you have an excellent alibi. You will always be mediocre.
the vast majority of people in the military are non-combat and have incredibly small chances of ever seeing combat, even in a major conflict. An army generally needs at least two non-combat personnel for each infantryman. Somebody has to run logistics
Define ptsd, because I'm pretty sure it more often than not means someone lived through something that showed them most of what society is is 99% bullshit and they just don't give a fuck about it anymore.
Shit got shifted into another gear, another perspective, those that come back more often than not would like nothing more than to go back, simply because society outside of a warzone doesnt make sense.
If you mean learning to live with the shit you've seen you don't need to go to war to have that.
you don't think schlomo could invoke a draft and drag your ass onto the battlefield? keep dreaming.
PTSD is shell shock. Battle fatique.
Bullshit, literally no one comes back with PTSD, soldiers however do kill themselves for several other reasons. Toxic leadership, stressful lifestyle, insane amount of training. PTSD is not killing soldiers. Basically this is what leads the average soldier to suicide
>Be young soldier in early 20s
>Always in the field, non stop stop training. Go to the field for a month in horrible weather conditions, come back for a week, go back out there
>Never see your wife and kids, wife starts fucking your neighbor when you are in training (which is always)
>wife kicks you out of your house, you are now living in your car
>Show up to work, your leadership only cares about one thing, and that is the advancement if their careers, and they do anything to get to the next rank and please their superiors, even if that means stepping all over you
>So now you are going to the field twice as much, just so your leadership can look good
>you are depressed and beat down, but your leadership sees it as you just being a bad soldier so they punish you for it
>Now you are living in a car, your wife getting fucked by your neighbor, and your leadership at work hates your guts and are making your life even more miserable
>No where to run, you feel like you are drowning in problems
>Show up to work one day, forgot to get a haircut and some NCO or officer yells at you and you finally break down and go to your car, get your fun and just blast him and yourself
PTSD is largely a larp user, it's the only easy VA retirement. Big tears equals big dollars.
Get out of your basement user. You clearly are out of touch with reality.
>Battle fatique
Other than the mental trauma that just makes some people snap I'd argue battle fatique is just someone that has seen enough shit to last a lifetime.
Now the spasms and shit they had back in the day (WW1) don't really happen anymore, as far as I know.
This is true though.
They realize they are killing for profit and only the jock assholes don’t care.
To have their wives fuck other men while they are deployed
I fight because I'm a patriot and I love my country. Fuck the haters!
I can only go by what my dad went though during the riots in Ireland. Battle fatique is just an old term for Shell Shock which in turn is an old term for PTSD.
Euphemistic language.
There wouldn't be as much ptsd if:
a) the rules of engagement allowed shooting back/first in every situation
b) we (USA) were fighting for something other than jews and traitors in our government and to subsidize european socialism
c) the troops didn't know their spouses were getting side dick
You get to kill Muslims with no jail, win!
Because they paradoxically think that being a soldier is easier than 9-5 or getting education.
Some of them just join to avoid jail time. I'm giving away too much info. Who gives a fuck anyway.
How do you get ptsd from doing nothing? Is it guilt?
Nobody gets PTSD from meme war except liberals who can’t meme and don’t join the military. Military is fucking awesome. 1. Shoot guns. 2. Blow shit up. 3. Paycheck. 4. Food. 5. War mother fucker!!!
6. GI Bill pays for college.
Why do retards on Jow Forums still reply to 1postbythisID copypasta?
That's the thing, I was mostly silent for about 4 or 5 weeks of training, but the training will give you something to talk about, laugh about or discuss. Eventually it just starts to come out effortlessly and shit. The military life just forces it out of you.
Pro Tip: 1. Join at 18. 2. Do 4 years. 3. Turn 22 and go to college. 4. Get laid in college because, you’re the coolest kid is school; Has car + can buy alcohol + Not living off of parents.
Not everyone gets PTSD. Some people thrive in war and it’s fun to shoot shit up while getting paid to do so.
To remind 17 year old newfags that they can take their shitposting to a pro level and blow up nuclear facilities.
Women have a lower chance of contracting PTSD than men.
Read about war brides.
7. Graduate from college with 4 years work experience.
Because it's human nature to like and enjoy war, not necessarily killing, but overcoming death threats against you and your tribe.
they push the PTSD narrative so that they can take their guns under these stupid red flag type laws.
even if you went through some shit NEVER claim PTSD for anything.
That 30 year old boomer who joined the military after 9/11 didn’t commit suicide. 99% of the population will go to jail/FEMA camps and probably die before 35 years old.
You don't have to join the infantry dumbfuck, there are plenty of non-ptsd jobs
Low income kids have always become a nations cannon fodder
Start as combat engineer so that you have the best chance to make as EOD. EOD is Secret Service and gets nuclear secrets (the real red pills)
It's the biggest scam the VA ever created to make vets look unhinged, Make it easy for all vets to collect big dollars and every vet will suddenly "have" symptoms. Cut off the money and the symptoms vanish.
I joined at 18 because I was bored as fuck and I thought it would make me look cool (it didn't). The first 2 years were actually fun as fuck but the last 2 years fuckin' sucked. The worst thing that happened to me was almost shitting my pants on a few occasions.
For infantry marine here, very few actually have ptsd, majority that claim it do it for the attention so people feel bad for them, I actually despise most veterans and disassociate myself with a majority. Most of the people that claim it rant of Facebook about welfare and food stamps ect while they faked injuries and ptsd so they can claim a disability check every month, bunch of hypocritical cry babies, and the vets that end up as fuck ups have no one to blame but themselves
PTSD is a relatively recent phenomenon. It can be mitigated if the society back at home isn't full of hippy retards. Prussians and Native American tribes likely had low cases of PTSD, for example.
PTSD is what was called Shell Shock in WWI. It's not a "new" phenomenon at all, anonski-kun.
>hippy retards
How old are you?
Modern warfare you dolt. Fuck you're dense.
What unit?
I was a super pog in 1/6. Fuckin 1/6: "harder than it has to be"
>mitigated if
That's all you do. Is mitigate everything. Suck the life and meaning out of every thing until there's nothing left to humanly relate to.
1/6 A co. 08-12
PTSD is the realization what you felt and saw were horrendous. Your mind couldn't handle it back then but now it can.
The only cure for PTSD is to man up and face the demons.
1/6 A Co 08-12
A cowardly man thinks he will ever live, if warfare he avoids; but old age will give him no peace, but spears may spare him.
Or drink until you are in a care home pissing your diapers with kidney disease and type 2 diabetes.
He'll yeah man, I was h&s but I was a comm guy. Funniest times were hanging with STA platoon. Dudes are all fuckin nuts lol
Not for wounded discharged vets.
Things tend to be simpler in the field and on deployment. Either you’re always getting ready for the next mission or you’re working out (or doing whatever you want). If you’re not married it’s great, you don’t have to deal with the bullshit of the world
welfare my ass you work 12 hours a fucking day retard you earn everything you work for
And this
they don't choose where/when they go to war idiot or where they get sent to
oh bullshit
What a weak willed man.
Because 99% of people in the military don’t see combat or any risk of ptsd