Not for Raul

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We can't see each other

Reposting bc missed the new thread

You ARE nasty ass twat and I bet you know why

Let’s break up, I do not want to be a home wrecker, I’m sick of that

Let’s break up

Raul, let’s break up


Tell them, not us, home wrecker




It's all so tiresome.

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Leave an initial if it’s really what you want.

I have no words.


I’m not hurt by things you say but by the fact that you want to say them.

Why can't we see eachother?

Be in contempt. I don't care.

We have our walls, neither of us are ready to see what over them. And we never will be. I will see you around, I'm sure, but I will never try to get close to you again.


I’m sorry that you don’t feel hurt, that means you see no bad about your actions

I’m sorry if I hurt you by telling you of my disappointment in you. You needed to know.

how exactly am I supposed to not be jealous and ruminate about how incredibly good and easy life is for some people, especially attractive women with hyperactive social lives who make everyone else alive look like human garbage in comparison

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You are mistaking many things.
I refuse to "see you around", there's no benefit I take in this.
The fact that you don't have the courage to even discuss this with me...
Your walls are spreading higher, you have a biased conception about me.
Making me lose my time in this manner...
It's not worth it.
I feel like a cast away alien sentenced to silence.
I wouldn't do that to anybody, not to a stranger, not to a friend, not to a family member.
Putting the "sexual terrorist" label on me when I repeatedly said I want a simple explanation directly from you...

>Putting the "sexual terrorist" label on me when I repeatedly said I want a simple explanation directly from you...
Hmm yes I see. Wait no I don't. Nani the fuck are you talking about here? That better not be you raul its too early for your shit damn you

>who make everyone else alive look like human garbage in comparison
That's like your opinion dude not everyone is a vapid attention seeking soulless gangbang having insta thot

I understand and don't want to give up like this. But out of respect for you, I will. If you change your mind let me know and we can pick this up a different way. I won't be back for now and honestly my work schedule will be changing.

It's okay. We both know we need this for right now. I don't know if it's you either. So this can't work on Jow Forums. I won't post for a week.

I said I was sorry about those things. And I will try to make this up to you if I can. If you have something you want to say to me. Let's wait a week. Don't say anything for now.

I never said that. I only ever wanted for this to work out.

I understand. Already mentioned my wall has a door if you're serious.

This won't work on here. If you change your mind. Find me and we'll exchange contact information.

I want to die. Why do you always have to hurt me? I think you are going through something and I can’t do anything for you. I care so much but you shut me out. I’m sorry that wanted you to love me. I still do. I’m so stupid... I’m nothing.

You have an actual girlfriend, man

I want a woman I can torture and abuse

What would you do to them?

Let it all out brotha

Please don’t...

I miss you C

I hope our paths cross again.

Over the past week a couple of ducks have walked over to my front yard, right over to me so I've been throwing them some food. I came to really like these ducks and they showed up like clockwork. Anyways I came to like these ducks, then yesterday some Mexican fuck carelessly ran one over right in front of me. It made me sadder than I expected, and seeing the other duck look around in confusion and quack was heartbreaking.

RIP duckbro you'll always have a place in my yard

There is nothing to wreck

It's been fucking hard getting over you, but I think I'm almost there. Hope you're having a good one in Japan. Wishing you the best for your future. I still think we could've been awesome. Maybe in another timeline.

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Got a lot of lies from you.
Have fun with your new toy but
Can you please grow up someday?

Tell me. Did you come back and leave a sign or is that someone else?

>Can you please grow up someday?
How about you suck on this

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I won’t recover from this. I can’t do it anymore. Taking all my pills today.

Raul, a little help?

What I wasn't talking to you

Thank you. I really needed your slaps.

I still think you're full of shite. I dont know if I can continue this friendship, it's only working out in your favor.

It seems we've got nothing
The water is gushing
Filling up our lungs and
Destroying what we had

It seems we've got something
This abysmal drowning...
Filling up our hearts and
Forgetting what we had
Oh, how embarrassing!
I thought this was loving
So why are you
Stuck feeling's driving
Me mad

You know I hate the way you think
You know I hate the way you sink
You know, you know
Nothing at all
You know I love the way you plead
You know I love the way you bleed
You know, you know
It's a bit painful

You know I hate the way you are
You know I hate the way we spar
You know, you know
I still don't know
You know I love the way you frown
You know I love the way we drown
You know, you know
I hope it's painful
To hate you

Show me hate
Amuse me
Show me pain
Abuse me
You give me one
I give two
After all I love you

Deeper now
Engulf me
Wet with love
Repulse me
This is what
You want, yes?
Us submerged and loveless

You give me one
I give two
After all I love you
After all without you
I wouldn't be drowning too

Shed tears, Bravo user!

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Srsly, what is up with you Raul?

Just a bored larper
Me on the right

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My father is a good man like nobody else, he would never do such a thing such as "beating me up".

to anyone wondering.

No one is wondering because we don’t fucking even know who you are.

I don't think I can do this anymore.

>I don't think I can do this anymore.

Do you suffer from obsessive compulsive disorder, or something? You keep saying that you are leaving, but you stay.

>We can't see each other

I only want to see you leave.

You and I can't break up, because you and I were never in a relationship in the first place.

I'm not trying to hurt you by telling you that I want you to leave. I genuinely want you to leave.

You don't need to write anything. You only need to leave.

I don't see anything bad about my actions. It is only you who needs to see the bad in their actions. To make up for it, you must leave.

>I’m sorry if I hurt you by telling you of my disappointment in you.

You didn't hurt me by telling me of your disappointment in me. You are hurting me by not leaving, however.

>I want to die. Why do you always have to hurt me? I think you are going through something and I can’t do anything for you. I care so much but you shut me out. I’m sorry that wanted you to love me. I still do. I’m so stupid... I’m nothing.

Yeah? Leave.

>Have fun with your new toy but

My new toy is an M4 carbine. It's a present for you.

I'm busy right now. Like I said
One week. No contact. If there is no trip code
It is not me.

If you want to stop completely than that's up to you. One week.

>Tell me. Did you come back and leave a sign or is that someone else?

I think that that was someone else.

Trip code is me.

I really have to finish what I'm doing right now. I can't talk this week.

You shouldn't have answered.
You wanted this.
You're sick.

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At work, I saw this massive spider in the break room, it looked at me and I let it get away, I think a coworker saw but at the same time I’m not paid enough to deal with the stupidity here so i don’t give a shit, I was just too lazy to kill it.

Stop responding. I'm going to use this trip only.

What are the initials of the person you are doing this for?

Not you. That's for sure.

YOU. Who are you? Who are you working for? Jow Forums staff? Gangstalkers? LAPD? FBI? NSA? CIA?

Then get the fuck out of the thread

>You have an actual girlfriend, man

Shit. I do? Well this fucking blows. I thought that having a girlfriend meant being able to have sexual intercourse with her.

I was here first, and you followed! You leave!

That may be true. But I'm not leaving and stop responding to these larpers

They're not me. I'm not leaving.
If you continue to respond to these larpers than that's on you.

I'm only posting with a tripcode.

But who the hell are you!?

If there is no trip that it is not me. Do not respond to larpers. One week

I don't know anyone who has the initials JX, and so I'm just going to keep on responding to LARPers assuming that they're really RF.

Cable television on Wednesday mornings really blows.

I'm stuck watching CNN.

Aw, fuck it. I guess I'll just watch Friends even though I've already seen each and every episode at least a dozen times.

What about The Office or Parks and Rec?

animating is boring someone please tell me a joke or something interesting you learned today

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No. Your game sucks.

I don't have Netflix anymore, and I don't see those on cable television right now.

I can't believe I've broken like 4 bones in the course of my life. My hand hurts where I broke it right now.

Games could take year/s to finish. Never rush it unless you want it suck.
Im still looking forward for that day.

I wish he loved you like I do. He must love you as a friend, though. As prickly as you are, I can’t stop loving you. I’m no longer weak where you’re concerned.

I'll be only using this tripcode from now on aswell since some people are larping as me.

I must behead those who insult Islam! Allah ackbar! Jihad jihad!

Not yet.

>you and I were never in a relationship in the first place.

Who be you?

Fuck this. I'm free from work right now and im not about to fucking sit at home with nothing to do but Jow Forums or read a book.

I'm going on a hike. I need the fresh air.

Some neckbeard thinking Rachel is still here

Don't get me wrong people.
I never wanted to be in this situation in the first place.
A little catfish talked me into this and justice has to work it's way out somehow.

Think of me as a black mirror.

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Walking with crutches is such a pain. I don't know how people do it. I actually found it easier to endure the pain of walking without crutches than I did with them.